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I caved....

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    I caved....

    Hi AA,

    Glad you're back on track.
    Me too.
    Sometimes it just gets the better of you doesn't it. You have let no-one down. You are a thoughtful and considerate poster who communicates just the right sentiments at the right time. I'm glad you're here.


      I caved....


      It happens to all of us.

      Onward & mountain climbed is without a slip of the foot along the way.:danthin:
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        I caved....


        Try not to beat yourself up for the relapse. They are bound to happen. Take this experience and learn from it. This way you can prevent picking up the drink the next time. Remind yourself that drinking alcohol isn't really worth it. As time goes on, you will find, you will have longer stretches of sobriety. The replases will be far and few between if any at all. Remember, "This too shall pass". You might feel guilt or disappointment in yourself, but in a day or two, you will put everything into perspective and will be determined even more so to stay sober. I look forward to reading how you are doing.

        September 23, 2011


          I caved....

          You have been so wonderful and helpful to everyone here and reached out to me and made a difference and that is what counts. Plus all your af days and all your determination are building up a foundation to make such slips less and less likely, but in the meantime, they happen and they happen for a reason. And we acknoweldge then but we don't give up all our hard work which is a wonderful thing
          Thank you
          Oh, if Lushie's backed out of those slaps, just get down to Oz, boy..!!:H


            I caved....

            Hey AA:

            Not to worry.

            If I had a brick for every time I caved during the years before now, I could build a shopping mall.

            I learned something about myself each time. I went off, and found a new thing to try, or a new way to look at myself.

            It is a progessive learning experience. One thing to try, is keep a log or journal of things. When the monster starts talking to you, try to write it down. I did this, and even scribbled a great many illegible entries while in the depths of a jag.

            Keep those journals. I saved them, and just reading things from 10, 20 years ago I discovered some interesting things.

            You didn't let anyone down here. Of course you have those feelings of blackness again, but thats just the poison in the system weighting you down.

            Not to worry. Back in the saddle.



              I caved....

              You were there for a lot of people when they were down & out. The same support will be given to you. Some of us will sucome to the very situation that you have gone through. You will be there to tell them how you had to deal with it. Keep moving forward & think of this as a learning exprience.........Sobriety is a life long wishes!.................IAD.
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                I caved....

                Hi AA,
                From what you said, sounds like you were just having a go to see what effect it would have, and how you could handle it. And you handled it by not particularly enjoying it, getting back on your bike and cycling forward along the track.
                AA, I am not trivialising it when I say it is no big deal . What I am trying to say is don't let it loom large in your mind. Otherwise it wins. Just keep focussed on what you've achieved and are aiming for. And how good that feels. I'm winning back a few points every day myself, and gee it feels good.
                Be kind and gentle with yourself.
                Rags... soon to be renamed Banksia.


                  I caved....

                  Thanks to everyone for their kind words - they mean more to me than you know...

                  You're all right, of course. Beating myself up about it isn't going to do any good, so I'm focusing on all the positives. Thanks again to my MWO family for picking me up, dusting me off, and sending me back in the right direction! :thanks: :thanks:
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    I caved....

                    Hey AA,
                    Don't beat yourself up too much. I know its really hard not to feel oh so guilty BUT we have all done it. We have all had setbacks. You have done so well. Just look forward, pick yourself up and dust off. One set back won't keep you down. It sucks having this problem, don't let it beat you. You know you are strong. Just think of this as a 'reminder' of how much it sucks to be out of control drinking.
                    Take care.

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      I caved....

                      Dear AA,

                      Coming to this post really late just wanted to add my 2 cents worth, Ditto, Ditto Ditto! to all above and from me personally . . . I see a drive and spirit that will take you through to the best end results this time around. I see the resolve. I know you can!! GO! GO! GO!



                        I caved....

                        AA, you have been so suportive of everone on these boards. you were one of the first person to anwser me when I came to this board with questions. We are just human and humans have lapses in judgements(ever hear of Mel Gibson? pet rock or mood rings?) You are wonderful, I appauld you for for all your A/F days. Your are an inspiration. Keep on with all your postive thoughts. I care and so does everyone else

