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I am now terribly shocked..

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    I am now terribly shocked..

    Virtually everyone choose happier life !!

    Guitarista;1315069 wrote: If you keep going AF, and don't drink again, you will have nothing to worry about. It will probably take you some time to rebuild trust from those around you, but each day you do not drink, you are slowly moving forward to rebuild peoples trust and faith in you.

    It is up to you to choose a life of problems and depression, or a life of happiness and respect. Great going on 2 days AF. Go for 1 week, then 2 etc......

    Of course you are right it take a second to lose respect and prestige and takes a long time to re-build it ...What a things !
    Will try to remain AL free !!!
    Thanks for your support ,
    A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

    2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

    Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

    2013 : So many ups and down !!

    2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


      I am now terribly shocked..

      Same thing happened to me, Dix, and I've slowly rebuilt it with those I care about. I've learned there are 'fair weather' friends, and those important in my life. I don't care, anymore, what those who watch for my miskakes, are happy with my falls think. What is important to YOU? First, and oddest, is yourself. Without yourself, happy and healthy, sober, what good are you to others?
      Get yourself well. The other will follow, for those who care. This is not about status, honor, it's about being the person you can be. You cannot see the future, nor change the past. You have only today, so get it right while it is here, OK? My father always said, and he was the most honorable man I've ever known, 'Do the right thing. I trust you.'
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        I am now terribly shocked..

        rubywillow;1315260 wrote: Same thing happened to me, Dix, and I've slowly rebuilt it with those I care about. I've learned there are 'fair weather' friends, and those important in my life. I don't care, anymore, what those who watch for my miskakes, are happy with my falls think. What is important to YOU? First, and oddest, is yourself. Without yourself, happy and healthy, sober, what good are you to others?
        Get yourself well. The other will follow, for those who care. This is not about status, honor, it's about being the person you can be. You cannot see the future, nor change the past. You have only today, so get it right while it is here, OK? My father always said, and he was the most honorable man I've ever known, 'Do the right thing. I trust you.'
        Very true Rubby,
        No body is rich enough to buy his/her past !.
        If we think that we are going to get ill, we will get ill. If we think that somebody is going to be rude to us, he will be. our very imagination will create the situation.
        If you wouldn't mind could you tell about you please !
        A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

        2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

        Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

        2013 : So many ups and down !!

        2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


          I am now terribly shocked..

          How are you tonight mate !

          I wonder if you or anyone share how long the AL remains in the bloodstream with the infected Liver ?
          I have taken 4 units today and planning to test the blood on coming Monday.I don't want too see Al in my blood at that time as I have told my doctor that am not a day to day drinker.

          Thanks for sharing,
          A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

          2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

          Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

          2013 : So many ups and down !!

          2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


            I am now terribly shocked..

            Dix, I knew I had a problem. Couldn't hide it, from my children and grandchildren, unfortunately. During this time, my beloved parents died, and my father had told me siblings would attack me, then they had my mother sign an illegal will. I let it go. I didn't need it like they did, obviously. Then, for the last 10 years, they have hounded, chastised, ignored, avoided me till zi just SNAPPED today. I know my faults, all of them, but I see theirs, and I don't dwell on them. I'm strong in my parent's love, know their hearts, don't NEED what they're trying to push me into. But no more. I'll give them no more, and don't have to explain it to them. If it comes to it, I'll take legal recourse. Another lawyer than the one who did the will, said he'd hate to be in their shoes. I don't want trouble, just leave me alone with the crumbs of history that mean something to me, but they want it too. NOT happening. I'm sober, happy, and MADDDD!
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              I am now terribly shocked..

              And I only say all this because we are penalized for our past, but it shouldn't be so. I only try to honor my heritage, especially my parents.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                I am now terribly shocked..

                Its terrible history ..This is just past and let it go..
                Its nice to hear that you are sober and happy.
                Yes our ultimate goal is happiness ??
                I just wanted how old are you and your marital status and job , business or volunteer work etc.
                Are you feeling socially respected now ?
                These are my insight to relieve me as well...But largely depends if you wish to share or not .

                I am happy to know that you are maintaining happiness.

                I have heard that ,
                A couple see other single living happily and a single sees the couples are so happily living.
                Our happiness must be from our insight and not from society.Still cant fade away deep rooted believe .Shame !
                A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                2013 : So many ups and down !!

                2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                  I am now terribly shocked..

                  I AM happy, Dix. Have finally decided not to bend to the other's will, but to my conscience. I'm sober, 61, married 40+ years to a good man who wants me away from the stress here, have 2 beautiful kids, 8th g'child coming, and my famil and those who love and know me are all I need. My health is not good. Not from AL, but genetics and stress. So, I'm removing stress from my life. I have a choice. So do you.
                  I can't make everyone happy. No one can. I'm no saint, nor am I a sinner. Just me. So remove yourself from your stress, and get well, OK?
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                    I am now terribly shocked..

