zenners do u have any rennies?
No announcement yet.
Army Thread 14th May
Army Thread 14th May
Lmao at Pingu and oney. Hi Zen and Pinky. Very windy here and more rain on the way. Just back from visiting my sister who lives nearby. She hurt her leg after a fall last week but lucky it wasn't broken or fractured. The hospital put a cast on it this day last week but took it off today. Its still sore and brusied and she's walking with a crutch but should be ok. Oh hi to Reccie i nearly missed you.
Army Thread 14th May
hi Foxy, windy here also, im contemplating whether to go out or not, hope ur sisters leg heals soonI love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
Audrey Hepburn
Army Thread 14th May
Hi Pinky i'm most likely in for the day now as i went for a 40 minute walk after visiting my sis so feeling bit tired. She should be ok as we're off to Germany for a 4 day trip to visit her son Alan and his German wife Katja. They had their first child a girl last december so we're mainly for the christening and there is a festival on too. me my brother and 3 sisters are going its not often we get to travel all together plus some nephews wives and kids are goin should be fun.
Army Thread 14th May
ha ha zenners
ive never been to germany, i bet u will have a great time with all ya familyI love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
Audrey Hepburn
Army Thread 14th May
Hello Troopers!!
Good to see you back Oney although in all truth you never left. Do you have any spare polishing cloths for aI expect it needs be polished once in a while. I've got a can of
but no cloths at the moment. Mind you it's not for me, but I figure we should always lend a helping hand....
For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Army Thread 14th May
:H Nice one Zenners luv it lol. No we don't hire cars we use public transort over ther mainly train which is very efficent and good value as you can get deals on group tickets. It will be my brother and his wife's first trip to Germany so we will do another rhine cruise and a cable car ride which is amazing for scenery and photos. We stay in Mainz which is a lovely and we fly into Frankfort airport.
Army Thread 14th May
GIVE ME A FRIGGIN BREAK, cheaper and easier to fuckin buy one. Halo polishin time. Dig deep in those pockets and watch the moths flying out.
Busy making brown bread, finishing dinner and cleaning up after the 3 little piglets.....a woman's work and all that jazz. Hand to forehead.....
Class tonigh and a break..BLISS!"It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"
AF 10th May 2010
NF 12th May 2010
Army Thread 14th May
Sorry, was off on a Skype call.Zenstyle;1316179 wrote: Lovely posts from Kapo and Pinky... xxx
Gah!!! I have a severe case of indigestion (stop laughing!!!)... no frikken clue what yer supposed to do about it as it's only happened a couple of times in my life. I seem to remember you need to drink milk....
Had a visit from an ex-BF last night. Ended up pishing ourselves laughing at stuff from the past. 'Twas very good all in all and I've forgiven him for his discrepancies... one less person to be mad at!!!:HHome Remedies for Indigestion - My Home Remedies - Home Remedy Forum
I got it at Ask.com - What's Your Question? Hope you find something to relieve it soon.:huggyl
Firefox;1316198 wrote: Hi Pinky i'm most likely in for the day now as i went for a 40 minute walk after visiting my sis so feeling bit tired. She should be ok as we're off to Germany for a 4 day trip to visit her son Alan and his German wife Katja. They had their first child a girl last december so we're mainly for the christening and there is a festival on too. me my brother and 3 sisters are going its not often we get to travel all together plus some nephews wives and kids are goin should be fun.
Zenstyle;1316205 wrote: I've never been to Germany. If I remember right, their speed limit is really high. Are yous hiring a car?
Look at this... just got it in my email... not very politically correct for an alkie forum but I had a giggle all the same... lol
I would like to share an experience with you, about drinking and driving.
As you well know, some of us have been known to have had brushes with the authorities, on our way home from the odd social session over the years.
A couple of nights ago, I was out for a few drinks with some friends at the Bahama Breeze at Rocky Point and had a few too many Bahama-ritas and some rather nice sangria with dinner.
Knowing full well I may have been slightly over the limit, I did something I've never done before: I took a bus home. Sure enough I passed a police road block but as it was a bus, they waved it past.
I arrived home safely without incident,which was a real surprise, as I have never driven a bus before and am not sure where I got it.For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Army Thread 14th May
I love big chippers and i can not lie, that oney bint can't deny that when pinky walks in with chippers to taste u wanna see that smile come across her face.
There chippers, yes chippers, they make ya hips get bigger
me wasting time when i should be revising , lolI love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
Audrey Hepburn
Army Thread 14th May
Hey Oney and Stirly. Zen we go friday 22nd till tuesday 26th when we travel back. Mainz is a lovely town and around that region of Germany is cheaper for eating out drinks and clothes shopping. They even have woolworths store there lol. My sis an hubby have been there lots of times to visit Alan and Katja but it woill be my 3rd time but last 2 visits were in October and a bit cold.
Army Thread 14th May
Zenstyle;1316240 wrote: It sounds lovely Foxy! I'll have to Google the area. When are you going?
Hiya Stirls!!!:wavin: Zennie-butt.
Recluse;1316241 wrote: Hello ladies
I like your new avatar pinky......it does make me want to call you "little pink hat" though.:hallo: Reccie!!
one2many;1316244 wrote: GIVE ME A FRIGGIN BREAK, cheaper and easier to fuckin buy one. Halo polishin time. Dig deep in those pockets and watch the moths flying out.
Busy making brown bread, finishing dinner and cleaning up after the 3 little piglets.....a woman's work and all that jazz. Hand to forehead.....
Class tonigh and a break..BLISS!
Firefox;1316253 wrote: Hey Oney and Stirly. Zen we go friday 22nd till tuesday 26th when we travel back. Mainz is a lovely town and around that region of Germany is cheaper for eating out drinks and clothes shopping. They even have woolworths store there lol. My sis an hubby have been there lots of times to visit Alan and Katja but it woill be my 3rd time but last 2 visits were in October and a bit cold.
littlepinkcat;1316252 wrote: I love big chippers and i can not lie, that oney bint can't deny that when pinky walks in with chippers to taste u wanna see that smile come across her face.
There chippers, yes chippers, they make ya hips get bigger
me wasting time when i should be revising , lolFor every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay: