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This is a long one....

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    This is a long one....


    Just wanted to get some stuff off my chest and get some feedback on some things going on in my life, I know you all have great advice to give.

    I have been drinking since age 13, some stages more than others, had a terrible time with my dad growing up so have always thought this had contributed to my drinking too much, also had alcoholic grandfather. by 20 I had two kids, a daughter and a son, and my son's father was verbally and physically abusive (much like dad had been) so we broke up when my daughter was 6 and my son was 4. He tried to take the kids from me, and ended up kidnapping my son, I did not see him again until he was 16, he was gone for 12 years all up. My son and I are very happy to have each other back in our lives, and at 20 he has moved in with me , I'm living with my son again for the first time since he was 4. During the years I lost him, I had two nervous breakdowns and drank ALOT, I did emotional damage to my daughter, but she can look back and see the pain I was in and we have a good relationship now, especially since I didn't drink for 3
    years during her teen years, mainly out of guilt for what I had done to her for not being there for her due to the pain of losing her brother in her early years.

    You would think that my life would be great now I have both my kids again, and it is. I had been drinking socially during this time, and binging rarely, but still knew I was drinking to much again, it always seems to creep up on you. I had started to see a guy I met on the internet a few months before my son moved back in with me. He knew what I was like, drinking ect. but he really had a problem with it, and now I am under an ultimatum to not drink at all, and I agree that abs is the way to go, and I'm doing it for me, but he is always checking on me and doesn't think I can go without. He wanted me to move in with him straight away, and proposed within 6 months, I said yes as I thought he was the one, he was so sweet and romantic in the beginning, but since I said yes he has changed, no more flowers ect. and he's become very critical of my son, wanting him to move out so that I can move in with him. My son has only been living with me for 6 months, and in this time has done a TAFE course and got a good job, he's going for his car liscence next week. His father had never given him any encouragement, and was overly critical, and he wasn't going anywhere in life, he was living in a mate's garage, so I'm being as supportive as I can. Since living with me he's excited about his future and is making plans. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, I'm trying to keep my man happy, but don't want to rush my son out of the house when we are just getting to know each other, and things are going so well. My man has always been on his back, insisting he should have had a job only a week after moving to be with me from the city. He has a job now, but he critises saying he should be saving money to move out, not going out with friends ( and I'm so happy he's made friends here!). My man doesn't like my friends either and is generally running everyone down. Once after I mentioned my son he went off and said he was sick of hearing the sound of his name which really hurt me and I went home and drank after being af for 36 days. I did it hoping he would dump me after disobeying his ultimatum, but he didn't and so we go on. My loyalty is to my son and some days I don't care if I see my man again, other days I get scared that when my son does leave I will be alone again.

    I now have an ultimatum of April to move in with him and for my son to move out.

    Some advice would be appreciated!

    :thanks: :h

    This is a long one....

    I did it hoping he would dump me after disobeying his ultimatum, but he didn't and so we go on.
    Hi Jasmin,

    Maybe you should just take the initiative?

    The relationship with your son is worth nurturing and treasuring.

    Your man doesn't sound like he is worthy of you and all you hold dear.

    If it was me... I would find the strength and dump him.

    Don't keep him just because you are afraid of being alone. Surely being alone would be a hell of a lot better than having to constantly be under the stress of being piggy in the middle between him and your son and seeing your son being mistreated by him?

    And as for him giving you ultimatums...... well........I know the choice I would make if I were in your shoes.

    PS I am not normally an "advice-giver" but this really got my blood boiling.


      This is a long one....

      Hi Jasmin
      I am so sorry you are in such a horrible place right now. My initial reaction was to offer what I see as obvious advice in your situation but I thought perhaps I would say to you to just re-read your post as though it were from someone else here seeking advice and what would you say to them? I don't know if that is any help as I know you are in this situation and it is hard to perhaps take a step back, but it seems as though the answer is written in there. As for way...
      Sorry, I don't think this was much help. I know there'll be more wise words to come, but look after yourself and your family...
      much love


        This is a long one....


