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    Hey Amigos

    I just wanted to update you guys on my cat debacle. The vet called me yesterday for a lengthy chat. The behaviorist at NCSU says that this was re-directed aggression. That something freaked her out and she directed that at me. ALSO that she will likely do it again toward the same person. YAY

    They wanted to know if I wanted to proceed with the spaying and I said yes. SHe said that would be good if it turns out you want to "re-home" her. Well...yeha but who wants a psycho cat? THey have started her on Prozac (?????) and I am supposed to pick her up at 5 today.

    I have a feeling that if this is going to happen it will almost be immediate, as it was Thursday night.

    SO-wish me luck and I hope it's OK. I don't know how this is going to go, but after $700 I cannot do any more for her. We have a lot of no-kill shelters that adopt them out; I don't know what else I can do.

    Sober again today, no worries there. Antabuse 125 mg/day. My answer right now.

    Thanks all for being here


    Awwhhh Ann,

    You have done everything you can do. I hope it all works out for you and the cat.
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010



      Geez Ann...sorry
      I just put my psycho cat down, but he was old and sick
      he HATED everyone but me....go figure
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        CAT REPORT

        Home with the psycho feline

        She got out of the carrier and ran somehwere. Trust me I am not going to look for her. SHe can hang out wherever she wants right now. She has a weird cone thing on her head to keep her from licking the stitches. I'm sure it's annoying as hell.

        Food's out and I'm certainly not going to bother her.

        Thanks guys


          CAT REPORT

          Not sure about the eating with the cone thing. Thye said I could take it off for her to eat and out it back on HAHAHA. I'm not going to try to wrestle with her. It's supposed to be on for 5 DAYS!?!?


            CAT REPORT

            Awe Anne I didn't read your earlier thread on your cat but obviously there is alot of distress on both sides, please don't leave her/him out there to fend for itself, can you not call the RSPCA or cat rescue (this is what we would do in the UK not sure if you have something like this in the USA) hope it works out :l
            Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


              CAT REPORT

              Hey Panno

              No she is fine. She was spayed and is home safe and sound. Last week she went nuts and attacked me twice, noone knows why. She can eat and drink with the cone on. She's been doing it at the vet's place. She's hiding somewhere at the moment.

              I'm sure she will be fine


                CAT REPORT

                BAD NEWS

                THe cat is still very aggressive toward me, and she never was. I realize there's post-op trauma but this is not the cat I knew.

                I don't think this is going to end well after reading about the various types of cat aggression, with this redirected the worst of all.


                  CAT REPORT

                  I'm really sorry Ann. :l
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    CAT REPORT

                    Sorry to hear Ann :l
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      CAT REPORT


                      Hi anne, i was thinking about you and your cat today...I'm a bit of a cat nut, one of my "hobbies" is taming feral cats

                      Anyway, there is a spray called felliway, it mimics the feel good cat hormone that they secret through their glands when they are happy. You can get it in spray form, or as a plug in. I use it for my cats when i move houses with them. Also a cheaper alternative, is to grow cat nip. TBH, I thought it was a case of misplaced agression. I understand your fear, an angry cat is a pretty scarey thing...

                      i think ignoring her will be the best thing, and i doubt now shes desexed, and on prozac she will do anything. The best of luck.


                        CAT REPORT

                        Hi Ann,

                        I'm thinking of you and the cat, I don't want either one of you distressed! Poor cat is obviously going through something stressful, and so are you. I would ignore it as much as possible and see if she doesn't calm down in a day or two. Please take care, I'll be thinking of you both!

                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          CAT REPORT

                          ANN 221's alter ego Ann Carolina LOL

                          Hey guys

                          The cat was OK this morning! SO GLAD! Last night I shut the guest room door since she was in a psycho mode. This morning I could tell she was back to being herself. She let me pet her and take off the awful collar thing.
                          I gave her some food and she as looking around and I presume remembering HEY-this is a cool place and my mom is cool.

                          SHe let me pet her and brush her a bit . It was great!


                            CAT REPORT

                            I'm so glad Ann. I know you are relieved. I hope for your sake and hers that things continue to stay smooth-sailing. My female cat really didn't behave much differently after we got her spayed, except she stopped trolling for males, lol. She was a bit more aggressive at first to the other cats, her kittens, but nothing too bad. All of her kittens are male, now one year old this week.

                            You should be congratulated for the lengths you went to for your baby.:l

                            Take care, and keep us updated.


                            "I like people too much or not at all."
                            Sylvia Plath


                              CAT REPORT

                              I am so relieved and happy for you. I love cats, but they can be the most ill tempered and irrational beasts in the world!

                              I have a mother/daughter tortoiseshell duo. When the mum goes to have her teeth cleaned or whatever, her daughter hisses, growls and threatens her for at least ten they were absolute strangers! She eventually comes around, but it's so stressful until she does.

                              It almost seems that you frightened your cat when you went out on the balcony...and she may have had that displaced aggression towards you. There's not much rhyme or reason to it, but hopefully she won't do it again.

                              Take care...

