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so sneaky/deceitful

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    so sneaky/deceitful

    I saw a post on this before but I wanted to share one of the things that really gets to me is the extent to which I've been deceitful to my husband especially:

    - I've bought crates of beer on special offer at the supermarket, drank them while he's been at work and then replaced them with fresh crates of beer so he can't tell how much I've drank

    - I won't put my wine bottles in the recyling, I'll put them in the rubbish instead in black bags so he can't see the bottles piling up in the recyling bin.

    - I've hid bottles of wine/cans of beer in my wardrobe to drink while he's downstairs thinking I'm asleep.

    I could go on and on but the level of my deception is disgraceful. It's only now I've decided to do something about it. Thanks for you support.

    so sneaky/deceitful

    We are nothing if not clever.

    The best I heard was a pint or two in the toilet tank. Stayed chilled. Nobody every looked.

    Back in the day, I had cans of beer in the garage, and had "much" work to do out there.


      so sneaky/deceitful

      You're not alone....I have done the exact same things -- I've drunk an open bottle of wine in the fridge, then opened another to drink it to the same level so he would think I hadn't had any...just the same bottle as yesterday.

      But that was yesterday. Today is day 6 AF - haven't touched a bottle let alone been deceitful about the bottle in six days.

      It's a start.....:new: too


        so sneaky/deceitful

        i have done all of these things and more.
        hiding drink , replacing drink, its like a game to me at times.
        when my husband is not around i feel i dont enjoy the drink as much because there is no need to hide it maybe ? anyway the deceit does get to you i know.
        but i also know he knows what i am doing and that makes me feel even worse.
        like you i know i need to do something about it and i wish you well in your efforts.
        good luck


          so sneaky/deceitful

          Towards the end of my craziness I ended up filling old vitamin bottles, hairspray bottles (of coursed they were thoroughly washed) with vodka for a quick pick me up when I'd wander into the bathroom or kitchen because I had told everyone I quit so I couldn't have any bottles around. Stupid.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            so sneaky/deceitful

            Hi Kpuk
            It's so funny and sad at the same time; but it's great to see you here on the start of your journey and to a new you
            I used to be an avid "tea" drinker but would only drink out of tall plastic cups - full of wine! And, of course, no-one could smell the wine or notice that I was getting legless after my "teas"!!:H Or cycling with my water bottle filled with wine
            But, Seabreeze, yours is the best I've ever heard:H


              so sneaky/deceitful

              i've done the replace the bottle thing on a weekly/daily basis so my partner would think i had only had a glass, or i would drink half a bottle then hide that one and open another i use to keep a box of wine in the shed and fiil my glass from there when no-one was looking, i thought i could fool my partner, because i couldn't be drinking that much if the bottle was never empty? How crafty and mischievious are those drink demons!


                so sneaky/deceitful

                Yes and the crazy truth of it is we hide it from others, but what we are hiding is the amount of poison we are pouring into our bodies...Isn't that amazing... Hey Family...I do not want you to know how much poison I took today....

                Control the Mind


                  so sneaky/deceitful

                  kpuk, You are definately not alone in your "hiding" I have done all of that to the point where it is almost like a job of it's own trying to keep up with all the hiding, replacing, exchanging etc.. For me it gets to be soo stressful.I thought I was the only one who did anything like this. I thought I must have something crazy wrong with me because I am a fairly intelligent, successful, together person but I'm doing these insane things. I've also always been extremely honest person and this is being totally decietful to my husband. I've thought maybe it's some kind of an adrenaline high that I'm hooked on. Somepeople like to jump out of planes , I like to hide alcohol and drink it on the sly.But I think it really just comes down to an addiction to alcohol that takes over all you good senses. Good Luck, hang in there, you are not alone. Aquamarine
                  AF SINCE 3/16/2016


                    so sneaky/deceitful

                    Hi kpuk
                    I used to part fill empty vodka bottles with water so that my wife would think I had drunk a quarter bottle instead of a full one.
                    I don't think I fooled her though. I could barely speak. In the end I had to confess because she thought that I had drunk a full one and was a quater into the second. I had done that on a few occasions, but not that time. How pathetic....


                      so sneaky/deceitful

                      Still amazes me that before I came to the site, I had no idea others hid bottles also!

                      Welcome kpuk! you can do this!


                        so sneaky/deceitful

                        Yup I've hidden bottles alright. I've hidden them in jacket pockets, under the sink, under the porch, in the bedroom (drawers), under the mattress etc. Done it all - though I never did the toilet tank! That would have most certainly been a good one!
                        Over 4 months AF :h


                          so sneaky/deceitful

                          Done the hairspray bottle trick. It used to work great on planes!
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            so sneaky/deceitful

                            Yup the hairspray thing wouldnt work anymore on a plane though - no more liquids etc. on the plane!
                            Once I brought a bottle of diet pepsi spiked heavily with vodka and the customs person told me to take a sip - guess they wanted to make sure it wasent poision. So I gladly unscrewed the cap, heart pounding, and took a huge chug. I was ok to get on the plane with it. Phew! Good thing they didnt take a sniff!
                            Over 4 months AF :h


                              so sneaky/deceitful

                              I have hid the alcohol in many places. Obviously I wasn't as crafty as some of you....

                              What ultimately happened to me was my sister started to snoop in my bathroom a few years back for stuff I might give her. (This is the way she is...) Anyway she found a bottle of Vodka I had stashed underneath the bathroom sink. She immediately came out of my bathroom and sipped out of my coffee mug. (strong vodka and water at 10am). I was totally busted, and ... everytime she came over she didn't bother to look for my stash - she immediately went for my cup. Didn't matter what I had in it, like ligit coffee or whatever.

                              Lately, she seems to be disappointed of her samples out of my mug.... hmmmmm.....

                              I always drank my alcohol out of a coffee mug (and no one caught on that I was drinking for a looooong time) AND, for some odd - VERY odd reason, I always hid the alcohol although I lived on my own. Now that is weird.

