Anyways...when I got checked out by 2 docs last year (August-ish) I was told that my liver enzymes were a bit high...and that I need to tone down the drinking (needless to say, I didn't).
Tomorrow is my Day 1 and I am eager to get to it and have been on a bunch of forums and sites reading about alcoholism and whatnot...
But now I am so paranoid that I have something severely wrong with my liver.
A little background on me...I am female, 26 y.o, a bit overweight, 5'5"...I have been drinking the last 2-4 years - heavily the last year and a half - drinking wine and whatnot. Have had episodes of blackouts and some hangovers here and there, never vomited from drinking.
Now I have quit for a few weeks here and there in the past and I have had no shakiness, vomiting, nausea or anything. I have anxiety but I have had anxiety all my life and it is something I need to deal with drinking or not.
How likely is it that I damaged my liver totally? I don't have pain there or anything...don't have any of the symptoms...but I am still so paranoid!
I know that by seeing a doctor I can stop worrying about it but I can't see him for another 5 weeks (which doesn't matter because I plan on being 30 days sober starting tomorrow).
I was just wondering if anyone worried about this...what is the likelihood of doing some serious damage...
The first year or so I drank a couple times a week, never binged or anything, was normal with drinking...then it went to everyday...but I didn't feel like I needed to "have" it...then the last year it has been heavy...every night...maybe a month of all day drinking or so...
I don't know. I know I am seeking reassurance - which is pointless when you are obsessive compulsive because the thoughts are going to keep going regardless...
I just wanted to hear some people's opinions to put my mind (if possible) at ease.
And tomorrow will be day one for me.
I am excited and nervous...but I gotta do this.