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MAYkin' It Sober

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    MAYkin' It Sober

    K9 Glad you asked. I need to be accountable. Well so far, I have budgeted for the month, made a grocery list, made dinner, eat said dinner, work out for 30 minutes, and getting ready to watch a disney movie with hubby. Early bedtime with Allen Carr's Easy Way. Day 1 - BOOM


    DAY - 1 Done
    DAY - 2 Processing
    DAY - 3
    DAY - 4
    DAY - 5
    DAY - 6
    DAY - 7
    DAY - 8
    DAY - 9
    DAY -10


      MAYkin' It Sober

      leciejo;1312913 wrote: K9 Glad you asked. I need to be accountable. Well so far, I have budgeted for the month, made a grocery list, made dinner, eat said dinner, work out for 30 minutes, and getting ready to watch a disney movie with hubby. Early bedtime with Allen Carr's Easy Way. Day 1 - BOOM
      That's the way to do it! Easy Peasy right?! It will be eventually, if it's not already. You go girl...stay strong.
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        MAYkin' It Sober

        Hey Maykins! I'm still here! Try to get rid of me, hee hee.:H I'll probably be getting pms saying, ok, you said you're leaving...when?

        22 days today since last drink...I had a bottle of wine on April 16, I think it was. Well most of a bottle and threw the last bit in the trash, because it was cheap and nasty, lol. If I'm going to break my sober ride, it better be Cristal.:H:H I will be sober FOREVER if those are the rules!

        Sooooooo, hope everyone is doing well. I agree with you K9 about wanting to get home to do other things now. I really look forward to my free time now too. At first I couldn't imagine a satisfying evening without AL. It seemed so pointless, lol. Now I know that kind of thinking was definitely not normal, and it does pass, eventually. I have been pretty much sober since Feb 23, but I did have a few slips, however, my "sober" thinking has progressed even so...22 days into sobriety the first time was not as clear-headed as it is this time, because I didn't binge or get too far into AL when I had those few occasions of drinking.

        Glad to be here...have a great AF nite Buddies!:l


        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath


          MAYkin' It Sober

          Hello everyone. So great to have so many Maykin's here.

          Thanks for the well wishes, etc for my medical tests. I really appreciate the support.

          I agree with Mama too:

          YOU ALL ARE SO INSPIRING!!! Thanks for showing me how it's done. :h
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            MAYkin' It Sober

            When you start talking about animals, I miss my dog Jake he passed away about two years ago, he was 14. He was the best dog ever a Golden Retriever that went everywhere with me, rode in the back of my truck everyday at work. We hunted ducks and pheasants and one time it was so cold camping he slept in my sleeping bag with me. God bless Jake.

            100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

            6 months July 1st


              MAYkin' It Sober

              Hey guys

              I'm keeping up the good fight at day 9 here. Still not talking to bf. Working hard on my huge nursing policy translation project. Getting in an hour’s worth of excercise per day when its not raining by walking the dog and gardening.

              And I have a lovely market on Saturday for which I must still make 20 hemp drawstring sprouting bags... and I suck at sewing... LOL. My mom was going to help me but she is so depressed from the bipolar that she is hardly getting out of bed. Anyway, she is seeing the psychiatrist today so he can try to put her on Topamax, which is working wonders for my depression, so please keep your fingers crossed.

              Other than that I saw Dark Shadows last night. A must see for any of you who love Tim Burton/ Johnny Depp/ Helena Bonham Carter Movies. A bit like Sleepy Hollow meets the Adams Family with lots of kookiness and loads of LOLs.

              Unwasted – I actually too like my new peaceful life. I find it suspicious when people over 25 still feel the need to be constantly going out and doing things. LOL. My brother’s ex wanted to go out and party every night as she was scared something may happen and she would not be there to see it... She doesn’t have an AL problem, but she has several others

              And about the quiet celebration, thats a bit like asking everyone not to buy you a cake on your 40th birthday.

              Alison, I agree with UW, you are really brave. Its always the people who love animals the most who works with them but there is so much death involved in working with animals. It seems like doctors help people to live whereas vets so often have to put animals down. Is it just me or is there something wrong with that?

              Allswell, it is great being surrounded by people who have clocked up such big number, hey? They always say one should surround oneself with great people. Guess we got that one right.

