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Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

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    Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

    Damo was bet with the ugly stick.

    Panno, you are half Irish anyway from listening to us xx
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

      Fuck me..Morocco, I poxy missed that while I doubled up in lucky sucker|!!!
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

        I will batter seven shades of shite out of you Mollers as soon as i can walk!!
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

          Just been reading back on yesterday....

          Mrs A would popping an antabuse help :l

          Glad you've heard from KTAB JC will be nice to see him back

          Zen I know I've missed you but have a lovely weekend and Pingu have a great holiday too

          LPC got everything crossed for you hope you get that call early today

          .........I must start writing everything down, memory now gone
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

            Oh and yis are all soooooooooooooooo lucky....

            Best thing about Pagan friends? They worship the ground you walk on...
            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010


              Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

              one2many;1310140 wrote: Marnin,

              Got shag all sleep, was driven mad with the pain of woman, in a dreadful state, in my next life, I am going back as a man with a huge mickey. I am looking forward to the feckin menopause.

              Going to get coffee... and 25 painkillers.
              A huge mickey - that now would be wank:H:H


                Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

                satz123;1310156 wrote: A huge mickey - that now would be wank:H:H

                oh and Satz glad you can now visit Damien, but please don't test me on what was wrong with your knee
                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                  Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

                  satz123;1310156 wrote: A huge mickey - that now would be wank:H:H
                  Better than a feckin womb doing the lambada!
                  "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                  AF 10th May 2010
                  NF 12th May 2010


                    Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

                    You know whats really funny when I read your posts I find myself reading them in an Irish accent, think its the men in white coats coming for me Monday :H:H
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

                      Panno;1310160 wrote: You know whats really funny when I read your posts I find myself reading them in an Irish accent, think its the men in white coats coming for me Monday :H:H
                      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                      AF 10th May 2010
                      NF 12th May 2010


                        Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

                        Yoo hoo all !! oney - it's grand to see that bum back!! Satz, the teenagers are sorted as much as is possible for now - they were most adult and are really aware of their 'co-dependence' issues - god the modern jargon is what I call a load of WANK!!

                        But peace is restored in the family home and I'm so glad the restoration happened before Coronation St started :H:H - could ya just see me,///" sorry, guys, hold that emotional purge a sec, Coro is on..." NOT a good look from a 'concerned' parent...

                        Anyhoo, if you get my drift, Coronation st is on, and it's me fave, so I'm going to head off for a bowl of ice cream and a couch sit for an hour.....

                        GREAT to be here!! Hugs


                          Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

                          Morning army Jan i loved your jokes great start to the day. May the luck of the Irish go with you Pinky regards the job i wish you success. Ahh oney i remember those woman pains so well i used to be in bits for the firsr day and a half. I started menopause early bout 43 so it sceasily 6 years since my last. Don't miss them and i don't know where i am with the menopuase but i had ver few sythoms apart fron night sweats and bad sleep. Very few hot flushes but some mood swings. I don't envy any of you with teenagers its tough job but they grow up eventually and may be move out:H. Enjoy your holiday Panno Morroco sounds lovely. Anon i think mr A is being a bit irresponible drinking around and keeping it under your nose he may not mean it or be aware that he is but you have to put your sobriety first. May be as Molly says try AA or counciling. I couldn't do it on my own either so i got to AA and put my name down for a counciler and group therapy at a centre not far from me. I'm no 7 on the list as its free you have to go on a list but i should be on a programe next month if all goes well. Enjoy your session with damo satz. Bank holiday weekend here go plan things to do to stay busy. Going to another AA meeting tonight yesgterdays was good. Well time for more coffee be back in a bit to read back.:cupajoe:


                            Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

                            Hello Army!!!

                            Jan - :H the goldfish joke.

                            Pinky, let us know as soon as you can about the job. Best of luck!!

                            Tipster, I know what you mean about the house being quieter. Fast forward a few years tho' when they'll have moved out. You'll be wishing they were there and making a huge fuss.

                            Kapone - I'm glad that my kids are grown and out of the teenage years. They were good kids but all that stuff that teens go through, I'm glad that's behind us. Mind you the late teens and early twenties were the worse since they were driving and would stay out late. Younger son especially. I can't remember how many times I'd get up at 4 or 5 a.m. and he wouldn't be home yet and no message on my cell to say where he was. Worried me half to death every time.:upset: They are now 35 and 32 and I'm very proud of the fine men they have turned out to be. I guess Mr. Stirly and I did something right. Best of luck with them Kapo!!

                            Satz - Don't let Damo push you around. Put yer foot down even if it does hurt yer dodgy knee.

                            Panno - have a great trip. Wow, Morrocco - that's just across the sea from me and yet it sounds so exotic.

                            Mollly - hope you get some laughs at work, too.

                            Hiya Foxy! Good news about getting on that group therapy list. Hopefully you'll get into it soon.

                            Oney - I went on-line to see if there are any home remedies for cramps and this is some of what I found. Not my ideas, just what I found there. I have heard tho that if you eat two cups of yoghurt a day, that it helps. Hope you can get some relief. You're sure giving us some laughs tho'.

                            Ive had horrible menstral cramps ever since i have been in high school. so bad i would have to leave school early sometimes. But what i have found to do most of the trick. is 2 pamprin a hot cup of tea and a home made heating pad. I got the heating pad idea from my grandma. Just take a long tube sock fill it with beans (your choice of lol) tie the end of the sock and place in the microwave for two mins. It stays hot for a long period of time too. if you don't wanna use beans you can also use rice.

                            well if you're reading this, you clearly have a computer! if youre in luck its a lap top...what i do that helps is lay on the bed or on the couch on your back, and rest your lap top on your stomach, the heat and weight of the computer helps soothe the cramps, and having the internet right in front of your face takes your mind off everything else...take your time, facebook creep, watch funny videos on youtube, whatever makes you think less about the pain in your belly!

                            A glass of milk and a tablespoon of cinnamon it works great I just did it. Also its illegal but it works. marijuana

                            My personal favorite is having an orgasm. That always takes the cramps away for me.

                            Ducking here, I can see the books coming my way. Or pots or pans or whatever is handy...:H
                            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                              Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

                              Hello.....................big hugs to Oney!!

                              Im getting rid of one teen for the whole weekend, shes been invited to go away with her pal, I think I will miss her, now if the other fella emigrating to the jungle Id be spearing heading his departure plans! Lol! Still he will be out all weekend so I will just have youngest two, might bring them to the new avengers film but its on for 2 and a half hours!!!!!

                              Kapo, just tell them to feck off out of the house and get their own place!! Mind you, youd prob miss the company...............maybe they could return on weekends??lol! I understand you tho when you say.............well I cant remember what you said exactly and if I look back I willloose this post but I took from it you didnt know how to do the 'mumsey, adult ' thing, well Im trying to learn that. With my eldset I hadnt a clue how to enforce boundaries really, I was trying to appeal to his more mature , better self. Im still trying!!lol!


                                Army Thread Friday 4th May TFIF...! (at f'ing last)

                                Hot laptop winging its way in your direction Stirly, along with 3 joints and a horny man
                                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                                AF 10th May 2010
                                NF 12th May 2010

