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MAYkin' It Sober

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    MAYkin' It Sober

    Doing fine. Woke up at 9:30 am myself and yeah its my relaxing do nothing day. I should be studying but not motivated enough to do it yet. I do think though that studying in bed is doable, harder to concentrate, but doable.
    I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

    Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

    Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


      MAYkin' It Sober

      Hello Maydens (and WW) :H

      Just a quick peek to say :hallo:.. still buried in work, in taxes, and starting to play in the dirt now as well Yay! Gardening season!

      Hope everyone has a fabulous evening!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        MAYkin' It Sober

        Howdy All!!!

        Happy Happy Friday.

        Have had a pretty stressy week this week and I'm a little fatigued today. Sorry K9, even if I wanted to SHRED I just couldn't manage it today. BUT tomorrow is another story.

        A common theme I see here today is that we are mostly very thankful that we don't have to try and manage all that life throws our way through a fog of alcoholic left overs. Life IS soooo much better without it!

        Anyway and anyhow, I spent yesterday afternoon with the 'tax man' who is actually a woman, trying to sort out who owes whom and how much!!! I ended up dropping a pretty awful swear word in the conversation and let me tell you that little emotive thingy that has the bulging eyes wasn't even close to the reaction. Suffice to say I'll probably end up owing way more than ever was intended and they'll win the game.....they'll probably even audit me and send me to gaol - just kidding!!!

        I had just found out one of the people in my life I adore and treasure and love to bits has advanced liver cancer and I really should have just cancelled the appt with the tax dept for another time when I was feeling a little more emotionally connected. Why is it that horrible things happen to people who just DON'T deserve it? I couldn't sleep last night so I CANNOT imagine how she is feeling....

        BUT, the world turns and busy ants keep on keeping on - no matter what.

        I'm glad you are all here and it is kinda comforting to be a part of something right now.

        Have a fab weekend and I'll be peeping on you so be good and enjoy!!!

        Hugs, Nicey.
        It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
        Mother Theresa


          MAYkin' It Sober

          Nicey, I'm so sorry about your friend with cancer. There's just no easy way to deal with some of what life throws at us, and I can't imagine knowing you had something that would result in your death (and soon). I think about that a lot - I'd almost rather not know. But it never seems to work that way. We have some pain, or something that sends us to the doctor and we end up knowing and then having to live with the stress of it all. We always hope that they can do something because we're just never ready to let go. It's strange how illness and death are part of life but never easy to accept. I guess we're just built (evolutionarily) to fight.

          I don't know how old your friend is, but I'm gathering she is much too young for what she's just learned........

          Thanks for checking in. :l

          Sending you peace and strength.

          UN :lilheart:


            MAYkin' It Sober

            Good morning everyone,

            Almost 1 year Drifty, amazing!
            Thanks for posting Nicelife, your take on life's ups and downs is very healthy and refreshing. I know it sounds so cliche-ish (a word?) but so important to make the most of everyday and not let our addictions suck the life out of us. I hope your friend has the peace of knowing her life was meaningful. I want to position my life where I can say the same and recover from a huge chunk of time that was simply wasted. Hope everyone makes the most of today and have a sober, happy weekend!!
            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


              MAYkin' It Sober

              Good Morning Mayker's,

              After reading somewhere on this site regarding "retrain the brain", I am starting to view myself as a non drinker and I don't care what anyone else thinks or comments. Granted we didn't become problem drinkers immediately when we started drinking and we are not going to consider ourselves non drinkers in a few days or months after we quit drinking. I now associate drinking with hangovers, wasted days, disappointed friends and family. Before I considered drinking a reward for hard work, a way to relieve stress and fun times. Sobriety is now something I look forward to everyday. The desire to open a bottle of wine rarely crosses my mind anymore. It's simply something I don't do anymore. I thank everyone here for your support and my thoughts and prayers are with the ones still stuck the trenches, and struggling with other life issues. I know moderation is not an option for me and I plan to continue with an alcohol free year.

              Thanks and Everyone have a great AF weekend WW
              100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

              6 months July 1st


                MAYkin' It Sober

                K-9 I've tried working out with Jillian M and she is a FREAK! I gotta get my butt off the couch tho so Im doing some Yoga for beginners and feelin good. Jillian is a ways out, but that's my plan. Boat Bod...just which summer that will happen, not sure :O
                :hDOING THIS FOR ME FOR TODAY!:h

                WORD FOR THE DAY: HUMBLE

                DAY - 1 Done
                DAY - 2 Processing
                DAY - 3
                DAY - 4
                DAY - 5
                DAY - 6
                DAY - 7
                DAY - 8
                DAY - 9
                DAY -10


                  MAYkin' It Sober

                  Last night I read some of my early days post and it amazes me how much that I have grown since I started this journey.
                  I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                  Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                  Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                    MAYkin' It Sober

                    Sunny-G this is a similar post to the one I did on AF, so sorry. I just clung to this site like a monkey this weekend and now I find myself spread a bit thin...

                    I have already stopped posting on some of the threads but would like to keep up here if I can. Its not out of selfishness that I do stop anyway, its because I end up feeling guilty when I cannot answer each and every person's post and when thread's change and grow, you can be surprised how many hours that can take up in a day

                    I'm glad everyone's still motivated and kicking ass.

