Teenagers dont deserve mothers...just a thought...if I keep up the guilt trip they might make dessert as well as a lamb roast. Scored a HUGE cup - more like a soup bowl, if I drink coffee out of it, I will be in HUGE trouble...also Nigella Kitchen in book form. I love cookbooks. Went to Woolies and met some friends and we all whinged about how teenagers dont care. So now I feel better.
Up and down chookie day...one minute all good next in state of collapse. Vegie patch extended, now need some more soil and many more plants.
Bridget, I have missed you. That is all.
The boy keeps telling me 'he forgot to pick up my Mother's Day present from school'....it's like saying 'I temporarily forgot that you are my mother'.....
Well I might 'temporarily' forget that I am a mother one day and bugger off on the back of somebody's motor bike.
THAT is all.....