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Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

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    Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

    anon;1308407 wrote: So have I it is hilarious.

    Got a phone call from GP surgery. They want to see me 9.40 am with another specimen DEEP JOY:upset:
    They are worried because the symptoms are so intermittent and when I got weighed at the surgery yesterday I only weighed 7 stone 12 1bs and by blood pressure was sky high.
    Feel like I have the hangover from hell without the benefit of a drink
    Flipping eck Mrs A don't think I weighed that much when I was 12!! hope all goes well tomorrow, will be keeping all digits crossed :l:l was going to say pray but after all the 'nun' posts maybe I'll give that a miss :H
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


      Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

      JackieClaire;1308383 wrote: You called and I appeared.

      :H:HSo you did!!
      pingu1997;1308389 wrote: apparently Tigger needs to be allowed to move around not shouted at for doing so

      Now the school have it in writing they might just work with instead of against, and hence she might come home not quite so mental?!?

      I live in hope after today!!!

      And the "go away I'm not a magic fairy" approach to helping her with her pencil grip can go to h?ll, they have to help her now, the report will say so..... gotcha!
      Pingu, you will need to keep close tabs on them and make sure that they are doing what they need to do to help her. I'm not sure how you deal with people - teachers and such who might be a bit defensive when told how to treat a student. So, just a bit of advice from someone who is not the slightest bit diplomatic when it comes to things like that. I would be furious if teachers didn't follow the guidelines set up to help my child but if you see that they are not doing what they have been asked/instructed to do, I would find away to approach them with a "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" kind of attitude. You know, something like, "I can only imagine how difficult it is for you to deal with so many kids, each with their own personality and "quirks" but Tigger really needs you to help her so she can be less stressed in class due to her problems and she will be more relaxed and therefore easier for you to deal with." I don't know that I have worded that as well as I could have, but I'm sure you understand what I mean. I don't know what teachers are like in the UK. Here they are next to preachers - can do no wrong and are treated with the most sucky-up-to attitudes. Like they can do no wrong. Anyway, best of luck with it all. Hopefully they will go along with what they are being asked to and Tigger will find school easier to cope with and not come home like a Tasmanian Divil every day.
      JackieClaire;1308391 wrote:
      Naw this will be me a week on Friday.

      :H Please get someone to take piccies. And I'm not kidding. I would love to see you riding a horse. Just one more example of how far you've come since you got sober and especially over the last year and a bit.:l
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

        Zenstyle;1308406 wrote: Day Three here... and it appears all my body wants to do is eat and sleep. I have done nothing but eat for two days now... enough for three people and I am not kidding with that statement... and I slept for 12 hours straight last night.

        I'm feeling all spacey and dozy today and can't get my act together to do much of anything. I think I'm just gonna write the feckin day off. I need to perm Cheryl's hair tonight and I'll do some housework and call it quits at that...
        New born babies make you feel like too...just saying in case your not telling us something
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

          Zenstyle;1308414 wrote: What are they taking the specimen FOR? I thought they said that you had food poisoning? Are they not sure now if that's what it is?

          (OMG... just re-read my last sentence... Scottish or whaa? lol)
          They think I should be getting better by now. It is 11 days since the onset of symptoms. I am still vomiting and feeling nauseous


            Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

            Evening all what a dreadful of rain it has been here and still lashing. The acunpnture went very well i just had 15 mins as it was my first time it is very relaxing just takes a few mins to work so next gtime i will go for longer. They wipe your ears with an alcohl based wipe before they put the needles in and a slight sting when it first goes in. I got 3 in right ear 2 in left then relax in the chair till John the guy i saw came back. I had a nice chat with him. I'm no 7 on the list to get a key worker and in to group therapy but i have an appointment for another acunpunture session on may 15th. The only bad thing was the travel by bus and the walk in the rain but i fel relaxed and hopefully sleep well tonight. I treated myself to an Isadora mascara on special offer in the chemist nearby as i needed one big treat lol but i'm broke. Pingu hope all goes well on getting the right help at school for tigger.

            Don't get me started on nuns and the may procession the priests with the big houses. Yep same in my day. We had to wear white and someone got chosen to carry the statue tru the school and on to the church singing may is the month of mary and hail holy queen. We told to have a may alter at home but i never did lol tho we had a statue and holy water in the house. I'm no longer a practising catholic but i am christen but i won't go in to that now. Have to say the nuns today seem much more relaxed and nicer at least the few i have met have been and they don't wear full habit now. Anyway enough of that lol. Hello to everyone else and have a good evening. Sorry i can't comment on everyone i just read back quickly. Oh jc i sent you a txt the cd arrived i loved it thank you so much:l


              Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

              Why are you feeling sick and spacey Zen is it because of day 3?


                Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                Panno;1308397 wrote: If you've not taken a peek yet go and have a look at the video I posted on the @%$..can't remember the symbols :H anyway its hilarious, would you believe my boss at sent me that!!Loved it Panno!! I showed it to Mr. Stirly and he got a good laugh out of it as well. Thanks for posting it.
                Zenstyle;1308404 wrote: I'm here, I'm here! Sorry to worry yiz... I've slapped me own wrists...Bout time you showed up.
                Zenstyle;1308406 wrote:
                Day Three here... and it appears all my body wants to do is eat and sleep. I have done nothing but eat for two days now... enough for three people and I am not kidding with that statement... and I slept for 12 hours straight last night.

                I'm feeling all spacey and dozy today and can't get my act together to do much of anything. I think I'm just gonna write the feckin day off. I need to perm Cheryl's hair tonight and I'll do some housework and call it quits at that...
                Eating and sleeping is good. Your body needs rest and nourishment. Good for you on sleeping for 12 hours straight. For an insomniac, that is really something.
                anon;1308407 wrote:
                So have I it is hilarious.

                Got a phone call from GP surgery. They want to see me 9.40 am with another specimen DEEP JOY:upset:
                They are worried because the symptoms are so intermittent and when I got weighed at the surgery yesterday I only weighed 7 stone 12 1bs and by blood pressure was sky high.
                Feel like I have the hangover from hell without the benefit of a drink
                Oh dear, Mrs. A. I sure hope they can find out what you've got. Obviously it wasn't either the bad Brazilian food or that you ran the race so soon after. It sounds like you've picked up some strange bug. Hopefully the specimen tests will give them some clues as to what you've got.
                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                  Aww Mrs A. :l Hope they can get this fecking sorted toot sweet.

                  Yo Zenners,

                  Sorry being short and sweet as I'm off to SW in a minute and trying to loose another 2llbs in 5 minutes.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                    Xpost foxy and Molly
                    Sounds great foxy accupuncture and group therapy in the future:goodjob:

                    Molly maybe I did not get better because of the drink the other evening?

                    Like to see you on a horse JC sounds fab

                    Panno when does the Antabuse come??

                    Hi Stirly Pingu expat et al


                      Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                      Hi guys.

                      Wow, such a lot going on today.

                      Mrs A, hope you get some answers soon.

                      Foxy so glad you liked the acupuncture and I hope it helps. We used to offer it at the addiction centre.

                      Zenners, I think I slept for the first 6 months I was sober, its very tough

                      Well today I have had some very good news. My hard work has paid off and I have been offered a permanent job where I am. I was on 6 months probation and its a huge relief to have that out the way.
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                        anon;1308431 wrote:

                        Panno when does the Antabuse come??
                        I ordered it last Thursday (i think or it could have been Wednesday) so I'm hoping it will be here this week, I have checked on the website and it still stays its being processed, I was hoping for an email to say its been despatched but not received one todate. How long did yours take to be delivered?
                        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                          Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                          Thanks Mollymoo. Its a weight off my pin head
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                            Awwhhh Anon, you weigh about the same as me and you are a lot taller than moi.

                            I am glad they are doing tests on ya hon, at least you are getting checked, it is going on such a long while and you must feel horrific.

                            Zenny, i remember that feeling well...hopefully you will feel better 2moro.

                            Hi to everyone else.
                            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                            AF 10th May 2010
                            NF 12th May 2010


                              Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                              startingover;1308434 wrote: Hi guys.

                              Wow, such a lot going on today.

                              Mrs A, hope you get some answers soon.

                              Foxy so glad you liked the acupuncture and I hope it helps. We used to offer it at the addiction centre.

                              Zenners, I think I slept for the first 6 months I was sober, its very tough

                              Well today I have had some very good news. My hard work has paid off and I have been offered a permanent job where I am. I was on 6 months probation and its a huge relief to have that out the way.
                              Starty that is fantastic news :goodjob::goodjob:
                              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                                Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                                Ok gang. The game is up. Most of ye knew I was not tee total. It in control. Mr Satz found out about my G&Ts when I come home from work . True they are large ones. Saw the bottles. Apparently I need help. Ye know I knew it would happen sooner or later. Kinda glad in a warped way.

