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    I know this sounds preposterous and I am not drinking but for almost 2 months the MWO page came up 'Internet Explorer cannot display web page'. I googled for days, weeks: MWO forums, Roberta Jewell, Linda Garcia (I almost called her office for heavens sake-How weird is that?) Everything and I mean everything came up Bubccus. I finally found an MWO page from 2003. I was reading decade old posts like they were the dead sea scrolls. It was awful

    Right before I lost you I printed out a post from a member named 'Tipplerette'. I'm not entirely sure sure why I printed it. Her post just absorbed me. She said nearly everything I have ever thought about myself and my situation: I don't use the the tools like I should; I have so much to be grateful for but endanger it all; I am so sick of myself; I can't do anything consistantly; why can't I get it together...That stuff. The self loathing is spectacular. It is indeed 'amazing that I can brush my teeth every day.' I kept her printed post on my bedroom bookshelf hidden behind my Elton John Bobble Doll for nearly 2 months. When I felt I was going down the tubes I slipt it out and read it sentence for sentence. I have no idea who you are but you are my Kwan. That letter kept me mostly sane and sober the whole time. I hope you are flourishing and happy and brushing your teeth
    Anyway I checked in again yesterday, because you know we do do that same thing over and over and over again expecting different results and Voila! OMG! A different result! There you were !!
    The complete homepage. RJ's big smile. All the forums. All the headings. All the annoying you had never left!
    I cried all morning and read posts all afternoon. It feels UNBELIEVABLE to be back. It's a tacky cliche but I absolutely did not know what I had until I couldn't have it anymore. I have lurked here with you for years. Since 2007 to be exact. On again off again like a cheap suit. I posted once or twice. Nothing memorable.

    But now that I am home-so to speak- I promise not to lurk anymore. I promise to try harder. I promise to stay in touch at least 3X a week even if I have nothing to say. I promise to use the tools. I can't promise not to drink yet but I promise to change the way I try not to drink yet.

    I never told you this but you guys are my neighborhood, my people. As my twin daughters would say, you're my BFF's and as Forest Gump would say even I know that's something you can't find around every corner'.

    There just aren't any others out there like you who make bearable and often times heartening this misery. I will NEVER leave you again. Talk with you soon. Good night.
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


    Glad that you found your way back!!!!!:l I'm really looking forward to getting to know you. Congratulations on your 2 months. :goodjob:
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15



      Hi Kradle123,

      Wow, you echoed so many of my sentiments - I, too, have been a "lurker" since 2007, and am SO, SO appreciative of all that I have learned from the generous, kind people here at MWO, starting with Roberta Jewell and on and on...MWO is a lifeline, and I never would have imagined something like this would mean so much to me. Thanks for being here, you guys! And, I DO hope Tipplerette reads this post...F
      . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery



        Welcome Kradle and Farfalalalalalalallalallalalalla
        we are so happy you found us:welcome::welcome:
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem



          hi there kradle...
          If someone told me 2 years ago that a website would have helped me quit drinking ... i would have Laughed My Ass Off... but here I am and i could not have done it without this site.

          I think for me as well, it was reading the posts. I was in secrecy adn denial for soooo long and to read others stories i was moved to tears on many occasions. and yelling out at my computer "thats Me, i did that " crazy... but i felt like I wasn't alone, Like my burden was shared with all these strangers. I could tell any stupid thing i have done or said and there were always others that did teh same thing. it was refreshing and still is. i come here everyday and i try to post something even if its the word association.... or I will not drink today.. its a hard struggle but i could not have started the journey without MWO

          keep coming
          AF since Sept 2013...



            Howdy Kradle.......So you had a little Broad Ban melt down...I know how you feel.....sometimes I hit one of my everyday sites and I'll get "Site not Found" Ha! Well it was found 200 times Ha! You just keep trying, eventually you'll find what you want. Glad your here......lot's of good stuff', everyone's a pro here......Use their talents ! Happy Trails....Tony
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss



              Kradle, that is a lovely post! Like you, I had a couple of months where I couldn't access the site and it drove me bananas. This place is a life-line for me - checking it is the first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do before I go to bed.
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                OMG WHERE DID EVERBODY GO ?

                So happy you are back
                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  OMG WHERE DID EVERBODY GO ?

