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MAYkin' It Sober

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    MAYkin' It Sober

    Happy Mothers Day sweet friend and another shout out to you UN
    what is PCOS Diz??
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      MAYkin' It Sober

      Polycystic ovary syndrome Wonky hormones, possible infertility. At least today is over. I even had some AF fun with the family even though they had (not lots of) wine. :l


        MAYkin' It Sober

        Hi all, and happy mother's day to all who are celebrating or being celebrated today!

        A huge belated congrats to Unwasted on your epic milestone! You have my true respect and your efforts continue to inspire many here (and others I'm sure!). daughter was just diagnosed with PCOS, so I've been trying to learn as much as possible about the condition. I hope you have medical care that you trust and that takes really, really good care of you! You are already doing so much to take care of seems so unfair to have this added to the daily list! Know I'm thinking of you.

        Off the the movies and dinner with the kids for our celebration....

        Sorry not enough time to write all I want, but gotta run! Be well all!

        When You Change The Way You Look At Things, the Things You Look At Change.....

        Here's to Change!


          MAYkin' It Sober

          Just a quick check in. Thinking of you Dizzy, take care of yourself OK.
          To everyone celebrating Mothers Day I hope you were able to enjoy the simple pleasure of friends and family today. I'm reminded of how far I've come from simply comparing this year's day to last year, something I always do with holidays. Have a great start to the week everybody!
          2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


            MAYkin' It Sober

            Sunday is almost over , happy moms day to all the mothers!
            why do these cravings keep popping up on me it feels so boring without al but so good waking up hangover free


              MAYkin' It Sober

              Hi MAYkers!

              I hope everyone had a great weekend and a Happy Mothers Day! My daughter and I didn't do much, we did go visit her Nana who is recovering from hip surgery. She looks great! That woman is a trooper, I tell you. She's had 3 strokes and now this...and she just keeps getting stronger after each "setback". I love that lady, she's not technically my mother-in-law anymore, but we still love each other so much, and I admire her strength! She used to be my drinking buddy back in the day, but needless to say, we've both quit for different reasons...and we still like each other, sober. LOL

              Saturday I was so determined and got up and worked out...but by Sunday my determination had fizzed, so I skipped my work out and even had Carls Jr for lunch...ugh. Oh well...back to day 1...well not really....all my hard work is not "out the window"...just like with quitting drinking, we don't have to discount all the hard work we've put in, even if we mess up.

              Sweet UW, I am so proud of you! I remember when you first joined MWO...and I'm so happy to "know" you. You are such an inspiration to so many people here. I love ya Lady!

              Alls, Bc, Dizzy, Drifty, MamaB, WW, Aguy and everyone else...happy Monday! I'll check back in with you all later. Stay strong my friends!

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                MAYkin' It Sober

                Hey everyone - quick check in for me today. Hubs and I are working on a big painting project.

                All is well in my world......6 months plus 2 days LOL:H

                Guy, your cravings will go - just takes time. Hang in there.

                K9:l:l Awww, thank you. I love you too sweet person. Glad I'm on this journey with you!

                Thanks BC - glad you're still fighting the good fight!! :lilheart:

                Dizzy, so sorry about your diagnosis. I had blocked fallopian tubes from an IUD and couldn't have kids as a result. My life has been good despite no kids no problems. (or at least we escape a lot of them)......I'm just saying there is an upside and we don't know what we're missing by not having had them....all kinds of ways to view it.

                Mama, WW big thanks to you guys too. Love this group so much.

                Have a super day everyone.

                UN :lilheart:


                  MAYkin' It Sober

                  Hope everyone is having a great Monday. Not much going on here, the sun decided to start shining so I'm going to go out for a trail run. My running is soooo much better now and my times have really improved drastically. K9, how is the shred going? It sounds interesting, especially the part about her wanting everyone's heart to gurgle in their throat (did I get that right?). Hard to believe May is almost half over, have a great night UN, K9, MB, WW and everyone else.
                  2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                    MAYkin' It Sober

                    Happy Monday evening everyone. I took a walk earlier today not a long one but I took one and thinking about taking another one soon. I have yet another af day almost behind me and I am gearing up for my 1 year af anniversary and I am so grateful to be here sober. In the beginning I thought that I would never get to this point, but now that I have I know that as long as I say no to AL I will never go back to day 1. If I fail, god only knows how long it will be until I get tired and start a new quit, so I will fight to remain sober so that I do not have to do what I don't ever want to do......go back to day 1.
                    I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                    Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                    Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                      MAYkin' It Sober

                      Good Tuesday Morning everyone! Didn't drink last night and feeling so refreshed. I have gotten all of my final grades now and I have passed them all with a GPA of 3.167!

                      Disaster Animal Response Training A
                      Composition 2:Technical Writing B-
                      Animal Welfare and Shelter Management B
                      Shelter Medicine B+
                      Vehicle Safety and Operations A
                      I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                      Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                      Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                        MAYkin' It Sober

                        Fantastic stuff Drifty! Sounds like you're doing everything right!!!
                        2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                          MAYkin' It Sober

                          Hi MAYkers!

                          Drifty - WOW! That's all I can say. You are EXCELLING at everything you are putting your mind to! You keep it up lady, you are doing awesome. And I know you have a BIG anniversary date coming up. I have my party hat and streamers ready for you! Seriously, you are SUCH an inspiration to me :l

                          Alls - I started Level 3 of the Shred yesterday, and it's my favorite level so far. Yes, I gargle my heart in my throat, but it's worth it! LOL I'm seeing some good results, so I'm motivated to keep at it.

                          I am going to the Doctor at 4 today for a "check in". I'll be happy to tell her I am on day 141 and that I've started working out and eating healthy. Maybe she won't make me keep coming back every 2 months, I don't need THAT much babysitting, jeez. LOL

                          I guess my days equal almost 5 months, but I like counting days, the number is much bigger. hehe

                          I hope you all have a great day. You guys are all such an inspiration to me, thank you for being here!!

                          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                            MAYkin' It Sober

                            Hi everyone. Happy sober Tuesday. Time for one of my sporadic check ins.

                            GUY--I get odd cravings every now and then. It's usually when I'm bored and have too much time to think. If I keep busy I don't think about it much.

                            K9--You had me confused with Carls Jr. I thought you were talking about some kind of beer or something! Then it occurred to me that you're talking about food. Whew! I'm still trying to make fitness and food a habit, but am not quite there yet. I've read so many people here say that they couldn't get their doctor to take them seriously or prescribe meds for them. I guess you're lucky in a sense that your doctor takes you seriously and is working with you. Positive vibes for Nana.

                            UW--Congratulations again on your 6 months AF! What are you painting? My husband and I have done lots of home projects together too.

                            Allswell--I envy your ability to run. My knees and back would have a few words to say to me about that! How far do you typically run?

                            Drifty--Congratulations on your GPA! Must be a relief to be done with those classes. Each quit seems to be harder and harder. I'm with you on not wanting to go back. It's only one drink that we have to say no to. The first one!


                              MAYkin' It Sober

                              Hi Fly!

                              Thanks for the positive vibes for Nana, she's doing great! Whew! I had to laugh at you thinking Carl's Jr was a beer, it kind of does sound like it huh? was just a greasy cheeseburger with fries, and of course I had to dip them in ranch dressing to add even MORE fat to the equation. LOL

                              I agree with you and Drifty about not starting over. I honestly don't know if I have another quit in me, so I have to keep going with this one. I think it would take me years to start over, if ever, and that scares the crap out of me.
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                MAYkin' It Sober

                                hi peeps...Happy Sober Tuesday here
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

