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Army Thread 14th May

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    Army Thread 14th May

    Well. m'hearties, I'm hitting the sack, going to read for an hour before lights out :H

    Oney - when you show your sexy arse, just want to say, I posted a wee comment on your two year thread, and I was fecking GUTTED to have missed the actual day. I really don't know HOW!!!??? Anyway, the ISM in me would have wanted to have been one of the first to wish you CONGRATS!! Funny, ay, I was a bit miffed with myself :H

    Wishing you all a joyous AF day, goodnight!!


      Army Thread 14th May

      Hi again army i fellback asleep for a while. Good luck with your exams Pinky wow that sound complicated. I need to start looking in to part time coarses for myself with the unemployment here. There is alocal centre may be able to help. Need to get the oul brain going again. Always lovely to read everyone's posts here. Off to get more coffee.:cupajoe:


        Army Thread 14th May

        startingover;1315962 wrote: What do you do Satsuma?
        Starty - wait for it !
        I am a Human Resources Analyst . Pay 3000 Irish feckers every fortnight ( hate that bit ), answers their queries on all employee issues - tax , social security etc. my boss is a prick ( like that bit )

        Have offices all over Europe too so queries from there too !!!
        ( when Mrs A was running the marathon - I told Mr Satz she was from the Swindon Office :H:H:H:H ) Wouldn't admit to being friends with ACTUAL ALKOS ( joke )
        Couldn't admit to being an ACTUAL ALKO !! :H


          Army Thread 14th May

          kapone12;1315973 wrote: Have a suuuuuuuuper day, startypoo!

          As for the homophobia allegations, perhaps it is someone just bored and stirring, or something? Nothing to lose any sleep over it, but while we are on the subject of sexuality, I am seriously starting to wonder if perhaps I am a-sexual :H:H... I can't think of anybody in the whole world I'd like to shag, but then again, I haven't thought about it very HARD!!

          Alcoholism is a very non-segregative disease, it doesn't care if we are black, white, blue or green, matters not if we like having sex with men, women or apples or carrots, cares not if we believe in god, satan, or the get my drift? What we ARE here for is encouraging each other, respecting each other, laughing with each other, offering each other shoulder and/or an ear... we are able to achieve and maintain healthy and happy sobriety by BEING there for each other and sharing our experience strength and hope. The rest is just bollocks!! So please, peeps, try not to worry tooo much about what some poor, bored, demented and possibly half-cut person is referring to on other threads... it quite simply isn't worth our time x x x x

          Now THAT made me laugh Ms KP :H:H:H


            Army Thread 14th May

            one2many;1315975 wrote: No phobia here, no negativity here, no whining here, no leaving here, no tantrums here, no ego's here. Period. We are a lovely, positive little group and that my folks, is the end of that!

            Pinky, my favourite little lesbian, how the hell are ya?
            I think I'll leave.
            What does it entail Oners ? You did it last night !
            Just say it ? or wha


              Army Thread 14th May

              littlepinkcat;1315981 wrote: im good yeah, a bit tired like with all this revision, but not giving in i will pass this ROCK HARD exam, lol

              ive got me hypnosis and cold teabags for me eyes ready when i need a break from my revision, lol
              Pinkypoo -what hypnosis you got ? Would love summit decent to listen to !


                Army Thread 14th May

                mollyka;1316009 wrote:
                And yes, back to Kappers - I'll 'fess up now, prior to growing up and becoming an alkie I was great at 'boxing' people - thick people, poor people, big people, all sorts of people --- now all I care about is if people are kind and caring - and funny helps
                LOVERLY post Mollerooney :h
                Couldn't give a rat's arse what people look like.
                Have to admit there is some leagacy thoughts sometimes when I see a VERY fat person - as this was engrained by my mother over the years. My sister was anorexic at one time & talk of a drink problem but we never got to the bottom of it as she lives away.
                Only now I see it when I call up to my mother & she judges everyone by their looks - size especially.
                How are you today Molls ? You were tired past few nights - I do worry about you :l


                  Army Thread 14th May

                  TYPICAL - I arrive & yiz all go :upset:

                  I'M LEAVING :drama:


                    Army Thread 14th May


                    Had a few hours kip on the sofa after posting this morning and had some weird dreams. I'm still getting used to dreaming after not dreaming for many years cos of the booze. Do people sometimes have nice dreams or are they always bad? In one dream poppy and I were confronted by a bear (a brown one, not a reccy bear) and a wolf together in a field in the dark and they were hungry and in another dream there was a small leak somewhere in the house and everything the plumber did made it worse and worse until eventually the whole house was falling apart! :upset:


                      Army Thread 14th May

                      Recluse;1316083 wrote: Afternoon

                      Had a few hours kip on the sofa after posting this morning and had some weird dreams. I'm still getting used to dreaming after not dreaming for many years cos of the booze. Do people sometimes have nice dreams or are they always bad? In one dream poppy and I were confronted by a bear (a brown one, not a reccy bear) and a wolf together in a field in the dark and they were hungry and in another dream there was a small leak somewhere in the house and everything the plumber did made it worse and worse until eventually the whole house was falling apart! :upset:
                      O Jesus - sorry Reccy for laughing.
                      I HATE water dreams and crashing aeroplanes is another one I have !


                        Army Thread 14th May

                        Oney you came back. Really missed you, all day I bin debating whether to send you an email begging you to return, we can't have our thread without you in it. Good to see ya honey bint...

                        Ps anyone else flicking freeeezing today
                        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                          Army Thread 14th May

                          Pingu...firstly, I was NOT lurking, I was just passing by with the hoover.

                          Thanks for the 467 pm's and emails and the 798 calls begging me to come back.

                          it might just have done the trick...

                          Now, please post straight after me, commenting on my post or else.....well you know what will happen..I will leave.
                          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                          AF 10th May 2010
                          NF 12th May 2010


                            Army Thread 14th May

                            No no no no please not again. i can't imagine this forum without you. hope this post got to you in time otherwise I'll be crying into me pillo again tonight
                            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                              Army Thread 14th May

                              I am still considering it Pingy.

                              God it is BALTIC here and there are people out in T shirts?

                              AND SHORTS!!
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010


                                Army Thread 14th May

                                yo zenners
                                I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                                Audrey Hepburn