                    [COLOR=Red]I'm no saint, nor am I a sinner.[/COLOR] J

                    Hi Rubby,

                    Now I have realized that I also have a genetic disease of depression when my MOM has been experiencing dementia from last 4 years when I left her and came to the UK.She loves me too much and expect more from other family members.I have also feeling a mild depression don't know it is either cause of AL or heredity.I am really motivated from one of the great person's philosophy and makes me stronger when I feel very low .I remember his words again and change the mind and come back to positive.
                    It is not a religious so if you like I will find a link and send you.
                    Now are you on medication for your stress or doing some things else ?
                    Sober mind do the best so please try your best.

                    Talk to you again,
                    A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                    2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                    Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                    2013 : So many ups and down !!

                    2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                      I am now terribly shocked..

                      Remained AF ...and hope so !

                      Hi fellows,

                      I am AF tonight and at work so no way out to drink until tomorrow morning !
                      Though I am AF and still committed not to take until my Liver get back to normal , But seriously feeling lonely .

                      -I am living abroad alone separating from my kids and wife .They are residing in refugees.
                      - I am not a citizen of this country but definitely will get that after one year as per contract if I wont do any criminal offence again.
                      -I am worried about kids and wife but they are not in touch.
                      -I am now not in touch with community as I am feeling low.
                      -I have no extended family here to share my problem.
                      -Either I have any friend who listens me or community.
                      -I am now dependant on all of you and your advices.
                      Please let me know if someone has/had like my status or any experience how to eliminate it .
                      A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                      2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                      Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                      2013 : So many ups and down !!

                      2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                        I am now terribly shocked..

                        dixon;1315856 wrote: Hi fellows,

                        I am AF tonight and at work so no way out to drink until tomorrow morning !
                        Though I am AF and still committed not to take until my Liver get back to normal , But seriously feeling lonely .

                        -I am living abroad alone separating from my kids and wife .They are residing in refugees.
                        - I am not a citizen of this country but definitely will get that after one year as per contract if I wont do any criminal offence again.
                        -I am worried about kids and wife but they are not in touch.
                        -I am now not in touch with community as I am feeling low.
                        -I have no extended family here to share my problem.
                        -Either I have any friend who listens me or community.
                        -I am now dependant on all of you and your advices.
                        Please let me know if someone has/had like my status or any experience how to eliminate it .
                        Dixon, I am so sorry for your situation; please try to stay strong. I'm sure most of us here would have no idea what it is like to be in that position, but you must keep positive.
                        Is there any way you can find out through others that your family are well?
                        I know you are feeling down right now but making contact in the community, maybe through volunteering, is a great way to make new friends. It is very important for you to make contact with people - you may be very surprised how many good souls are out there. They could benefit from your friendship as much as you would from theirs.
                        It would help your self-esteem, lift your spirits and give you some hope.
                        You may not see it right now, but the more AF time you get, you will become more confident and start to see ways of overcoming all those things that you are worrying about right now.
                        Keep a positive attitude, watch a funny film; exercise, maybe swimming, cycling, going to the gym?
                        I really wish you all the best; tomorrow is a new day - do all that you can to make it a little different and better.:l
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          I am now terribly shocked..

                          daisy45;1315861 wrote: Dixon, I am so sorry for your situation; please try to stay strong. I'm sure most of us here would have no idea what it is like to be in that position, but you must keep positive.
                          Is there any way you can find out through others that your family are well?
                          I know you are feeling down right now but making contact in the community, maybe through volunteering, is a great way to make new friends. It is very important for you to make contact with people - you may be very surprised how many good souls are out there. They could benefit from your friendship as much as you would from theirs.
                          It would help your self-esteem, lift your spirits and give you some hope.
                          You may not see it right now, but the more AF time you get, you will become more confident and start to see ways of overcoming all those things that you are worrying about right now.
                          Keep a positive attitude, watch a funny film; exercise, maybe swimming, cycling, going to the gym?
                          I really wish you all the best; tomorrow is a new day - do all that you can to make it a little different and better.:l

                          I am really feeling alone because this is my first ever accident in my life ,otherwise I was a successful person before widely known in the society as a social worker,good earning,education etc...Being related to many community and organization made me more hurt...
                          Really Really and really searching for the new social friends , I could make some if I go to AA and other organization where I can find the friends but feared of becoming drunk I prefer to stay at home.
                          In another note, I am searching a sober friends on-line in many ways but cant find anyone matching to my situation.I have spent a lot of money to find a best friend visiting so many organisation , say Churches,Clubs,Gym,Samtittan,CRI,Mind,Triangle etc but cant find the matching may be cause of my different culture.
                          I am trying to find the place to living where the people like me have been living so that we could share our grief but couldn't.Do you think AA or any organisation has set up such a place where sober people live ???I know if one share happiness get doubled and grief halved...So I am really seeking a true friendship rather than artificial for the sake of both or for me.
                          Thanks for your support,
                          A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                          2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                          Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                          2013 : So many ups and down !!

                          2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                            I am now terribly shocked..

                            Finally tired of AL and attempting to find spritual,meditative ,sober friends , Now enjoying chants ! Meditating...
                            A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                            2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                            Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                            2013 : So many ups and down !!

                            2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.

