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Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

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    Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

    Good moring troops,

    I hope you all had a good day yesterday, better have a read back and make sure all was....never know with our squadren...

    Okies it's Tuesday only two days down the calendar...but only three to go for "The weekend"..

    Mind you, I did have a pleasant surprise, my brother &/ his little girl Olivia...! have come for a flying visit, so we are out to play this week....gonna nick Ollie Outta school for 2 days, and be with them..

    Haven't seen him in 12 years and I hadn't met Olivia before only pic's & Oliver has never met Olivia and obviously visa versa...Oliva was named Olivia without knowing Ollie was Oliver...! so it's the Ollie team..
    They get on great, two little partners in crime...! do everything together, my brother looks upon horrified...:H
    Not really he's a grreat dad, being a parent has certainly changed him, he's 55 this year 6 she's only nearly 6yrs...ol'dog..:H
    Mum's in late 20's, the are not together, same ol'story trap a rich one...! but he doesn't want to know, only the child he wants to know and he pays thru the nose for it..but he loves his daughter...:l

    Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

    Morning Jan and all to come. I'm awake since before 5am and not sleepy noe so i got up and made coffee. What a lovely surprise for your brother to come over after all this time and for OHope you enjoy the time with your brother and niecellie and Olivia to meet. They will be great company for each other and i'm plenty of playful mischief. My weekend was good except for yesterday when it rained nearly all day so i stayed in. Well i hope you have a lovely few days with your brother and niece.


      Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

      Morning, Army. Tired to the bone. Both cubs fell ill last night. Have to sort out some more meds for them and then to the office. Will pop in later.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

        Hiya Foxy lady..hope you are well and the spring rains not wetting your soul too much, I used to love the rain when I was at boarding school, was in the south west of England...for "young ladies"..:H:H
        We used to go out in it to wash our rained so damm hard..
        Better not tell you about our weather at the moment..!
        Here's a hint :beach:

        Yes you got it right Foxy...full of miscief to call them...doesn't do the Ollie team justice....!

        he is staying a a 5 star de Luxe Hotel/spa resort..

        Abama Golf & Spa Resort - Home it's beautiful...not many kids tho, so when our pair met again that was it.................................peace up and left..
        All those laying close to the poolside got wet....:H
        jumping bombs..splashing fights...NO screams or shouts...they were clever...

        okies coffee time


          Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

          Morning Tipps sorry about the two cubs falling ill what caused do you know? A busy morning for you i hope they get well soon and is not too serious.:l


            Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

            That hotel looks fab Jan would love to be able to stay there.


              Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

              tiptronic_ct;1312340 wrote: Morning, Army. Tired to the bone. Both cubs fell ill last night. Have to sort out some more meds for them and then to the office. Will pop in later.
              Sorry X post tiggeroooooonie..Hoipe the cubs get better soon :l


                Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

                Firefox;1312349 wrote: That hotel looks fab Jan would love to be able to stay there.
                I know.....I would lurve to stay there..He has a private villa with it's own pool in the truly is the dogs bollox...:H:H

                You could stay there and never level the complex...pampered all the way.. oooooh yes plzzzzzzzzzzzzz
                Could do with some of that............


                  Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

                  Hiya LJ, Foxy and Tips and all to come! 12 years is a long time,Jan - how very special for you!!! I hope it goes really great Good to see you all here - it must be pretty early where you are? it's 6.30pm down here and I've got a lasagne in the oven...

                  thankfully the homefront is much better, we are all at peace with each other and there's no more 'no speakies'..yay

                  Wishing you all a most beautiful Tuesday, it's been a good one here


                    Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

                    Morning all, had a fab time in the west country. There are some pics on farce book if you can bear seeing shots of the sea and tigger taken on a mobile
                    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                      Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

                      Morning Pingu i just your pics on fb looks you like you had a great time with lovely weather. Hi Kapone i'm awake since 5 and its nearly 8am here. Just brekkie and feeling tied nowe so gonna try get a bit more sleep. Have a great tuesday and i'll be back later.


                        Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

                        Good morning from a lazy but happy Mrs A Hi Jan,Foxy, Kaps and Pingu.
                        The sun is shining I still have a houseful of people but seem to be coping fine
                        hope you have a great day and night Kaps if you are still awake


                          Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

                          Foxy - hope you managed to get a snooze in your morning and a very good morning to you, Anon - absolutely fab to hear you sounding so chirpy!! I'm about to retire for the night, need an early one - aas I have a fairly early start tomorrow, and I'm going to try SUPER hard not to be late!!!!

                          Wishing you again the most serene and pleasant AF Tuesday x x x


                            Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012

                            Morning/evening Jan, Foxy, Tips, Kap, Pingu, Anon and everyone else to come:l
                            Jan-lovely that you are getting some family time with your brother and his little girl.
                            Tips-sorry to hear that your cubs are ill. Hope they feel better soon.:l
                            Pingu-glad you had a fab time!
                            And hugs to everyone else! I'm sure by the time I post this, we'll have 20 more posts...or you'll all be gone!:H


                              Army Thread Tuesday 8th Mayo 2012


                              Happy Tuesday Everyone!

                              Sorry the kids are sick Tippers, sending healing vibes your way x

                              Great news on your brother and his little girl coming Jan x

                              Pingu, you have such beautiful kids, photo's are gorgeous.

                              Hi to everyone else x
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010

