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Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

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    Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

    Actually if she goes to sleep tonight it will be ok. We've kind of made a pact on the chookies along the lines of what we talked about in Undies the other week re the good end of life thing and not being a chicken nugget. So he's ok with it. And wont eat nuggets anymore. Not even the breast meat tempura ones...


      Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

      myhappyplace;1320865 wrote: Put herself to bed between the feeder and the bed. Little locust placed her gently inside the right spot. Looks like another lesson in life to be held soon....
      Gee the cycle of life just keeps relentlessly turning... for all creatures


        Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

        myhappyplace;1320869 wrote: Actually if she goes to sleep tonight it will be ok. We've kind of made a pact on the chookies along the lines of what we talked about in Undies the other week re the good end of life thing and not being a chicken nugget. So he's ok with it. And wont eat nuggets anymore. Not even the breast meat tempura ones...


          Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

          just came back from Mr B's birthday dinner - my gosh it was yummy!! We had Bluff oysters to start and creme caramel to finish. And I am very happy to say, a very extensive list of cocktails on the menu And Mr B's boy rang for a long chat with him, so all is very calm on this farm at the mo, for which I am very grateful

          Raggsy - thinking of you and your friend. That's a very difficult situation to be in, but one of the things that I did find when my brother was dying that he was very grateful to have people be brave enough to talk to him about stuff that needed to be sorted. My heart goes out to her kids - they totally need to keep their connections to their family active. We all need to belong somewhere. Why can't they remain with their dad??

          Sunny - hope you, Mr Sunny and Bump had a lovely first day together at home :l

          and now to bed! Wookie and Betty seem to have an informal roster system and it is Wookie's week ...... he takes up much more room than Betty, but is much happier to stay put when I move around. Betty keeps to a small space but if I move we need a major re-organisation of whether she faces north or south, whether she sleeps on my right foot or my left, and even sometimes whether we have to share a pillow :H:H
          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

          Harriet Beecher Stowe


            Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

            S'ok Raggsey. Also just heard from some of our mates and his dad just died today. Far out...peacefully though and just went to sleep....just sad for them at the moment...


              Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

              So am I still in the running even though I jumped the gun with my chooky pics?

              OK off to bed. I am so very tired.
              Am taking easy way out with the littlies tomorrow and will give them little Buddhisty questionaires to fill in, plus if it's fine, outside nature meditation.

              See you all tomorrow evening.


                Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                Missy, isnt that funny about your cats. Ours are doing EXACTLY the same thing. Glad you had a lovely dinner, you both deserve a nice relaxing night.


                  Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                  not good with your computer problems, Bridge, dont't you just hate when they go on the blink

                  Aww HP poor Ginger,

                  sad news about your friend Rags

                  Tawn , weve eating our chicken, and all the trimmings, got plenty left overs for tomorrow too

                  and Hi to Reggie, Mr G, Nicey, Corrie, Missy, Sunny,and anyone else I may have missed, and hope you have all had a good day.


                    Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                    Were your scones ok Lilly? I just made another batch for lunches tomorrow.


                      Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                      myhappyplace;1320879 wrote: Were your scones ok Lilly? I just made another batch for lunches tomorrow.
                      Scones were lovely, a big hit with hubbie too, thanks for the recipe HP


                        Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                        Miss Behaving;1320873 wrote: just came back from Mr B's birthday dinner - my gosh it was yummy!! We had Bluff oysters to start and creme caramel to finish. And I am very happy to say, a very extensive list of cocktails on the menu And Mr B's boy rang for a long chat with him, so all is very calm on this farm at the mo, for which I am very grateful

                        Raggsy - thinking of you and your friend. That's a very difficult situation to be in, but one of the things that I did find when my brother was dying that he was very grateful to have people be brave enough to talk to him about stuff that needed to be sorted. My heart goes out to her kids - they totally need to keep their connections to their family active. We all need to belong somewhere. Why can't they remain with their dad??

                        Sunny - hope you, Mr Sunny and Bump had a lovely first day together at home :l

                        and now to bed! Wookie and Betty seem to have an informal roster system and it is Wookie's week ...... he takes up much more room than Betty, but is much happier to stay put when I move around. Betty keeps to a small space but if I move we need a major re-organisation of whether she faces north or south, whether she sleeps on my right foot or my left, and even sometimes whether we have to share a pillow :H:H
                        Hi Missy,
                        Dad really is a "ne'er do well, and truly, not very bright. He is in a poorly paid job, and never had much to do with raising the kids. He physically and mentally abused my friend when she told him she had terminal cancer (as she was the major breadwinner). It became so bad she had to move out, hence she is now with her dad.
                        It's a long story but originally she was his meal ticket out of the Pacific Island where he was born because she was born in Australia, and though everyone else could see it, she couldn't.

                        Wonderful that you both had a beaut time and a great dinner.... we enjoyed going over the menu with you.

                        It was bliss when I moved from a double bed to a queen bed... the cats had so much more room, whilst my sleeping space seemed to remain the same.


                          Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                          Lillypond059;1320882 wrote: Scones were lovely, a big hit with hubbie too, thanks for the recipe HP
                          No worries. And roll on the chookie pictures...


                            Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                            Lillypond059;1320882 wrote: Scones were lovely, a big hit with hubbie too, thanks for the recipe HP
                            I'm dreadful with scones. But I compare myself to my mothers scones which she could whip out in minutes if someone came to visit. They were light and fluffy, not stodgy and leadlike as mine are. She even had them in the Royal Easter Show. Along with Christmas cake and decorated sponge cake. About 1958 as I recall.
                            I have very warm hands... not good for mixing dough. And mum had a marble slab that completely covered the kitchen table, which would have helped keep the dough cool. I think I've only ever made them about 4-5 times.

                            Happy, would you send the scone recipe for the next Undies cookbook ? Thanks.
                            I'll have to get working on it soon.

                            Which reminds me... KTAB hasn't been in here for a while.


                              Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                              Will do Rags, but the link is a page or so ago if you want it before, you know how long it took me to get you the last lot! Froglette will know, but I dont think KTAB has been at MWO for a while now. Not sure why.

                              Reminds me I am going to see Sunny on Thursday, so must buy walnuts, going to make her a coffee cake....make Bump jump...


                                Underoos, friends in the cheap seats, and special guests. May 2012.

                                Miss Behaving;1320873 wrote: And I am very happy to say, a very extensive list of cocktails on the menu

                                Oh dear ..... in case anyone was wondering, that was supposed to be m
                                ocktails!! Sometimes I really hate auto-correct

                                thinking of all people with sad things that they are dealing with .......
                                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                                Harriet Beecher Stowe

