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MAYkin' It Sober

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    MAYkin' It Sober

    K9- we should start swapping books out
    I have to look that one up
    have you read Sarah's Key??? I can send it to you
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      MAYkin' It Sober

      Hi Lovely Mama!
      Yep, I read Sarah's Key a couple of years ago. You really should read this one "The Thirtienth Tale"'s super good...I love the way it's written, it's like stories within stories. It's hard to find a spot to put it down because you just want to read the next part "real quick"...LOL
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        MAYkin' It Sober

        K9 and Dizzy - yeah I drank. I am having the colonoscopy & endoscopy on Thursday and to be quite honest. I'm scared. I think that they're going to find something wrong because of all my past drinking. So, it make perfect sense for me to drink more didn't it? What an idiot.
        I really think that the Nal was helping with the cravings. I'll know for sure once I get it back in my system on Friday. I was only taking half a pill but I certainly wasn't having cravings and now they are huge. Since I took the antabuse yesterday, I can't drink. Then, Wed I'm on a clear liquid diet. Both tests on Thursday and then I can get back to normal. I had been doing great so I'm really distressed that I was craving so bad. I actually had been doing so well, that I was thinking about when I could stop the AB & Nal. Obviously not for quite a while!
        Oh well - thanks for letting me vent.
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          MAYkin' It Sober

          COme on Nora can do this...
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            MAYkin' It Sober

            Oh Nora, we're all equally silly. Well, I can only speak for myself. I'm the girl who broke her 31 AF day stint to drink because her boyfriend was mean to her after she told him she wanted him to drink less! Does that make any more sense than what you did?

            So, perhaps AB and Nal for you and AB and Topa for me is what we need to teach our brains how to deal with life's difficulties without running to the bottle. :l

            I know you must be really scared right now. But my brother had the tests recently and all that turned out was that he had IBS. So hang in there love and remember that the take one day at a time rule also apply for all of the other struggles we encounter. Don't already assume that they will find something when it may just be nothing. I'm sending you prayers and positive healing energy. :h


              MAYkin' It Sober

              Hey Everyone,

              Chairman of the Bored here checking in!:H Actually, loving my new-found freedom and peaceful life...........what a difference not drinking is making. I don't mean to say it's nirvana every second of every day but gone is the enormous struggle that comes along with alcohol. Really, everyone, please hang in there because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Every now and then I get a little twinge of feeling like something is missing, but it passes pretty quickly. I've learned to just recognize it's happening, tell myself that it's nothing that won't go away, and let myself experience the short discomfort. This Saturday will be 6 months for me, which I can't EVEN believe! (No thread necessary, guys, I'm happy just to have a quiet celebration here on the MAYkers thread).

              Nora, I really hope everything comes out on your tests. I understand how you feel, though because it's always a little intimidating if we have something that's hurting or bothering us that won't go away. I was the same way about my wrist but it's totally okay now. Hoping you get a clean bill of health and can rest easy. If not hopefully it's something simple. Regarding the cravings.........I think they get stronger the more we start and stop (kindling effect according to experts). Maybe after you get these test done you can feel calmer about stopping knowing you'll be helping your body.

              Alison, I think it's so wonderful that you'll be helping animals. I wish I had what it takes to do that.......I'd never sleep again, so I just give money and leave the hard stuff to amazing people like you. Thank you for being strong enough to help in that way!

              Dizzy, hope things are getting worked out for you with the bf situation!

              K9, Mama, WW, Alls, and anyone else stopping by today, have a super sober day!


                MAYkin' It Sober

                Good Morning Everyone,

                Hey Nora, sending only positives out to you today. Hope you do something really nice for yourself today.
                UN, six months is huge!!! On this tiny thread WW and I at four months, I think K9's at around 5 months, you're at 6 and Drifty is almost 1 year. We're showing the odds their WRONG!!! Alcohol is a trap that can be escaped successfully and a REAL life can be had. Hope everyone has a really good day.
                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                  MAYkin' It Sober

                  Good Morning Everyone, hope everyone is doing well, for some odd reason I thought all my troubles would go away when I removed alcohol from my life, we all know that is not the case. I still struggle with insomnia, bad days, organizing my business and finances. Granted Its much more manageable without alcohol. My poor dad has Parkinson a retired 747 captain that can hardly drive a car now, and my mom who was used to being taken care of is now a caretaker and I have two more ranches to manage without pay. My truck was broken into last week and all my photography equipment stolen. Fortunately I have not turned to the bottle at all this year, and don't plan to. The desire to drink is becoming less and less, thanks to the support from all of you, UW, K9, MB, DA, Nora, and everyone else have a great day.

