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Army Thread 9th May

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    Army Thread 9th May

    Hello folks, i've got an abscess on me tooth and I've been feeling sorry for myself, got strong antibiotics now which seem to be working. No drinking tho so that's something.

    Pingu I can't believe that anyone was rude to you, don't even give them a minutes thought, hope you feel better on the lower dose of meds.

    Hello everyone, havent read back, hope we're all ok

    Not raining here yet so I'mgoing to do a bit of dogging cos there is lots more of the wet stuff forecast!


      Army Thread 9th May

      one2many;1313053 wrote: Hey Pingu,

      Don't be letting ANY twots on here upset you, not worth it, let them be rude if they wish, just be glad you are not them.

      I still don't think it is a great idea just to stop taking the meds tho. Surely you must be able to get an app for see your doc in the next 2 weeks?
      I have ranted about that on here before. no appts with my own Dr. not one. usually its a 4wk wait but this time its sod off and work it out yourself. ofc i could agree to see another Dr but having had two drs talk to me about al like i was making it up i kind of only trust my own Dr cos she gets it.
      Rant over....again
      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


        Army Thread 9th May

        Pingu, thats a sodding disgrace about yer doc, who is she, Mother Theresa? Does sge perform miracles on the side?

        Sooty, NOTHING as bad as teeth probs, feel better soon honey x
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          Army Thread 9th May

          one2many;1313066 wrote: Pingu, thats a sodding disgrace about yer doc, who is she, Mother Theresa? Does sge perform miracles on the side?

          Sooty, NOTHING as bad as teeth probs, feel better soon honey x
          tell me about it, the sad result of a practice too small for the area, three or four twots who claim to be doctors but who are actually rude uneducated assholes, and two or three nice doctors who are lovely but apparently you can't get to see them unless you are dead....

          Sooty sorry you are feeling rubbish.

          I;m going for some retail and food therapy once this piano tuner has stopped doing my head in. Once again Faure is very difficult to arrange with a piano tuner in the background. Probably worse than britain's got shit talent if I'm being honest!
          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


            Army Thread 9th May

            mollyka;1313072 wrote: Mornin all!
            Good to hear your mum is moving on a bit Tipps - bit like Kapo says, and particularly for older people - they really CAN hold onto situations, it must be hard to accept big changes I s'pose.
            Starts - delighted you're enjoying your week -- make the most of it:l
            Pingu - I'm deffo not the one to talk about AD's - I would agree with Oney bout the doc - that really is disgraceful - I wonder if you explained to the 'friendly' receptionist that you have a problem with potentially mind-damaging medication and will ONLY talk to that doctor would they organise it??
            Hey to everyone else - bit tired this morning - Joe's beginning my patio and I couldn't be arsed joining in
            Oh and my piano tuner was amazing last year - was here for what seemed like hours and only charged 50 yoyo's
            yeah someone suggested I told them I had slit my wrists but I'm crap at lying, and I'd still get the same response, you can see any doctor, they are all qualified at the same thing. Problem being that my doctor is the only person I have seen who truly seems to get the idea of addiction, two others in that practice have told me separately that if I have given up, whats the problem?? It makes my blood boil. I certainly do not want to go talking to those mindless idiots about ADs and insanity... not in a million years. It really sucks, I have been advised to complain to the practice but I am not sure what that would achieve, I;m not a regular visitor, only really in the past year for meds reviews and on odd occasions with the kids. It's not like I am one of those ultra loopy nutters who are there every week annoying them....
            Piano tuning over, thank god, he was starting to do my head in. I can get back to my arranging now.
            Hi Molly!!!! good morning to ya
            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


              Army Thread 9th May

              Marnin Mollers!!!
              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

              AF 10th May 2010
              NF 12th May 2010


                Army Thread 9th May

                Is it bad that i kinda laughed when I read that you were knocked over by a transvestite?

                That doc you got was a WANKER!!!
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010


                  Army Thread 9th May


                  I sympathise with you over the GPs, pingu. It's the same here......the good ones are in such high demand that you can't easily get to see them and it's a waste of time going to see the bad ones.