              WW – Yeah, the problems are all still there but I just feel a bit stronger to deal with them and I do find little solutions along the way to help solve them/ help me deal with them. I do hope things ease up a bit for you.

              Mama bear – You are also an inspiration MB. Your avatar photo looks so warm and friendly. I bet you also give bear hugs.

              – Thats good advice with the vitamins. Hmmm, and I love Greek yogurt, and plain cottage cheese (not low fat) I mean it only has something like 6 or 7% fat and it tastes infinitely better than the plastic crap

              – I am thinking of you and your tests, hon. Sending you lots of healing thoughts. :l

              – Every time I see you I smile because I can use the silly little nickname I came up with for you. LOL. And you’ve goon AF – BOOM! Congrats! The first time I read that book I thought it was utter crap. But after being 30 days sober I find it is resonating with me more and more. Perhaps you will find it works for your now, or perhaps you will be like me.

              – Thanks for your kind words. Hey, I think my cat is the bees knees...even though that may sound weird as my avatar is a bee. But I’m human, I promise. LOL. My cat is a hunter and is naughty and does whatever he wants but whenever I pick him up he pays ‘cuddle tax’ He goes completely floppy, sinks into me and starts purring. He allows me about 5 minutes of cuddle tax per go before he start getting squirmy. I love him to bits.

              – I giggled at your “ I'll probably be getting pms saying,...” as I had to read that twice. Once my PMS starts talking, I'm signing myself into the nearest loony bin. Congrats on the AF time.

              Have a great Wednesday everyone!



                MAYkin' It Sober

                Good Morning MAYkers,

                Woke up feeling wonderful this morning - an extra good night's sleep for me. I'm so thankful for the blissful sleep I'm now experiencing. Once in a while (very rarely) I'll wake up a little too early, but even then I still feel good. I marvel at how sick alcohol was making me every day. How in the world could I have put my body through that? Sometimes things seem the total inverse of how I used to view them! Anyway, I'm beyond grateful to be in this new place.

                Nora, I think you have your procedures done tomorrow. Thinking of you and sending you good vibes. I hope you'll post as soon as you feel up to it and let us know how it went. Remember this stuff is very routine to the medical professionals. They'll knock you out and when you wake up you won't remember a thing!

                WW - I'm so sorry to hear about your recent truck break in. I hope you have insurance to cover your photography equipment. HUGE kudos to you for not relying on your old crutch for what would have been a very short-term fix and sent you to the bad side again. I went through the death of my dad sober and am so proud for that. I know yours has Parkinson's, which has to be really tough for you and your mom. I went through the death of 4 parents and a step parent (we're at that age, right?)!! It's not easy. I actually was with my stepdad when he took his last breath. In a way it made me not fear death as much because he seemed pretty peaceful during it all.

                K9, is there any downside to studying to be a vet tech online? I would think it would be a pretty easy job to find because there aren't many people who have the guts to help animals when they're in distress. If you're passionate about it, I think it would be wonderful to be able to do something you loved.

                I feel a special bond with animals and would have given anything to have been tough enough to help them in that way. Alison, again, you have my undying respect.

                Leciejo - I read both the Carr and Jason Vale books - if you can, read Vale - much more modern - similar message. And, I too have a cat that I love like crazy. Glad I can say this here - some would think I'm too fond of animals and not fond enough of people. I like people on an individual level but on a large scale, they're so destructive! (Don't get me started on population growth).:H:H

                BC and Library Girl - so glad to hear you guys are still here and fighting the good fight! You too Mama Bear and Alls!!

                Dizzy, thanks for the movie tip - we may go see that this weekend. I still need to check out your gardening thread - have been buzzzzy, buzzzzzy, buzzzzy.

                Take care everyone - hope I didn't miss anyone visiting here. :lilheart:



                  MAYkin' It Sober

                  Mornin peeps.
                  WW - your story about Jake made me sad.....
                  SO PROUD OF YOU LECIJO
                  and Nora...your tests are tomorrow right??'
                  I can;t wait to see Dark Shadows...K9 already know that Johnny Depp is my baby daddy!!
                  LG and BC - have an awesome day
                  and a lovely good morning to our resident cheerleader, Un!!
                  Hiya Dizzy
                  sorrry my posts are as not as long as everyone else's...I am usually at work and not a huge chitty chatter
                  but I am here and I care!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    MAYkin' It Sober

                    Mornin' MAY Munchkins!

