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Am I in Denile????

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    Am I in Denile????

    Im 20 years old, work at one of the nations top Brewerys, and continually am told by my Mom and sis that me and my father are Alcoholics....So what we enjoy drinkin 6-12 beers regualarly....not always daily, sometimes i can go numerous day without drinkin, its just when i do have a beer i cant stop at one. For that reason I dont feel Im an alcoholic and neither does my dad....even thou I badly want to stop drinking because I do feel its ruined my life one way or another I still dont feel that im an alcoholic that needs rehab or who cannot drink anymore period. I just need help, im sick of lving my life like this , I feel happy when I drink but the next day I feel soo depressed somebody plz give me some advice am I an alcoholic or jus a heavy drinker, what shld I do????

    Am I in Denile????

    Hello Luxx, Welcome to MWO, well, I can't really give you any concrete answer to your question about if you are an alcoholic or not, I can only respond to the fact that the way you are drinking right now is making you feel bad and that you cannot stop when you want to. You feel that it has ruined your life in some way and you also feel that you can be a social/moderate drinker, drinking is making you feel depressed and you are feeling confused.

    I can say that you have come to a very good place for help and advice. You can start right off reading thru the threads and getting a feel for how they work, Newbies Nest, Need Help, General Discussion, Med Thread, and many more threads are here. We are a community of people who are helping each other by sharing our hopes, fears, experiences, successes, failures, etc.

    You can go to the MYO home site and order the book to read about the program which is how this whole thing got started, there are lots of supplements you can order or buy on your own to help with cravings, in general start reading thru the site and educating yourself on what there is that might help you. Then just jump in on any thread that you want and start taking part. We are all here to help you in any way that we can.

    Sending you lots of good energy,


      Am I in Denile????

      Hi Luxx,

      Welcome to MWO, glad you found us!
      You are quite young & already concerned about your drinking patterns/habits, maybe now is the best time to make some changes. If you have concerns now, they will only get worse as you go on.

      Go to the Health store here on the website & download the MWO book. I did when I first started, it has lots of information for you.
      Take a look in the for lots of great ideas to help you put a plan together. Commit yourself to a 30 day period with no beer then see how you feel. It was during that 30 day process I decided to give up AL entirely & I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever.

      You want to be in control of your life, not AL
      Wishing you the best!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Am I in Denile????

        I always believe that you do not need to be an alcoholic to quit drinking. You can be starting to have a problem in drinking and then quit, or quit drinking because you just want to. Still read over the toolbox in the monthly abs. and set up a plan. Do you want to moderate? Most of the time people do 30 days af before doing any moderation. Denial is a stage of this disease, however its you who know for sure if your an alcoholic or not.
        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


          Am I in Denile????

          I wish I would have thought about quitting at 20 years old. I waited for another 23 years, but at 20 I was drinking much like you.

          Now I still don't call myself an alcoholic, even though in the end I was drinking about 18 beers a day and half a bottle of vodka a night. But no matter how you want to refer to your drinking it sounds like it's causing you problems in your life. Alcohol abuse will get progressively worse, and problem drinkers/alcoholics don't normally stay at their current level of drinking just because of tolerance alone. Tack on higher stress levels as you age and normally more income and you will always see a progression. So if it's bad now it will probably only get worse.

          So I don't really think it matters how you want to label yourself, the big question is how do you want to fix your problem. I also had the issue that I could never stop at one or two. And after years of unsuccessfully trying to moderate and continuing to progress to a heavier drinker I finally decided that my only option was to quit for good. I wish I did it 23 years earlier. I can honestly say I have never heard anyone say "I wish I didn't quit drinking", but I have heard many people say, I should have quit earlier, or I wish I could quit. Believe it or not, sobriety is great, and that is coming from a guy who whole life revolved around drinking since I was 15 years old. If I would have quit when I was your age I would be so much farther along in my life and I wouldn't have many of the regrets that I currently do.

          It's possible, and it will be the best decision you ever make in the long term.


            Am I in Denile????

            It is not that hard to quit drinking you just need to have a strong and firm determination towards it. And you really need to feel that this thing is bad for you and your health and you really wants to get rid of it. Keep us updating on your progress.
            cary il personal training


              Am I in Denile????

              Hi Luxx and welcome!

              I don't think you really need to label yourself. If you think you drink too much, or feel bad about it afterwards, I'd say it's time to take a long look at it. You're young, so this could be a long road for you if you don't make some changes now. I used to like drinking 12 beers at a time too...only I did it everyday! I'd hate the way I felt after (not just physically, but mentally stressed out). I'm glad you've joined us, you'll find a lot of support and experience here. Please keep posting so we know how you're doing!

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

