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Again and again...

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    Again and again...

    I am back after a long time away. I keep doing this viscious cycle over and over. I want to be sober, I don't want to wake in the morning and face the day with guilt, headache...anxiety beyond control. It gets worse the longer I drink. I am thinking of attending AA meetings, Iam just scared right now. I am scared to not drink and I am scared to drink. My hope is for tonight to not drink it has been a very long time since that has happened and I am a little nervous about it. Anywords of encouragement would help. Thank You.

    Again and again...

    Down, we've all been there. Yes, forever is scary. But, maybe just for now, you go to the Newbie's Nest and ask them what they're doing. You are OF COURSE welcome here, but in essence you're starting all over again, like them.
    Think of this in terms of TODAY, not forever. Re-read the tools, plan, and reach out to any help available to you. There are ups and downs, lot's of ways, but this is finding what works for YOU.
    Call on me any time, OK?
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


      Again and again...

      I always say that we are ALL only one drink away from Day One. Take it slow and try not to stress. Keep yourself busy during what woudl be your drinking times. Lots of non-Al beverages help to. Wishing you the very best and know that you have us for support. It's damn hard, but you can do this. Stay close, read and post. It helps.

      And welcome back too!

      Love Waggy
      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


        Again and again...

        Down and Out,

        We can all relate so well to the cycle - the agony of swearing off every day only to start again that night. I never thought I could live without alcohol. Now, I can't imagine ever drinking again. The more distance from it I get, the more I realize how absolutely insane drinking had become for me. It took me somewhere in the range of 4-5 months to understand how much better life is sober. Please give it your all because when you come out on the other side, you won't believe you "chose" to live that life for so long.

        For me, exercise, healthy foods (lots of fruits and vegies), meditation, a few AA meetings, reading copious amounts of materials on addiction, reading and posting here were key. I replaced my old habits with things like hot herbal teas, nice relaxing baths, t.v., good books, a few computer games....just anything......clean house, organize things that have gone unattended. I never run out of things to do. Just make sure you shake up your old routine - and I think exercise is essential. One book that really helped me with the mental conversation in my head was Jason Vale's Kick the Drink.

        A lot of people have luck with supplements like L Glutamine, Kudzu, etc. The store here has all those things plus other stuff. Self hypnosis is another thing you could try.

        Bottom line is that if you really want a different life, you have to work for it, be determined to stick with it, and know that the first drink is the easiest one NOT to take. Once we get going we're off to the dark side again.

        Sending you peace and strength.