                    Army Thread 9th May

                    I laughed too Oney, so we are both wicked made me forget my toothache!

                    So was the transvestite driving a vehicle or what?


                      Army Thread 9th May

                      Ohh knocked over in a car?????? Ohh sweet jesus, i thought you meant you bumped into him or something??????
                      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                      AF 10th May 2010
                      NF 12th May 2010


                        Army Thread 9th May

                        Where did she say she was knocked over in a car? I missed that, shall not laugh anymore now


                          Army Thread 9th May

                          haha LMAO at Molly's story

                          Morning Reccie bear

                          Off into Reading in a few mins to do some retail therapy, I know it's horribly girly but I would like a long white skirt to wear with one of my (many) colourful tops at a wedding in a couple of weeks
                          And some music
                          And lunch
                          And just to get out really
                          Still haven't taken my meds, today or yesterday, I am in a total pickle about it
                          Maybe there's an AD anonymous(e) I can go to for advice?!?

                          The first dr I saw last March was wank, pure wank. "So, why haven;t you committed suicide yet then.." and a month later "well I suppose giving up drinking for a month is a start but I really don't get why you are still finding it hard"

                          fuck off bitch
                          there I said the bad word, hope there are no kids listening
                          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                            Army Thread 9th May

                            pingu1997;1313089 wrote: haha LMAO at Molly's story

                            Morning Reccie bear

                            Off into Reading in a few mins to do some retail therapy, I know it's horribly girly but I would like a long white skirt to wear with one of my (many) colourful tops at a wedding in a couple of weeks
                            And some music
                            And lunch
                            And just to get out really
                            Still haven't taken my meds, today or yesterday, I am in a total pickle about it
                            Maybe there's an AD anonymous(e) I can go to for advice?!?

                            The first dr I saw last March was wank, pure wank. "So, why haven;t you committed suicide yet then.." and a month later "well I suppose giving up drinking for a month is a start but I really don't get why you are still finding it hard"

                            fuck off bitch
                            there I said the bad word, hope there are no kids listening
                            Hiya Troopers!

                            Hi Pingu,

                            Hope you don't mind me sticking my fat beak in here re your AD's.

                            I presume you mean anti depressants? If so, be careful about cutting back your dosage on your own without a doc's input. Aside from making music, my other pt. time job is as a mental health outreach worker, and i've seen a few folks stop taking their AD's and feel great for a few days, but then crash, and they can often become unwell again, finding it difficult to cope with basic daily stuff. Just my observations/thoughts. I'm by no means an expert or a doctor, but i would be careful, and exercise caution. Is there a free medical info/advice telephone service you can ring? We have one called 'Nurse on call' which is a 24/7 phone advisory service. Anyway, hope you can get to a decent doc soon. There may be other AD's that suit you better? (which can take a week or 2 to kick in)

                            Best wishes and take care of yourself.

                            (Piano tuning? arranging? are you a composer? :h)


                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Army Thread 9th May

                              Getting out sounds like a good idea to me Pingu. Hope you find a nice skirt.

                              It's raining here so I'm staying put for a while. Fed up of the weather now


                                Army Thread 9th May

                                mollyka;1313080 wrote: Gawd, I do sympathise! We have to pay the doc. here for each visit so mainly we get to see who we ask for - well in my practice anyway. But before all this stuff I used to randomly see anyone down there about twice a year - usually an ear infection or kid's problems, but I remember falling on hols about 3 yrs ago and splitting my head open and had to get stitches out and got a locum. He was properly abusive - even tho I hadn't 'owned' the accident as drink-related (still don't fully - I was actually knocked over by a transvestite - long story) he harangued me about 'drunken marauding' on holidays --- I was MORTIFIED and very upset. The next time I went to a doc was my own about a year later and I told him all - he's been fantastic ever since. I wouldn't go to anyone else for anything.
                                Glad the piano tuner's done:l
                                Ah JESUS Molls will ya STOP!!
                                I'm in work p**sing myself laughing at the screen ! Knocked over by a tranny .......... I've heard it all now :H:H:H

