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MAYkin' It Sober

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    MAYkin' It Sober

    Destiniey;1322210 wrote: Allswell, I don't know how to copy quotes in a post....but what you wrote about "getting older is alot easier without booze and that without booze everything is full of promise"... is so inspirational. I will keep those thoughts with me today!

    You just click on the quote button and then the whole post appears as the first bit of your post. If you want to narrow it down delete some of the bits before where it says [/QUOT.. I'm not going to finish writing that, it may jinx it.

    K9, I did one better, I made a fresh cup. I prefer cheese as a source of proetien. It could be that your immune system is down because of all the hard excercise that you did? Perhaps I'm playing devil's advocate but easy does it.

    Funny, I thought I would freak out over 30 but didn't (but then perhaps I was too drunk) but freaked out a year later... I think Mylife's right, don't fret, if you carry on your path, you're going to still look 40 at 50! Honestly, just read sausage's story on the My Story thread if you don't believe me. She said she looks 10 years younger! Enjoy the holiday.

    Mylife, Winter just started here in Cape Town and I have a miserable cold. But if things go well I'm heading to London in a month for its only two months of Summer so I can't complain too much. I am learning to moderate on the threads, its not a bad addiction though. Glad to hear you are sounding so upbeat!

    , just started reading a 'my perfect weight' book yesterday where the guy was talking pretty much about the same thing. I fell asleep after 10 pages so I'll have to let you know what solved his stomache issues though.

    , love your username Why is it a longweekend there? Am jealous of your summer and long weekend. And next weekend the UK has one and the Queen's jubilee and my bf now lives in Windsor but I can't move to live with him yet as my dad is having is colostomy reversal (colon bag thingy taken out) so it would be callous to leave now.

    So I have to hold on 3 more weeks or so before I can be neighbours with the queen and call my dinner 'tea.' LOL.

    You guys have to excuse me. I finally cracked and decided to take cold meds today but then I ended up mixing two and now I feel loopy looped and haven done much. Hopefully I'll be able to work a bit tomorrow, then rest fully this weekend and be a new busy bee by Monday.

    Enjoy your sunny weekends if I don't speak to you before then people.



      MAYkin' It Sober

      Hi Everyone!

      I just want to say Hello and Goodbye...I'll be leaving this afternoon for 4 days...I hope you all have great weekends and stay strong. I'm going to make an appointment with the Doctor when I get back...I need to figure out these stomach issues. I'm so used to feeling this way, it would be nice to NOT have pain for once!

      I am at work and killing time until I get off at noon...then NO WORK for 4 1/2 days..yippeee! I hope this place survives without me. LOL

      Everyone keep posting...I'll be reading from my phone and I need to know what my peeps are doing!

      "See" you Tuesday!


      p.s. Dizzy - I think you're right, exercise could be the cause of my stomach issues! HA
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        MAYkin' It Sober

        Good evening friends.

        Allswell I agree with you about your 40s. Not bad at all. I turned 47 this year and actually am enjoying getting older. I seem to get more and more confident and care less and less what others think! :H

        Destiniey how are you doing tonight?

        Dizzy I hope you get over that cold soon. Positive vibes for your father. Are things okay with you and your boyfriend?

        K9 I hope you have a fabulous smokefree trip! See you on Tuesday.

        I was getting some cravings a little while ago so I popped some L-Glut and I think it's easing up. I just have work planned through the rest of the week and most of the weekend with a birthday party planned on Sunday.

        Hope you all have a great night.


          MAYkin' It Sober

          DizzyBee....Thanks for the info...I will get the ins and outs of this site soon enough! Ha!

          Fly...I am doing really good...thanks so much for asking! Day 3 is almost over and I am AF!!!!!!! I had a few rough times today but I just popped the L-glut and Kudzu and they passed. I am really positive that this time my bit it for me. In all the years of my drinking, I thought I was alone in what I was going through. This is the first time that I realize that I am not alone and the support I get here is thank you! I am in a totally different mindset this time around and that is because of joining this site and getting my ass on here as many times a day as I can to read and post!!! Have a great night...I am heading to bed soon but will be back tomorrow morning!
          AB Club Member
          AB Start Date - 7/25/12

          10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

          :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


            MAYkin' It Sober

            Hi Everyone, haven't posted in a wile, been working a lot of 15 hour days and really haven't thought about drinking. I sure am making a lot more money sense I gave up the booze. And I drink a lot of water 8 to 10 liters a day, I work hard and sweat. One other thing that seems to make me feel better is I rarely eat anything with sugar. Glad to see new people jumping into this thread. Sold that 120 cases of wine I had for $180 a case. Take care everyone, gotta get some rest.

            100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

            6 months July 1st


              MAYkin' It Sober

              WW it seems the busier one is the less time there is to think about drinking. Congrats on selling the cases of wine. Nice profit! I am having a hard time with sugar since I quit drinking. I never really ate much sugar before that, but now I crave it like crazy. I initially thought I'd be able to kick the sugar after being off the booze for a couple weeks, but it hasn't been that easy.

              Fabulous job Destiniey! I found it so relieving to find this place and to post some of my most horrible drunk moments and have other people say, "Yup, me too," and not think I was a bad person. I've admitted things here that my husband doesn't know about my drinking.


