I tell my students that certain traits in their personalities can both enable them to make great achievements but also pose challenges in other areas of their lives. For example, I have a child who at 10 years old is a wonderful violinist. He competes nationally, and his creative and artistic nature - in this arena of his life - is wonderful and will help him succeed. Take this same personality trait and put it into the classroom environment and it creates difficulties for him in terms of organisation or working to a time frame.
So too with our addictive personalities - I am finding that with alcohol out of the equation I can apply the same commitment to other things in my life - like getting fit and having the staying power to try what for me is an extreme diet, further studying on top of a full time job, ... I'm finding I don't do things by half measures - I either do them to 100% or I don't do them. Ok, there does seem to be the trouble of procrastination - getting started, and knowing where to start - another personality challenge, but once I do something, it is done full out. So I've decided that rather than see myself as flawed in some way, I see it as a potentially positive quality that has been misdirected. I need to redirect my addictive personality to the greater good of myself rather than to my destruction! - and that includes coming here on a regular basis :H
Just ponderings for a wet Sunday ... Happy weekend all.