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warn down by professionals

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    warn down by professionals

    I am getting desperate here.

    I live in NZ and my GP diagnosed potentially serious liver disease back in March 2012. We discussed my addiction to alcohol - to which I acknowledged. I went away enthused about potential support - and was sober for a week. I did not hear from any support services. I wanted to be part of the support group my GP had suggested. Today I was supposed to finally meet the psychiatrist and then I had a phone call to say that he/she was sick. No new appointment was issued.

    I am prepared to pay privately but after 2 months I cannot get a medical appointment with a specialist. I am not giving up on my recovery - but it looks like I will have to do this alone. I am a strong person but could have done with some professional support.

    warn down by professionals

    that stinks treetops
    I pay for my healthcare ( I have insurance) and can see mu doc whenever needed
    I would pay in get in there....this is the fight of your life
    I am so sorry for what you are going through, but I am prooud of you
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      warn down by professionals

      Thats the problem - I can pay and would have to do so at this private outpatients facility - but just can't get an appointment. Support services here in my part of NZ are pathetic. maybe I will try AA again although I it was not working for me last time I tried