        I really believe you already know the answer. Your son will be in your life forever. No one has the right to say "pick him or pick me". Being alone does not necessarily mean being lonely.

        The ultimatum thing has really bothered me. I'm not in your shoes but NO WAY would I accept an ultimatum of that magnitude. I'd be going the "on your bike, sunshine" route.


          This is a long one....

          No offense but please run. As fast as you can. Reread your post. The answer is more than obvious. He is a manipulator taking advantage of someone he perceives as weak. You are not weak. DO NOT let him rule you or your kids life. Please.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            This is a long one....

            Always, always, choose your son over a manipulating man. If you choose the man over your son now, you will have to choose something else over time again and again. This man is not mentally healthy.

            Please choose your heart.

            Enlightened by MWO


              This is a long one....

              Give that man the ultimatum!! Either he waits for you or he leaves! He either wants YOU or he doesn't. You have some very important things going on in your life for you and your boy. Your son needs you now. The man is the grown up here, let him behave like one instead of a spoilt brat!

              Love to you my friend. Big hugs.

              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                This is a long one....

                Discussion and communication

                Hi Jasmin

                I'm only new to this site so i'm not sure if my view is welcomed so I apolgise in advance if it is not,

                I tried to post before but i dont think it worked so second time lucky.

                I went through a similar instance with my then de facto and we argued constantly over the children, what we did was to all sit down with a mediator and we all had a chance to say our piece, everyone had to listen, everyone had their chance to speak. It helped us no end, my then de facto is now my husband, he and my son enjoy a great relationship, my son calls him dad, means alot to him and us all.

                Ultimatums are not the answer, discussion and communication are, you obviously love both of them, they already have something in common, this should be pointed out, it will help start the bond, well it did in my case.

                Its easy to be critical and for others to say its an easy decision, it is not, maybe, just maybe its a decision that doesnt have to be made, love is a wonderful thing and it has helped me to where i am today, just have to get the drinking in order so I can say that I honestly have never had it better.

                Theres enough love in us all for everybody

                Wish you all the best


                  This is a long one....

                  Jasmin, you have been through a lot!!!

                  Your children should always come first no matter what. I know you know this. Treasure your relationships with your children. Learn to love yourself... and this man as you have described is not worthy of you.

                  All the best.


                    This is a long one....

                    So, you if choose this man over you son - what will the next ultimatum be? There will be another in your future, I assure you. This is how he controls and maniuplates the situation.

                    When your son leaves, you will not be alone; you will have you. There are lots of other men out there. You have to get to love yourself and your own company before you can find "the one". He is obviously not it if he is still trying to make all of your decisions for you.

                    You've lost too much time with your son already. Don't lose anymore. Sorry to be so harsh. I just hate to see anyone do this to anyone else.


                      This is a long one....

                      Be who you are...Stand for your values...Do not change you values to please someone else's demands...

                      Modifying ones (bad) habits is one thing..Changing Your family, your love, your hopes & dreams and values...NEVER give in on those! Value them above all else...You know what to do.

                      Blessing and prayers to you and your children...
                      Control the Mind


                        This is a long one....

                        I have heard this on TV before does your boyfriend want to be right or does he want to be happy. He better learn to compromise with you and your son or your life is going to be full of this misery forever. Pressure like this does lead to drinking so please take the pressure off yourself and stand up for whats in your heart.

                        I know its easier said than done we are here for you


                          This is a long one....

                          Sammy, I think you heard that from Dr. Phil. He's a wise man isn't he?


                          I have to agree with Lush.

                          Run as fast as you can in the other direction and don't look back!

                          The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.
                          :h :h :h :h


                            This is a long one....

                            Jasmine, I have only just joined MWO and I am not qualified to answer you, but, I put myself into your position ( in my head ) and thought what would I do?

                            I would hold tight to my children no matter what their ages and kick that man out of my life. He is manipulating and controlling you, and as long as you are with him YOU ARE GIVING HIM PERMISSION TO CARRY ON DOING IT.