                  Ahh! Finally a breather on this sunny Saturday and back to our sanctuary. I adore everyone checking in and ...well, you know those dreams where your tootiling along and suddenly some celebrity pops up out of no where and you begin having this intimate or mundane conversation as though it's commonplace to run into Madonna at the park and talk about gas prices...well that's a bit how I feel here. Lurking all those years I feel I know some of you from afar: Nora I love that you love the Thin Man but I am sorry to say I have imbidded a time or 2 since falling off the grid.I think the last time I had 2 solide months was last year. Farfall: I remember seeing your join date and thinking, wow-9/11. What a day of total change!!
                  Mollyka:Bread and water. Absoloutely. And you know my very closest friend is 2 years AA and I feel strongly I can not share things about this situation with her I know I could talk about here...not that I have but will...

                  Mamma Bear Well, my mom died several years ago and that was pretty much the end of me. I still refer to it as 'The Thing' An unspeakbable time. Your presence and guidance here are so comforting. I don't think I realised how much I missed her 'protection' till I started reading about your journey. Thank you so much.
                  CaparRight with you. You know how I found MWO? I was looking for a suppliment to help the liver (can't imagine why...) and up pops Kudzu and I am laughing and laughing because this is the stuff I found in a Southern Food/Decor Magazine used to decorate some families porch ceiling for Christmas. Apparently you can string your twinkly white mini lights through it's dead twiggy vines. I thought it looked like a great idea actually. Oh, also it's a pervasive weed you need flame throwers to eradicate. But I will spend 24.99 a bottle to help me stop drinking. Yes I was laughing too..Until I tried it of course.
                  ReallY? Is that what it was? Oh man. I tried every computer in the house but that makes sense since they all run off the same wifi. I almost asked Janet (My closest friend) to check on her lap top but for some reason I didn't want to. If I pop off again I won't be so paniced.
                  I think you joined a little after me. You always have something great to share. And I love your 'handle'. I always wanted to be MrsBehaving...
                  Thanks Wagooner
                  . It's great to be back though I wonder if I was ever really
                  here in the first place since I didn't talk; I didn't really contribute. I was like the kid in the back of the class wating for the bell to ring.

                  Well. Here I am now. And I know I need to get down to business. I know I need to pick a date. And I don't mean to the prom...I think I should go back to the tool box. Maybe I should become a subsciber. It's unclear. Lots of places here. Lots of choices. Lots of support. Thanks again for tapping me on the shoulder everyone. I really thought I had sailed off into oblivion there for a awhile. Will talk soon.
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    OMG WHERE DID EVERBODY GO ?

                    Lovely to read your post, kradle and great to have you here! I had a crisis about a week ago when my name and password weren't recognised - and I hadn't changed or done a THING - and I couldn't post, etc. Simply, I just started a new membership - I had to - but yes, I can sort of relate to the feeling of.."what am I going to do!!?? I can't post on MWO and all my cyber friends will think it's for the WORST reasons" :H:H - but anyway, here we all are, ready and willing to support each other...what a GIFT!!



                      OMG WHERE DID EVERBODY GO ?


                      I know that most of us have moved on and if we do post now it is under different names than we started with. 2003....I think is when I found this place and its had it ups and downs over the years. But, the early years really were the formation and kinda messy. EVERYONE was trying to moderate. Trying the Topamax. There were no abstainers....or a place for them to post if they were. I really like how this place has developed. Some of my best friends were made here. Most are sober and happily living their lives.....


                        OMG WHERE DID EVERBODY GO ?

                        I am honoured to have finally found this post Kradle123. I have to say that it moves me that my desperate words made you feel that little bit less lonely in your struggle. I am on a mission to be one of the successes here and promise that when I achieve this I will be one of those who sticks around to encourage others. It feels good to know that you've helped someone. I have so many people on here (too many to name) who have given me acceptance, tough love, tips, positive feedback, etc. I owe a lot to the people on this site and plan on giving back big time.

                        Day two for me and this time it's for real. Promise.

                        I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                        ? Lao-Tzu


                          OMG WHERE DID EVERBODY GO ?

                          Hi Tipps

                          I am so glad you found that original thread. This place can be like a labyrinth at times and I loose stuff I write or people I have been talking to... It' almost like being at one of my Summer Parties. :H

                          NOT !
                          Thanks for finding it. We r in this together by Gum
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest

