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Anger issues with moderation?

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    Anger issues with moderation?

    this is so frustrating...I thought that with a better handle on my drinking that my reasonably good temper would get better but it's actually gotten quite worse!
    i find myself just losing it sometimes at work and throwing things around and banging my fist on the table which is completely out of character for me. I'm taking most of the supps but maybe need to evaluate my needs considering this.
    I'm not consistantly drinking at my target levels but doing better than I have in some time.

    My poor wife hates it when I'm angry and I do too! anybody else have this unexpected reaction?
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    Anger issues with moderation?

    It's funny that you posted about this topic - because just a couple of hours ago - I exploded at me son about not wearing a coat - I mean at the top of my lungs, I'm sure the neighbors heard. Maybe it's anxiety. I think I just need to keep a handle on it as best as I can.


      Anger issues with moderation?

      Maybe finding something else that relieves anxiety like exercising? Not sure what you like to do?

      Anxiety is normal. I find myself walking outside and taking very deep breaths a lot so I don't lose my temper on my family.

      Others will come along that can help more

      Take Care, Beaches
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Anger issues with moderation?

        Determinator..without getting into too much psychobabble, it is worth considering that we do sometimes drink to avoid or numb unwanted feelings...when we remove the alcohol, well, those feelings come up with a vengence sometimes. Take some time to examine the triggers..anger often is a cover for fear or other emotions..see if you can identify what is under the anger..sometimes it can be the fear of not having control, or looking bad, or looking good for that work..maybe ask what is the worst case scenario that could happen in the situation that triggered the anger..'if something goes wrong, maybe the fear is that you'll lose the job.."...often it is fear that is feared the most. If you've used alcohol for a long time, the feelings can run very deep...honor them if you's a lot healthier to acknowledge them than it is to try to 'fix' them or denie them. It's all in the process. I agree with samadhi and Beaches as well..acknowledging that there are some feelings there, there are ways to decompress..exercise, mediation..things like that so that the feelings don't overcome you.
        Good are not alone here!


          Anger issues with moderation?

          Oh, I had gone thru many angry & screaming episodes when withdrawing/quiting alcohol. Been called Sybil~LOL.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Anger issues with moderation?

            I'm new to this but maybe your system is in caos. Just take a deep breath and don't beat yourself up.


              Anger issues with moderation?

              good stuff you all. some soul searching is in order indeed. I don't exercise as much as I like to, and when I've done so lately I've injured myslef so now I feel feeble as well as out of shape...ow. then work is so tough right now that I'm at my wits end and starting to panic, and it's winter here and too cold to do anything productive in the yard, my brain is trying to rewire itself after 20 years of binge drinking..and...and...arg! no wonder I'm having a hard time I guess. thanks for the venting "ventapalooza" I've been able to do here. Count ventula. the ventenator. ventmaster, ventranarian, one vent over the cuckoos nest. I've apparantly lost my mind. time to sit down and have some peppermint tea.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Anger issues with moderation?

                Yep, got the same issues. When I was drinking, the hangover used to make me snappy and irritable until I could drink again and mellow out. Now, AF 11 days, nothing to mask the real me and I don't know who I am yet. I can fly off the handle at the drop of a cuddly toy !

                But as I didn't like the drinking me, I've got to wait and see what a sober me is's been many many years. I guess there's a whole lot of stuff buried deep inside, I'm a bit scared what's gonna come out, but more scared of staying a drunk for the rest of my life..ho hum!

                I feel so lucky to be able to come here and vent though...pass the peppermint tea please ?


                  Anger issues with moderation?

                  Yes all... I am dealing with that very much right now too.. It is a day by day thing and hard to know the it withdraw?, is it stress, is it closed up anger, bitterness....

                  Thanks for all those who shared...
                  Control the Mind


                    Anger issues with moderation?

                    Hi Determinator and all,

                    When we start rebuilding our brain chemistry I think GABA is really important supplement to help the neurotransmitters fire in a more rational and approriate direction.

                    500g 2 x a day.

                    Hope that helps.

                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Anger issues with moderation?


                      I guess we are on the same page, I've had the same conversation since the weather here has gotten pretty bad. Today in New Jersey, most of our schools were closed, the kids wanted to go snowboarding, and I was calm...this time. Last week my child had a terrible cough(also has asthma) and wanted to play football. I couldn't believe in 17 degrees that he was serious, so I screamed and yelled and then decided if you can handle football in this weather ..then do so. Him and his friends were out 30 minutes, he came back runny nose frozen hands(wore two pairs of gloves which obviously didn't help).

                      So on that note, if they want to play in the freezing weather, then let them learn the hard way. I made it clear that you will end up going to the doctor if you don't be more realistic about this weather.

                      :l Brandy


                        Anger issues with moderation?

                        i find myself just losing it sometimes at work and throwing things around and banging my fist on the table which is completely out of character for me.
                        Hi Determinator,

                        Look on the bright side.

                        At least, alongside all the above, you don't get the face full of zits and the debilitating hemorrhaging and the joy of knowing it will happen 12 times in the year, every year.

                        Welcome to our world.

                        Seriously though, I hope it all settles down for you once your body adjusts.


                          Anger issues with moderation?

                          Too funy Bluebell!!! thanks all. I have some GABA but never really knew much about it. thanks Hilary and everyone
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            Anger issues with moderation?

                            Try really works.


                              Anger issues with moderation?

                              My anger is the number one problem that always knocks me off the wagon. I was actually going to start a post about an incident before work this morning, but I would be honestly afraid people would think I was insane.
                              where does this go?

