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Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

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    Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

    Great news Starty I am off to bed now


      Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

      Zenstyle;1308474 wrote: It's in the boot! LOL Also... she just went to the store and all her food is in the boot, otherwise she could have a snack while she's waiting. :H

      Last report was "I am picking my nose to country music"... :H
      OMG that is just too funny :H:H:H
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

        satz123;1308444 wrote: Ok gang. The game is up. Most of ye knew I was not tee total. It in control. Mr Satz found out about my G&Ts when I come home from work . True they are large ones. Saw the bottles. Apparently I need help. Ye know I knew it would happen sooner or later. Kinda glad in a warped way.
        It must be a relief to you Satz and like everyones said now to work on a plan :l Mr P just accepts my bottles of wine, think hes so engrossed in staying sober himself he doesn't notice :upset:
        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


          Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

          Zenstyle;1308474 wrote: It's in the boot! LOL Also... she just went to the store and all her food is in the boot, otherwise she could have a snack while she's waiting. :H

          Last report was "I am picking my nose to country music"... :H

          OK lovelies

          I am off to the purple pit to read for a bit.
          Nights xxx
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

            Panno;1308479 wrote: It must be a relief to you Satz and like everyones said now to work on a plan :l Mr P just accepts my bottles of wine, think hes so engrossed in staying sober himself he doesn't notice :upset:
            I know how you feel Panno, I just got away with murder and I felt that he wasnt bothered :upset:
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

              Nite to Stirly, Mrs A and Starty, sweet dreams
              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                :hallo: Army. Have arrived home safely after long weekend. Back to real life with a bump.
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                  mollyka;1308484 wrote: Why oh why do I always have to have one more little look! Panno, does he still sort of battle with the booze thoughts etc. - he's off years isn't he? I've mixed feelings about what Joe's reaction would be if I drank - well frankly I think he'd just leave - but he always seemed to make it more about him than me - ah shit, too deep as I'm now runnin late ---- talk to any stragglers laters! Be brave Satz if things are shit:l
                  He's only just started to battle with it Molly, he's 3 years sober and for whatever reason he is really finding it hard at the moment, I have caught him out twice messing around with Diazapam (spelling) he took 10 last Thursday and he looked worsed than had he had his bottle of Vodka
                  Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                    Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                    Zenstyle;1308488 wrote: Me too.... I'm laughing even as I'm feeling like boiled shite!!!

                    She JUST got out!!! :H Just heard the car door slam... loudly!!! (I can't see her as my SUV is in the way but would love to have had a decko!) lol....
                    Could you not have taken a brolly to her :H
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                      Zenstyle;1308491 wrote: I'm on the bus behind here. Nighters Starty, Stirly and Whizzy and hiya and welcome home Tipps!!!

                      Panno... he took 10 in one day? That is a shit load of Diazepam. What strength are they?
                      I'm not sure what strength because I don't really do tablets have never given them any thought, all I can say it was worse than booze, after 5 days he still doesn't look right and his cheeks are red which to me seems like his blood pressure.
                      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                        Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                        Zenstyle;1308492 wrote: I thought about it but mine is in the back of my car and I'd have been soaked by the time I got to it. So... err... nope!!! I only have one hooded rainjacket so short on putting on a swimsuit and bringing her the rainjacket she was screwed!!!
                        poor Cheryl, hope you took a video :H
                        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                          Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                          Zenstyle;1308504 wrote: I guess he won't be doing that again then... huh?

                          It's a shame he's struggling just now. He's got 3 years, right? Does he still go to AA?
                          Yes he's very active in AA and he's just up'd his meetings, sometimes he's going twice a day at the moment. Kudos to him, he definately doesn't want to go back to drinking, he actually admitted he thinks taking the tablets was to stop him picking that first drink up and now he has to work out why
                          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                            Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                            Zenstyle;1308507 wrote: She got out in the nick of time... PISHING down again. Been like this for a feckin week.

                            I have to go over to hers for dinner and to do her perm... what's the bets I'll get soaked?! Karma'll bite me in the bum for laughing at her...
                            Karma is a bugger, watch it :H:H
                            Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                              Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                              Will say goodnight

                              Zen hope dinner and the perm goes well and Cheryl did not see you laughing :H

                              JC I'm wishing hard you have lost those 2 pounds

                              See you all tomorrow
                              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                                Army Thread Wednesday 1st May (May Day)

                                Yeah it was a nice afternoon apart from having to travel in the rain. I got soaked so the minute i got it was off with the wet clothes and in to me pjs plus coffee. Laughing at poor Cheryl stuck in her car lol. Horrible evening here still raining and damp. Watching supersize versus superskinny. I hope you feel better soon mrs A and all goes well with tests. Satz was hubby annoyed about the evening drinking? keep posting and take it one day at a time it can be tough but not impossible once you get in the right frame of mind. Maybe try an AA meeting.