                    Glad to see everyone here. Just catching up around the threads, I feel like most of the action takes place while I'm sleeping. LOL

                    Everyone sounds good and strong today, I love it! I know we're all at different stages in our recovery, but it's so nice to have somewhere to come where people just understand. I haven't had too many thoughts of AL lately, and when they do come, they pass pretty fast. It's the romanticized version that always gets me, the warm bubbly feeling...but then fast forward to the sloppy stupid drunk...and no thanks!

                    For the first time, my entire 2012 calendar is full of stickers! I'm even getting sticker obsessed, I just ordered some really cute ones off eBay, they are 3D dog paws. I figure if I'm gonna have a calendar hanging in my room with stickers, they might as well be cute huh? I tend to get stuck on one thing and obsess about it, right now it's stickers. LOL Next week, who knows what it will be...maybe band aids. J/K

                    Oh Mama, you and Johnny make an adorable couple. I knew the two of you would hit it off. I'm still waiting for Joaquin to come around.

                    WW - Sorry about your dog, Jake. I know the loss of a beloved pet can be so painful. I haven't lost one yet, but I'm already dreading it. Like UW, I bond better with animals than people. My dogs have been a constant source of comfort, and their fur has caught a fair share of my tears. I love them crazy critters. Loss is part of love, I the meantime we make each other happy

                    LG - You BEST not go anywhere girl, I will track you down if you do!!! You are so kind and sweet and funny and we'd be sad without glue yourself to it??!!!

                    Dizzy - You are doing so awesome, your posts are really showing how strong you are becoming, I am proud of you BeeDizzle!

                    Nora - I hope your tests go okay, let us know the results ok? We'll be thinking about you!!!

                    I know I have missed people, blame my AL riddled brain, I do the best I can! LOL BC, Leiceijo, and everyone else, have a wonderful day and let's kick that Beast AL in the arse ok? Stay strong peeps!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      MAYkin' It Sober

                      Hey All,

                      I'm definitely in the animal camp as well, especially after dealing with the few people I had to today. Whew, you always know where you stand and your pet is always honest with you. Unlike humans, that's the unfortunate truth! Anyway, hope everyone is doing great - especially Laciego, day 2 might be a toughie but the really hard stuff is almost half done so stay busy tonight, OK.
                      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                        MAYkin' It Sober

                        gotta keep an eye for cute stickers K9
                        Allswell..did you deal with some jerks today??
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          MAYkin' It Sober

                          Makers, Maykins, I am getting these two threads mixed up but in sober dammit!
                          I have to have surgery, can you believe it? Lol but at least that should be the end of my pain and therefor my drinking thoughts should be less.

                          I'm actually ok today. No cravings. Peaceful and serene, just those darn pains.
                          But it feels good to be sober and taking care of my body and my mind. I am reading that book again "women's bodies, women's minds". Excellent read and I highly recommend it. They even talk about addictions to bad relationships as well as substances, etc.

                          I'm resting in bed reading my book. Did my homework and my wonderful husband is cooking us dinner.
                          He started a new job so that is a huge weight off of us.
                          My step daughter is still in the hospital but she is getting better every day.
                          She will come home to a happy serene clean home. I cleaned her room and put up new curtains. God, kids are disgusting! Food wrappers and dirty clothes everywhere!

                          Anyway, glad to be here and glad I have you all in my life.
                          Day 1 again 11/5/19
                          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                          One day at a time.


                            MAYkin' It Sober

                            awww Nursie...sorry about the surgery babe
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              MAYkin' It Sober

                              Yeah MB I had to deal with a few disagreeable types today (polite reference, a couple of hours ago they were real MF'ers but I've settled down a little). That's OK though, not everyone's going to deal me a smile - hope you had a good day.
                              Nursie, sounds like everything is going in a good, solid direction - glad to hear about the new job for your husband. Take care everyone!!!
                              2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                                MAYkin' It Sober

                                Allswell..I deal with MF'ers everyday!
                                And Nursie....excuse me for not mentioning hubs new job!! Awesome. Financial stress has always been a big trigger for me.
                                And I hope your daughter is feeling well soon and likes her new curtains!
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

