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Anger issues with moderation?

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    Anger issues with moderation?

    :wavin: Hi Jenrm!
    :l, Judie

    Long time no see!
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Anger issues with moderation?

      Hi. I am only on day 3 AF . However I did go for three months awhile back. The first month was a breeze.But then I started getting very agitated. What I didn't realize is that withdrawal can take a very long time to subside. It never occurred to me that it could still be withdrawal.I don't know how long you have cut back for but possibly you are having withdrawal symptoms. Also I don't know if you are on Topamax but- I was on it for migraines a while back and it made me so agitated I felt like I was going to jump out of my skin. Anyways- just some suggestions. Hang in there.
      AF SINCE 3/16/2016


        Anger issues with moderation?

        My two cents...

        I think moderation causes agitation and anger. Why? Because one spends every minute of the day worrying about how much alcohol they will consume later that day/week or whatever. Obsessive thinking causes agitation which ultimately leads to anger. I am not knocking successful moderators, so please no one be offended. To be perfectly honest there aren't many alcoholics who can moderate. Once you have a problem with alcohol the problem will always be there. It sounds like such a roller coaster ride to me. Your chances of failing your moderation goals are easy to do, and most do because we like the buzz. Honestly who can have one or two glasses of whatever and feel anything significant after years of excessive drinking? If I were moderating, I would be angry all of the time because I would go in with good intentions and come out disappointing myself. Anyway, some food for thought.

        On the AF side of things... anger, agitation, irritability and depression are normal as your body goes through the withdrawal process. The upside of this is that you are sober, you can live your life and not be confined to your home due to intoxification, and eventually when your body has detoxed you deal with these emotions, get the help or whatever, but ultimately your quality of life will begin to increase a million-fold. As for moderation it keeps a problemed drinker on the roller coaster ride until he/she decides to get off for good.

        So, with no offence to anyone here please. These are my thoughts and my only hope is the possibility it could help someone.


          Anger issues with moderation?

          such good input from you all. sigh....much contemplation indeed.
          Morrison...don't feel like we're going to crucify you here, it's ok to let it out ok? really!

          thanks again all. It appears the majority of my anger issues have come from work being more than I can handle and due to my position of oversight/responsibility at the top of this particular heap....I couldn't bear that we are having such troubles and internalized these feelings in a most detrimental and mentally self destructive way. at least I haven't gone on a bender as a result of it! Yes, it's a rollercoaster for sure but so far I'm feeling better. time will tell me what I must do.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)