                  Thanks a bunch WW
                  100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

                  6 months July 1st


                    MAYkin' It Sober

                    Gosh you all are so inspiring....really!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      MAYkin' It Sober

                      mama bear;1312567 wrote: Gosh you all are so inspiring....really!!
                      They really are! I feel like I am "floating" through life with no troubles to speak of, then I hear you guys stories and I am floored at your ability to keep it together and stay sober. You guys rock and I totally look to you for inspiration! WW, I hope you get everything sorted out, I feel for you. It is so frustrating to be stolen from. Sometimes I really hate people (well, you know, the bad ones)! I'd like to be in the company of animals all day long if I could...and no, not the ones I work with. LOL

                      UW - I wondered where you were yesterday, guess you were just doing your duty as a BoredMember. LOL

                      Do you guys remember when I was having such stomach issues? Well I figured it out on my own. It was my vitamins that were doing it. I was taking them on an empty stomach. I have finally found the cure, I still take them but I have a serving of yogurt everyday with them, and viola! All better! I had a nagging suspicion it was the vitamins but I didn't want to stop them. And I've found the best Greek Yogurt...yum. Problem solved, for now! lol

                      Nora, I guess my little vitamin story was because I was thinking of you, and hoping all your tests come out okay. I was at my wits end with my stomach problems and thought I'd be undergoing tests too, but I wanted to try "one last thing"...and thankfully it worked. I hope you get to feeling better too. I KNOW what it's like to be uncomfortable.

                      Well know who you are...have a great day and stick close. We have some serious time building up on this thread...lets keep it up!

                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        MAYkin' It Sober

                        I want to be a Animal Control Officer/Certified Vet Assistant.
                        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                          MAYkin' It Sober

                          Good for you Drifty! I really want to be a Vet Tech myself, but there are no schools around here that offer classes for it. I'd have to do it online. I admire you for working with the animals...I love them. I'll take animals over people anyday!
                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            MAYkin' It Sober

                            Ditto K9, I have more empathy for my animal friends than most people. They eat before I do, period. I should have been a vet tech. Would still like to go back to school for that. Hmmmm
                            :hDOING THIS FOR ME FOR TODAY!:h

                            WORD FOR THE DAY: HUMBLE

                            DAY - 1 Done
                            DAY - 2 Processing
                            DAY - 3
                            DAY - 4
                            DAY - 5
                            DAY - 6
                            DAY - 7
                            DAY - 8
                            DAY - 9
                            DAY -10


                              MAYkin' It Sober

                              Hi Leciejo,
                              I probably spell your name different every time. LOL Sorry if I do.
                              Good job on almost getting through day 1. So what's your plan for the evening? I dreaded my first few AF nights, but now I can't wait to get home and do other things. It's true that your thinking really will change. Hang in there and stay strong!
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                MAYkin' It Sober

                                Hi again all!

                                I haven't had a lot of time to post recently, but I have been keeping up on this thread. Wow! So many people doing so incredibly well even with huge stress! I am so inspired!

                                Thank you UW for your 'rant' a few pages ago. I didn't read it as a rant...actually a very helpful characterization of the day to day life when AL reigns, and very helpful to read.

                                Thank you also for the welcome seem like you are making terrific and healthy choices for yourself on any number of levels!

                                Congrats to all who are approaching huge AL free milestones! I hope to join the list in a couple of weeks (30 days). That would be huge for me.

                                It's also great to have so many animal lovers on this thread. I might sound nuts, but sometimes I'm convinced that my cat is one of the best things to have ever happened to me! Of course, my kids are right up there also, but there is something so awesome about the totally unconditional love that animals and people can share.

                                My AL free days are adding up....hooray!
                                Thanks to all for fighting the good fight and sharing of yourselves....:thanks:

                                When You Change The Way You Look At Things, the Things You Look At Change.....

                                Here's to Change!

