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I am humbled

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    I am humbled

    Well….I started here back in September with a 100-day goal, which at the time seemed impossible to me, but I managed to accomplish my goal and then some – about 190 days. I could not have done that without the support I received here. I went on vacation and, as they say, the rest is history. I was controlled and thoughtful and had rules.

    BUT….here I am wanting to quit again. WHY? Because the rules change every week and are clearly getting back to old patterns. I don’t drink every day and have never liked anything but beer and wine. BUT…I manage to get back into old habits very quick and I feel like my use is at an excessive level and I want to quit AGAIN. So...last night I had four beers and which is most definitely not a part of my rules for a Monday night irregardless of it being Memorial Day. It is the start of my pattern that puts me in a place I do not want to be in, and told myself I would not get to. I hate that it is AGAIN so.... so..... so.... much! I know lots of you understand. I just know that I need to quit and IT IS HARD to admit that, but I must, so I DO. I have learned many things on my journey and I don't want to give in to the voice of denial. I must admit it in order to move on and learn the lessons that are here for me. I also could go on just the way I have been for the last few weeks and it probably would not be life changing immediately, but I now know that I do not like what alcohol does to me. How it makes me feel and what it stops me from accomplishing. Alcohol is a sneaky, creepy little bastard always up to no good.

    I must add that I really do not see this so much as a setback, but as part of the process. I am proud of what I have done, but now know what I truly want and don't want to become. What makes me feel good and what does not. Being sober in the morning is a great feeling and I want that back for good. So my first hangover in a very long time this weekend is the breaking point for me. I told myself that if that ever happened again, I would go to AA. Well....I don't think I'll do that, but you never know? Well you get the picture? I am a work in progress and I love the journey so far. Just don't like eating humble pie too much.

    SO….I am here to get some support and give some too. My goal for now is to finish 2012 sober and alcohol free and move forward on other goals that alcohol keeps me from too. Plus..I put in a big garden this year that needs more attention than it got last year if I want to preserve most of it for the winter. And a ton of other things that are just plain done much better in a sober state of mind.

    I am not even sure where to post this, but here is where it will be. Thanks for reading this, if you have managed to get thought my babble this far. I have to admit I am extremely scared to post this and admit what happened to me. But it must be I am going to press the button and run off to do some things around the house. Hopefully, I will be back tomorrow to post good results. Again, Thanks for your support.

    I am humbled

    Best of luck to you Windy! This was just a stumble. Get back on your feet and proceed. You can do this - and it seems like you have the resolve to stick with it. We are all in this together.

    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      I am humbled

      It is humbling how quickly you slide right back into your old ways when one decides to attempt "moderation." I think those who remain AF after their first attempt are few and far between. You've seen both sides of the coin and now you know which you prefer. Don't be afraid and don't be ashamed. Almost everyone here has been in your shoes. You are with friends. Welcome home.


        I am humbled

        Windy...I know how much effort you put into that first 100 gave it your heart and soul. But I'm so glad you posted that. AL makes a person think that they are the exception and can make rules and stick to them. It really is a master of deception. These are the stories that keep me scared shitless! Thank you for posting it...and we will be here to help you get this dam thing off your back. Stick close, my dear friend. B
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          I am humbled

          Hi Windy! I'm not sure when you actually went back and took the first sip, but I do know that I guess - last week? and the week before...I had a really really tough time. I wrestled with it every day and even drove to the liquor store on one occasion. That was so scary to think that after all this time ( not really, I guess) I could come that close to just buying a bottle and then ending up wiith that kind of giddy feeling in my stomach - tell myself I'll just have a little here and there...(right...) and go home and start the nightmare all over again. I kept wondering when the urges would go away and almost convinced myself that they never would...that I'd have to give in to them. And then, I turned another corner it seems. I don't know how long it'll last but I'm back to not thinking about drinking...gawd.....what a series of ups and downs this is!!!!

          I know you'll be successful...I haven't been here much lately....but I will make more of an effort now. :-)

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            I am humbled

            Welcome back, Windy. I too am back after an extended period of being alcohol free. I know what you mean - I experienced many of the same feelings. Welcome know what it takes and what relief it is!


              I am humbled

              Hi Wagoneer and thanks you so much for your words of encouragement. They are what keeps me grounded and coming back here. I need to be here and posting or I get complacent and loose my accountability.

              FlyAway, I wanted to let you know how much your support means to me and to let you know how great I think it is that you have reached double digits yourself. Good job.

              Byrdie -- Your continued support is priceless to me and I knew you would understand how hard it is to post set backs, but it is very important to realize them and get right back to what is real and who you want to be. I am not going to give in to the voices and I know I have a lot to learn and accept. I just am so damned stubborn about this and keep thinking I can make it work. But I can't and didn't. I've said it before and I will say it 100 times "You are amazing and I love that you are here for me". I want to be there for you too! I know things have been extremely difficult lately, and I admire your courage so much. And I think you are funny as hell and I love a gal with a sense of humor.

              Lolab -- actually drove to the liquor store and turned around and now you are BACK. Great job! I am so proud of you, you will never know. I listened to that friggin voice and of course regret it and you would have regreted it too I am sure. You have been my buddy since day one and am so grateful for that. Please keep coming around so I do not worry about you (as you know I do) and we can support each other further. Don't even think about driving to that liquor store again without letting me know. I will talk you down from the ledge any time you need help. You are really kicking this thing in the ass, but you must stay connected. I think that was my downfall.

              Hawk -- Love the name. The first thing I though of was Hawkeye. And not because of Mash.. Because you can be the one looking over us. Thanks for your support and I hope I can support you too. Keep up the great work. I am relieved this morning to have made the decision to remain AF for now and indefinite and it feels GOOD. Summer is coming and it will be a challenge, but I have renewed determination.

