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Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

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    Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

    Army gang - meet the loverly Doug - who is going to cure poor Satsuma of her dodgy knees............. :h Look at his genuine smily eyes - unlike some other dude I could mention
    Physio Therapist in Dublin - Doug Leonard


      Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

      Afternoon Army

      The wanderer returns ........

      On the subject of mothers I have the mother of all mothers from hell but like Satz I now take her with a pinch of salt, I either snap back or just ignore. My poor sister has never been able to do that and still leads a dogs life with her. A little example, I booked my holiday and she moaned like hell when I told her because I would be away on the saturday I get to take her to bingo.."what about me" is all she can say, my reaction is ok I'll have a nice time and ring you when I get back, oh have to go the signal on my phone is not good :H Now my poor sister who has booked to go to Australia in 2 weeks time still has not told her and its been booked for months

      I have 4 brothers and 1 sister, my mothers hairdresser that she had been going to for 10 years when we were kids did not know she had daughters until I went to see them one week she was there to ask them for a job, think I was about 14, the girl was gobsmacked when I told her who I was, she said there and then infront of my mother..Gosh I didn't know you had a daughter to which she replied I've got another at home, they come in handy sometime !!

      OMG sorry I started believe me I could write a book!!
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

        Panno;1321648 wrote: Afternoon Army

        The wanderer returns ........

        On the subject of mothers I have the mother of all mothers from hell but like Satz I now take her with a pinch of salt, I either snap back or just ignore. My poor sister has never been able to do that and still leads a dogs life with her. A little example, I booked my holiday and she moaned like hell when I told her because I would be away on the saturday I get to take her to bingo.."what about me" is all she can say, my reaction is ok I'll have a nice time and ring you when I get back, oh have to go the signal on my phone is not good :H Now my poor sister who has booked to go to Australia in 2 weeks time still has not told her and its been booked for months

        I have 4 brothers and 1 sister, my mothers hairdresser that she had been going to for 10 years when we were kids did not know she had daughters until I went to see them one week she was there to ask them for a job, think I was about 14, the girl was gobsmacked when I told her who I was, she said there and then infront of my mother..Gosh I didn't know you had a daughter to which she replied I've got another at home, they come in handy sometime !!

        OMG sorry I started believe me I could write a book!!
        OMG Panno Cotta Sounds like my family - before my mother discovered her daughers were the only ones who were going to look after her.
        Ah no she's great really - still fit as a fiddle but has learned she can only rely on her daughters in a crisis ( + Mr Satz who she adores 'cos he does her garden unlike her sons)


          Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

          satz123;1321658 wrote: OMG Panno Cotta Sounds like my family - before my mother discovered her daughers were the only ones who were going to look after her.
          Ah no she's great really - still fit as a fiddle but has learned she can only rely on her daughters in a crisis ( + Mr Satz who she adores 'cos he does her garden unlike her sons)
          Ditto :H:H
          Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


            Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

            When do you go away on your hols Satz must be gettiing close now
            Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


              Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

              Panno;1321674 wrote: When do you go away on your hols Satz must be gettiing close now
              June 8th - major challenges there. Usually a lot of drinking - I don't mean getting pished - but kinda topping up job. 1/2 with lunch.
              1/2 after beach
              1/2 before dinner - no falling around but still the norm. Actually with me and my SIL usually starts in Dublin airport with a brandy - kinda tradition.

              Gonna make a plan this time & shock the lot of them :H
              I will not lie & say I'll be tee total - not there yet - but I will be different.


                Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

                Good for you Satz
                Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                  Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

                  Late check in here. Hi Guys and Gals:l

                  Feeling a bit tired in a nice way probably 2 marathons in a month pushing it.

                  Quieter in Anon household no visitors and daughter and grandson gone to stay in Paris for 10 days. Blissful peace.

                  Sounds like hairdo mania on the thread.

                  Satz I am off to Ithica in early June just over the sea from you in Keffalonia.

                  Sorry to hear about your friend Foxy what a horrible addiction this is.

                  Love to you all.


                    Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

                    Hellooooo Mrs A, missing you :l
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

                      anon;1321700 wrote: Late check in here. Hi Guys and Gals:l

                      Feeling a bit tired in a nice way probably 2 marathons in a month pushing it.

                      Quieter in Anon household no visitors and daughter and grandson gone to stay in Paris for 10 days. Blissful peace.

                      Sounds like hairdo mania on the thread.

                      Satz I am off to Ithica in early June just over the sea from you in Keffalonia.

                      Sorry to hear about your friend Foxy what a horrible addiction this is.

                      Love to you all.
                      Yes Ithica - can almost see it from Assos. Is it nice there ? - we have often threatened to go over but get too lazy when we land
                      Let's have a SECRET MEET Ms A :H
                      Oney & Zenners will be RAGING !!!


                        Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

                        satz123;1321717 wrote: Yes Ithica - can almost see it from Assos. Is it nice there ? - we have often threatened to go over but get too lazy when we land
                        Let's have a SECRET MEET Ms A :H
                        Oney & Zenners will be RAGING !!!
                        11th june Kioni I will be the woman from the swindon office and you can be my HR boss on holiday--except I haven't got a job.
                        Missed you last weekend Panno!
                        I could meet you in Florida Zen:l


                          Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

                          mollyka;1321728 wrote: I haven't got no meet-up - not even a makey up secret one:upset::upset::upset:
                          July is a possible


                            Army thread Wednesday 23rd May


                            Foxy - sorry to hear about your friend....I hope she'll make a full recovery.

                            Molly - four and a half hours!!! Gosh, how did you manage to sit still for that length of time? Do we get to see pics of the result on FB? I can't imagine what blonde and red and brown all at the same time would look like. I'm sure you look lovely though!

                            No meetups here either, secret or otherwise :upset:

                            Sorry to hear about your problems with your ma, zenny :l Parents can drive you round the bend at times. That was my father's area of expertise. Enjoy your lunch with your mate. Might be good for you to not have to look at sean's insulin stuff any more, possibly?


                              Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

                              Recluse;1321742 wrote: Afternoon!

                              Foxy - sorry to hear about your friend....I hope she'll make a full recovery.

                              Molly - four and a half hours!!! Gosh, how did you manage to sit still for that length of time? Do we get to see pics of the result on FB? I can't imagine what you blonde and red and brown all at the same time would look like. I'm sure you look lovely though!

                              No meetups here either, secret or otherwise :upset:

                              Sorry to hear about your problems with your ma, zenny :l Parents can drive you round the bend at times. That was my father's area of expertise. Enjoy your lunch with your mate. Might be good for you to not have to look at sean's insulin stuff any more, possibly?
                              I'll meet ya panda man, I'm only a bit down the m40....
                              I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                              They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                                Army thread Wednesday 23rd May

                                Ya got a pic Molly?
                                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....

