Once you have a CRAVING . Go into it rather than escaping into some activity, into some occupation, rather than going to see a friend or to a movie or turning on the radio or the tv. Rather than escaping from it, turning your back towards it, drop all activity. Close your eyes, go into it, see what it is, why it is — and see without condemning it, because if you condemn you will not be able to see the totality of it. See without judging. If you judge, you will not be able to see the whole of it. Without judgment, without condemnation, without evaluation, just watch it, what it is. Look as if it is a searching of a joy, sadness/happiness, a cloud, dark,a habit,a romance,a poison,a slow death, but look at it with no judgment so that you can see all the facets of it.
Finally it will fed up itself.Never try to stop it just watch..watch..and feel .