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Glad I Changed

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    Glad I Changed

    Hi All:

    Last night we went out to dinner to an Italian restaurant that "offered" a complimentary "sip" before dinner so that you can sample their wine. I call it a sip b/c after we declined I looked over at another table that sat down & couldn't take my eyes off their wine glass. It was an older couple who shared a glass. Well the amount ...for me as an alcoholic...and yes I can call myself that but not outloud....was that I couldn't believe that they shared this 1/2 inch of wine between 2 people~ commenting on the taste (& they didn't order it).

    I am relieved that I am now AF 52 days. I can not just sip wine & not buy more. I was so content drinking my diet coke knowing I could enjoy my meal & not have to concern myself as to how slow or quick to drink that my mind was occupied with thoughts of drinking rather than enjoying my meal.

    I reminded myself that when I drank my life became the same damn thing over & over. I never opened my eyes to see that everyday has possibilities of growth and is anything but repeptitive as long as I just don't drink. I drank, my same problems occured over & over....I became stagnant.

    After dinner I thought about why I resisted choosing to be AF. I realized that giving up alcohol was like giving up my former self-the only self I knew. I wanted guarantees that giving up alcohol was the right choice. I wanted to know that I would be stronger & happier. I am. Will I ever cave in...statistics say yes. But I know that the more days of being AF...the better chance for me to bounce right back.

    It reminded me of a saying that someone from AA told me...Nothing will change if you don't change it.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

    Glad I Changed

    Thanks for that. Certainly clarifies any doubts about being AF if there were any. You sound fantastic.

    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Glad I Changed


      Well Done and thanks for sharing .....

      :h :l :h


        Glad I Changed

        Whish I were there

        Last night my husband and I went out for dinner. ( my rule is no booze in the house but drinking wine out at dinner is permitted). Anyway, we had our two galsses of wine at dinner which was just fine with me. But when I came home I had overwhelming cravings for more booze. Thank goodness my hubby was there and it was storming outside because I was ready to run off and buy some more booze. I guess I'm not quite that strong yet. So I Commend you on your strenght SeaBreez. I hope to one day have the same fortitude as you. TLK


          Glad I Changed

          Thanks Seabreez. Needed to read that today.............same thing day in and day out gets damn old when it is all negative because of booze.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Glad I Changed

            very nice SeaBreeze, so glad to hear you are in a comfortable and happy place. Dining out is still so hard for me but getting better.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Glad I Changed

              Well done Seabreeze
              Enough is enough


                Glad I Changed


                Isn't it great how good you feel after securing the victory over that temptation!! And as we all know how sad, pathetic, ugly, and depressed we feel when we let alcohol trick us into that 2-3 hours of numbness...

                Well Done my friend!
                Control the Mind

