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Army Thread 11th May

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    Army Thread 11th May

    Good morning, Army

    I see Satz is posting on yesterday's thread!

    Have a lovely Friday - I've decided to take the day off, so I'm sitting in bed with a lovely cup of coffee.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread 11th May

    Morning tigger and.....

    Where's everyone else??"
    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


      Army Thread 11th May

      Hiya PinguPURPLEPants

      I was wondering the same thing - I can hear our voices echoing in here...
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread 11th May

        Morning Tips (lucky you!), Pingu and everyone else to come.
        Off to work-TGIF


          Army Thread 11th May

          Morning Tipps and Pingu. Well the sun is peeping in out from amomg the clouds. No rain well not yet :yay::sun:. Enjoy your day off Tipps any plans? Just doing some housework today and going to try make an AA meeting this evening if i'm not too tired and it doesn't rain heavy. Just having a nice cup of coffee here too from my new machine well the one from my sister gave that was lying in a cupboard and never used. Havin tried a cappuchino from it yet but maybe later what an excitent lol:cupajoe:


            Army Thread 11th May

            Expost morning expat.


              Army Thread 11th May

              Good morning Expattie & Foxy

              Go ahead and froth up a storm with the new machine, Foxy!

              See you tonight, Expattie.

              I'm thinking of going to the Dept. of Home Affairs to apply for a new ID book - haven't had one since the old one was stolen last August, I think it was - when the fecking thieves blocked my car's remote control and walked off with all the stuff that was inside. A brunch at a place where I'll be able to sun myself a bit also sounds good. I also have to get my mom and Mrs. T something for Mother's Day.
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread 11th May

                Ahoy there all FRIDAY!!!!IS!!!!!FINISHED!!! (well work-wise it has anyhoo!)

                Yay - got home to a freeeeeeeeeeeeeezing house but slowly warming up now. Changed into my trackies and hoodie and jug is on.....

                Gosh what a lovely miracle it is to be so comfortable and cruisy on a Friday night parking up with my pets and a good book after Coro....a FAR cry from the days when Friday night was THE night for drinking up large (in the past any night would do, and then came any DAY or night on the old slippery slope downward spiralling doom-laden descent into alcoholism) I am a grateful recovering alk on this day!

                I hope you all managed to decipher that jumble of hectically typed words, got two hungry cats wondering who the FUCK I think I am, as usually I feed them before I do anything else - so I'm typing away here a bit hurriedly....

                Back in a bit x - hope yiz are all fine and dandy etc


                  Army Thread 11th May

                  Hi Kapone sounds like a lovely cosy evening in. I have 2 cats also just fed them and now they are out for their morning ramble. They get their morning before i get me coffee:H. Yes its great to wake up clear headed and sober weekends and any night really i would have been on the vino and somtims starting in the afternoon. Still a bit tough some days but i'm coping and it take it day by day with my higher power. Enjoy your evening. I love getting stuck in to a book these days.


                    Army Thread 11th May

                    Good Morning people.

                    Isn't it just amazing how some things NEVER change around here lol....sigh....

                    It's Friday!! I have a reading this morning and then gonna spend some time with Mia, she kept me awake all night coughing.

                    Have a great day folks x
                    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                    AF 10th May 2010
                    NF 12th May 2010


                      Army Thread 11th May

                      Hiya Oney - you too have a beaut time with Mia, I hope that cough of hers disappears pronto, the poor pet. Big hugs and sprinkles of get well dust coming over you all...

                      Coro nearly on (we get 2 hours a week, Thursday and Friday night) so I'm glad to be able to park up to that. I probably should be donning a coat and going for a good brisk walk, but couch with a cup of tea and some bikkies in front of the telly is winning hands down....oh and I hear rain!! YES!!!:H:H:


                        Army Thread 11th May

                        Ohhh rain just tops it off...BLISS!
                        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                        AF 10th May 2010
                        NF 12th May 2010


                          Army Thread 11th May

                          Morning Oney enjoy your time with Mia i hope her coughs soon. I have a bit of a cold and cough too think its the change in weather. Sunny spells but cool this morning here.


                            Army Thread 11th May

                            Thanks Foxy, enjoy yer posh coffee!!
                            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                            AF 10th May 2010
                            NF 12th May 2010


                              Army Thread 11th May

                              Hi Foxy,Pingu Tips Oney Expat Kaps. Got to get in quick before I need the back of an envelope!
                              Poor Mia How is she now?
                              Coffee please FF