                MAYkin' It Sober

                Hi Everyone,
                WW - I definitely agree with the sugar, I had no idea what kind of roller coaster it throws at us and combined with alcohol - lookout. All I can say is it's no wonder we feel so much better once we quit.
                Destiniey - you're doing great, the worst is the first few days and you're beyond that now!
                Dizzy, sounds like everything is OK with your boyfriend. It's Memorial Day here in the US, the unofficial start of Summer. Hope your cold is lessened and you can get some stuff done today.
                I've been in a new routine the past couple of months. Up around 4:30 am and go for a morning run early. The world is still asleep and I can think about my day, what I'm going to do, and enjoy the calm. I love it.
                Take care everyone!
                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                  MAYkin' It Sober

                  Good morning everyone and thanks for the support and encouraging words!


                  Fly...ditto on the husband thing! For the first time in my life I have found a place where I can be brutely honest...admit to my faults and be able to move on with the help of everyone on here!

                  Allswell... I love the morning too! I never embraced the morning until recently. I always considered myself a "night owl" but looking back it was only because I was so intoxicated that I couldn't sleep until I passed out. I would feel like such crap in the morning so I would have no desire to be out and about! I have found a whole new world in the early hours of the morning. There is nothing like watching the sun rise on my deck overlooking my horses pastures...and listening to them snort and eat grass. Love, love, love it!!!!!!!!
                  AB Club Member
                  AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                  10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                  :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                    MAYkin' It Sober

                    Hello All,

                    I'm at work today but looking forward to my 3-day weekend starting tomorrow at the beach! I woke up early this morning after sleeping so soundly last night and went for a 4 mile power walk. It felt so great and I have felt soo good all day since then.

                    WW - I've been skipping the sugar lately and I have to say I feel a lot better! I really didn't think I ate that much sugar before - but I guess that ice cream habit was becoming more of a good habit than I realized...and it did affect me. Good job selling your wine!

                    Fly - I've been trying to stay busy as well - and it's been pretty easy. Haha. One thing I will say with all my quittings this year is that I've lost the "habit" of when to drink. I no longer think "It's 5 o'clock I want my wine" - that habit is gone thank goodness.

                    Alls - 4:30??? Isn't it dark out? There's a spinning class at my gym at 5:30 I've been thinking about but even that's so EARLY...what time do you go to bed! LOL. That's great though. I know even at 6:00 this morning my neighborhood was pretty quiet.

                    Destiny - glad to hear we're both still on track and doing well. Love the mornings now too.

                    I probably won't get a chance to post the rest of the weekend so have a great AF weekend all! :h


                      MAYkin' It Sober

                      I am sober and going to have a busy weekend. I was supposed to have Sat. off but I have to work it now (on my internship). Loving it so far and I don't mind working Sat. as long as its not every weekend.
                      I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                      Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                      Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                        MAYkin' It Sober

                        Wow, what a week, worked almost 100 hours. No time or energy for drinking this time of year. It's when I hit a slack time like August before harvest, that I'll be tempted. Thanks to all the support here I really think I'll be able to stay AF at that time. I think I'll do some fishing, work on my photography, and do some work at the cabin. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

                        100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

                        6 months July 1st


                          MAYkin' It Sober

                          WW - those are some serious hours for sure. What kind of photography do you do? Care to post a photo or two? My exposure to California has been Los Angeles and San Diego but no rural or mountain areas.
                          Not much going on in my world, did some yoga and some running to prepare for a tiny race tomorrow. These hot afternoons are perfect for reading a good book. Hope everyone is staying strong and having fun.
                          2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                            MAYkin' It Sober

                            Hey Everyone,

                            Well, I made it through my entire vacation SOBER!! First time ever. Saw some beautiful scenery, went on my first sailboat, and ate fantastic food for a back to the real world.

                            I don't have a lot of time to catch up, but will try to read back tomorrow. Sounds like everyone is doing well. My Life, so glad to see you here - and some new posters too!

                            Hugs to all.



                              MAYkin' It Sober

                              allswell, with my photography I enjoy agricultural, wild flowers of the Sierra mountains, macro, and anything else that catches my attention. I would like to do a photo documentary of the blight of California's central valley. I'm in the process of replacing my equipment that was recently stolen I have a new Conon 60D now. Unwasted glad your back and had a wonderful AF vacation, I love to sail.

                              Take Care Everyone WW
                              100 days 04-10-12, entering the danger zone, Rodger that!

                              6 months July 1st


                                MAYkin' It Sober

                                Hi Everybody!

                                I'm so happy to be back, I thought about all of you while I was away! Welcome back must be so proud of yourself for staying sober during your vacation, that is awesome!

                                Well, I did have 4 days "smoke free" but I was wound up when I got home, so I broke down and smoked. Something about being with my parents for that long was grating on my nerves. The drive home was tense (I was driving), my dad didn't feel great, and my mom was busy nagging from the back seat. She treats him so bad sometimes, it hurts me. Sometimes I really think that I am single because I don't want to turn into her (I may have had an epiphany this weekend). Anyway, I love them both and they're aging, so I try to be patient!

                                Anywhooo, gotta catch up on work, but I'm happy to be reconnected with you all!

                                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

