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Army Thread 2nd May 2012

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    Army Thread 2nd May 2012



      Army Thread 2nd May 2012

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread 2nd May 2012

        stirly-girly;1309130 wrote: And I just want to add my little bit to those of you getting back on the wagon. Each of us has to get and stay sober for ourselves, first and foremost, then for our family and friends. We all know that. But don't forget for one second that we are all in this together and that we are here for you. Lean on us. Tell us when you're having cravings or thoughts of drinking. Don't slide off into a corner by yourself. Come on here and share what you're feeling with us. I've said it before and at the risk of being boring, I'll say it again - for every "good reason" you can think of to have that drink, there are always 10 good reasons not to have it. If you can't think of any, we'll help to remind you. Just let us know that you're struggling before you take that first drink and we'll get you through it as long as you allow us to help you. Sending all of you :huggy's and strength.
        I was having a think about this whilst doing the washing up stirly. It's good advice and it's obviously well-meaning advice. The trouble for me is that if I'm feeling like drinking it's often because I'm feeling a bit down and if I'm feeling down I generally don't feel very communicative so I do tend to slide off into a corner by myself. I'm not sure that there's an easy answer to that problem?


          Army Thread 2nd May 2012

          JackieClaire;1309135 wrote: :sofa:
          Zenstyle;1309142 wrote: :sofa: yerself...
          Recluse;1309144 wrote:
          JackieClaire;1309149 wrote:
          Yer all :nutso:

          Federal elections are scheduled for this coming Sunday. Mr. Stirly has decided that I need to be informed of every political discussion on TV. First, I have a giant headache, second, I couldn't care less and third, I don't even fecking vote since I am not a Greek citizen. Please, spare me...:upset:
          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            Army Thread 2nd May 2012

            stirly-girly;1309153 wrote: Yer all :nutso:
            Guilty as charged!

            stirly-girly;1309153 wrote:
            Federal elections are scheduled for this coming Sunday. Mr. Stirly has decided that I need to be informed of every political discussion on TV. First, I have a giant headache, second, I couldn't care less and third, I don't even fecking vote since I am not a Greek citizen. Please, spare me...:upset:
            Hope your headache gets better soon...


              Army Thread 2nd May 2012

              Aloha all from the NOT sub tropics of minus two degrees celcius this Thursday monring...BRRR!! I have a few layers on while waiting for warm up to happen! WOW I forgot how cold COLD is!

              Wishing you all a peace filled sober Thursday x


                Army Thread 2nd May 2012

                Howiya Kapo!!!! How goes it cept for the cold?
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010


                  Army Thread 2nd May 2012

                  Woops!! I shall wish myself that - and other antipodeans - and wish YOU all a peace-filled WEDNESDAY NIGHT!!! :H:H


                    Army Thread 2nd May 2012

                    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                    AF 10th May 2010
                    NF 12th May 2010


                      Army Thread 2nd May 2012

                      one2many;1309224 wrote: Howiya Kapo!!!! How goes it cept for the cold?
                      Ahoy there, Oners - it goes well, thanks...just juggling the morning's duties so I have to do as little as poss, and NOT getting away with it :H...How's your mighty fine self, darl?


                        Army Thread 2nd May 2012

                        I am GOOD! Spent the day with my little woman, kept her off playschool and keeping her off 2moro to do something nice too.
                        She is starting proper school in Sep and I am trying to stretch out my time with her as much as i can, no more babies left at home
                        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                        AF 10th May 2010
                        NF 12th May 2010


                          Army Thread 2nd May 2012

                          one2many;1309232 wrote: I am GOOD! Spent the day with my little woman, kept her off playschool and keeping her off 2moro to do something nice too.
                          She is starting proper school in Sep and I am trying to stretch out my time with her as much as i can, no more babies left at home
                          And a right wee GEM of a l'il woman she is too, Onester! Your children are all beautiful and a mighty credit to ya....GOD Spetember!! Most of the mums I know would see September as four YEARS away and be counting the days....:H Any thoughts on what you may do when all childers are at school on a daily basis? The day can be a yawn, it's good to be busy...


                            Army Thread 2nd May 2012

                            I will miss her so much but I am looking at it as an opportunity for some freedom for myself, kinda like turning a sad situation into a positive!

                            God, I dunno, but I have the car now so it will picnics and playgrounds and free stuff, money is tight!
                            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                            AF 10th May 2010
                            NF 12th May 2010


                              Army Thread 2nd May 2012

                              stirly-girly;1309130 wrote: Hello Troopers!!

                              For now, two things only, since I've just barely had a peek back over the posts.

                              I am blown away by what strong Mums there are here in the barracks. I raised two sons who had no problems such as ADHD or any other "disorder" and I found it tough going with the fighting between them, general things that kids do, trying to get them to pick up their clothes, do their homework, etc., etc. My hat is off to you mothers who have children with special needs or who need special help or more attention than other kids do. I would never have been able to cope with something like that and I think you are all incredible. :h:h

                              And I just want to add my little bit to those of you getting back on the wagon. Each of us has to get and stay sober for ourselves, first and foremost, then for our family and friends. We all know that. But don't forget for one second that we are all in this together and that we are here for you. Lean on us. Tell us when you're having cravings or thoughts of drinking. Don't slide off into a corner by yourself. Come on here and share what you're feeling with us. I've said it before and at the risk of being boring, I'll say it again - for every "good reason" you can think of to have that drink, there are always 10 good reasons not to have it. If you can't think of any, we'll help to remind you. Just let us know that you're struggling before
                              you take that first drink and we'll get you through it as long as you allow us to help you. Sending all of you :huggy's and strength.
                              thanks Stirls xx


                                Army Thread 2nd May 2012

                                Hiya Limeyhole, How goes it?
                                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                                AF 10th May 2010
                                NF 12th May 2010