                    My main issue right now is boyfriend troubles. I woke up to a nasty email from him. I said thanks for a postcard and he accused me for lying? Huh? So I had to scan the postcard in to prove to him that he sent it. Somebody mustve really enjoyed the Rioja red wine in Madrid.

                    Anyway, I will distract myself and spend some nice time with friends over the weekend. Not boozing time, have organized an '80's movies night' for Saturday where we will all lounge on the couch with blankets and popcorn and chocolate and a nice big open fire. Well, one or two may have wine but it won't be a trigger as it would've been with the original suggestion of a barbeque.

                    My dad makes these Wildlife cards and I am now helping him get donations and marketing by adding R2.50 on top of whatever he wants to ask and then donating that money to the International Rhino Fund. Its a big issue here in SA, people killing Rhinos because there is such a huge demand because men still believe that drinking rhino horn will make them horny. Whats wrong with Viagra??? :durn:

                    Anyway, this is just one of the little initiatives I have had time for since I quit drinking, except for the weekend blip. I almost toppled again this morning but I stood firm and said, you know what, bf sent you that email to hurt you, and you being sober is the best way of remaining the person in control of this argument. So, I don't know how its going to pan out but I won't resolve to his tearful middle of the night drunken emails and texts. So take that, Mr Hyde!

                    This is not one of my dad's photos or cards, by the way, and if anyone has this picture in a better resolution, I would be much obliged. The photo is called 'Please don't hurt my mom!'



                      MAYkin' It Sober

                      Mornin' MAYkins!

                      How are my peeps today? It's finally Friday! I am off at noon, not paid, but oh well, I'll still take it!! Gonna get my workout over with then have a nice long nap. It's good to have such high goals isn't it? LOL

                      DizzyBeedizzle - I love your plan for Saturday night. My daughter and I used to have nights like that too (usually when I was white-knuckling through a non-drinking night)...we'd lay out blankets and pillows, have a pizza and junk food and watch a movie. We haven't done it in a while...her social life is too busy now, you know. LOL On a serious note, I have a lot of admiration for you and your dad for your work and donations to the Rhino Fund. If I allowed myself to think of all the injustices towards animals around the world, I would go insane. Not to say I "stick my head in the sand", but I can't dwell on it too much, if that makes sense.

                      Leceijo - You are right about Jillian M., she be crazy! At one point she says "I want your heart gurgling in your throat", yeah that pretty much sums it up too. Goodness. And I am only on Level 2. I shudder to think what Level 3 will bring??!! My dogs lay on the couch and watch me working out, and I'm so jealous of them as I am bending my body in ways it wasn't meant to be bent. LOL

                      Okay my Peeps...guess I should do some work...but I will check in later!

                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        MAYkin' It Sober

                        Hi Everyone,

                        Dizzy, I am a huge animal advocate and all my donations go to animal/environmental related causes. A lot of the sorrow and depression that fueled my drinking came from being sad about animals. Like K9, I have to force myself not to focus on it too much. I do my best with whatever I can donate and I belong to animal advocacy groups that e-mail me with campaigns to protect them. Your picture is fabulous - I really admire you for being involved. Re the bf, I would just say that negativity in our lives is toxic no matter what the cause - hope you get it resolved.

                        Alls and WW - great posts! WW, I'm right there with you - thinking of myself as a nondrinker is becoming more natural and the thoughts of alcohol are fleeting.

                        Alison, they say we stop developing when we drink, so I'm not surprised that you see growth when you look at your old posts. Our bodies just weren't meant to ingest poison, end of story!

                        Sun, Lecie, Nicey and anyone else stopping by - have a super day!


                          MAYkin' It Sober

                          Hope everyone is having a good Saturday. I've been a bit of an isolationist since I quit and now I think I need to get out a little. I've been very selective about who and where in the past, avoiding all of the possible pitfalls and drinking acquaintances but have to ask when does it feel natural to go out and not have just a little (if not a lot) of fear and panic? I'm at almost 4 months and still feel somewhat weak but I can't avoid the world forever.
                          2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                            MAYkin' It Sober

                            alls...I know how you fell.
                            I feel tired and run down and just like to turtle with my laptop.
                            But I did get outside today and do some yardwork and that felt nice to be out in the sunshine
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              MAYkin' It Sober

                              The weekends are hard to keep AL Free, I wanted to go do something outside but its raining and thundering , my favorite stuff, wow the cravings, I would always be drunk with rum during the storms.
                              What an awful trigger. Just have to remember waking up with no hangovers, bloating, dry mouth, dry heaves, headache. Now that makes me not want to drink
                              Good luck to everyone that is in this struggle. Its hard but, I was up to almost a gallon a day , usually finishing the 1.75ml bottle of rum a night , the handle they call it, so it can be done, it feels so good to be sober. I know I repeat myself alot but to the newer people I Hope this helps, the site really helped me alot.


                                MAYkin' It Sober

                                Alls, I hear you about coming out of the cave. It's so much easier to control what we do when we're alone (at least for me, and it sounds like for you too). I've been out a few times with others who were drinking and I didn't -- it was okay and seems to be getting to be less of a struggle. I'm still staying away from "crazy" outings that might be a bigger trigger.

                                Guy, really happy to hear that you're doing well. I remember your story -- wishing you success! Maybe on rainy days you should take a nice hot shower/bath and curl up with a good book!

                                Hope everyone can stay strong through the weekend!

                                UN :lilheart:

