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What is your rock bottom??

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    What is your rock bottom??


    I'm new here.:new: Ok I think I have reached my rock bottom. After 5 years of promising my husband I will stop I just continued. I went to a work happy hour on Friday and got as drunk as a skunk, and then I drove home. I know stupid, stupid!! I wasn't caught but it still doesn't make it any better.

    Hubby is wanting a divorce, he had enough. Where to start, I don't know. I ordered Antabuse but I'm so lost at the moment I don't know what to do next.

    Any advise?


    What is your rock bottom??

    The first big step is what you are doing now. Coming here. We are all one drink away from day one and I have faltered many times. I know that I cannot drink just one drink - I have no off switch. It is apparent that AL is ruining your life and you did the right thing by ordering the Antabuse. You take a HUGE chance in driving drunk - you could not only uin your life, but the lives of others. That needs to stop. Stay on this site - read EVERYTHING and know that you are not alone - we are all struggling in different ways. You have started on your journey and you should be proud of yourself. Look in the Tools section and go to the newbies thread - many people just starting out there. You are in good company - I could not be sober without these friends I have made here. Welcome and remember again, YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS!

    Your new friend,

    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      What is your rock bottom??

      ditto what Waggy said...
      I just keep remembering the horrible hangovers, the days mossed at work, the lies, etc., etc
      and the look in the eyes of my kids and Hubs
      AB helps alot of people here
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        What is your rock bottom??

        Check out the Tool Box. Here's a link:

        You'll find suggestions there that helped other people remain sober. Have you bought the MWO book? You can download it from this site or buy it from Amazon. The MWO book suggests supplements that you may find helpful with cravings. My favorite book is called Kick The Drink Easily by Jason Vale, also available on Amazon. It will totally change the way you think about alcohol and make it much less appealing.

