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so sneaky/deceitful

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    so sneaky/deceitful

    I've been there too...

    Accountable, what you say about hiding it though you lived on your own...

    When I drank in the afternoon (I say afternoon, really I was just waiting until 12 noon)... I used to have wine in a mug, so that when I went out on the balcony for a cigarette my neighbours wouldn't see me drinking.

    Duhhh! What does it matter if your neighbours see you - it's what it does to YOU that matters!

    Gem x
    Free since 26th February 2012


      so sneaky/deceitful

      Hidden_Gem LOL! Me too! I would sit on my balcony and sip out of my mug and have a ciggie.... so the neighbours wouldn't think I was drinking either. The irony eh? Like who cares what they think?? Too funny!


        so sneaky/deceitful

        This is why I visit MWO 10 times a day. The honesty! I like knowing " I am not alone"

        After detox I started AA . That was ok but I get stronger with the support with the people here. I hid my rum in the basement freezer to I could get a swig while doing laundry. God I should be tired with all the laundry I did back then. LOL I am glad I didnt think about all the other places I just read about, I really would have been in more trouble.............57 days AF, So proud and happy....
        AF Since December 2006


          so sneaky/deceitful

          Well Done Jules,

          This post is really making me smile, If we weren't trying to get better we would all have a lost of new hiding places ..... the toilet cystern is still my favourite new place ..... thanks all.

          Love Betty xx


            so sneaky/deceitful

            Thanks all for making me feel like i'm not alone.

            I've unfortunately had to delete my post from "my story" as I got paranoid that one of my family would see it and my secret would be out. From tomorrow, i plan to cut down my alcohol intake from a bottle of wine and 3 to 4 cans of lager a day to just 1 glass of wine. No drinking while my husband is at work, I'm gonna have fun with the kids, wish me luck....


              so sneaky/deceitful

              Hi x there is no way I will go to my doctor and I use differtent shops all over the place to get wine so they dont know x


                so sneaky/deceitful

                is there spell check?


                  so sneaky/deceitful

                  Been there, done that. Sometimes I still do it. Its amazing how "clever" we think we are but we really are not. Often, the people around us know more than we think they do. They just don't say much. It was embarrassing when my husband indicated he knew some of my "tricks." Someday I'll be brave and tell him the rest so he can call me on them. But since coming here, I do them less and less and have become more honest. So I guess that is progress.


                    so sneaky/deceitful

                    Good Luck kpuk.....we have all been there. I hid the beer cans too.

                    Keep postin!
                    Gabby :flower:


                      so sneaky/deceitful

                      I know the feeling all too well. We got a bottle of champagne from a neighbor when we first moved to our new house. I must have drunk and replaced that bottle a dozen times. (I wish they had bought something cheaper ) Hang in there. We can do this....


                        so sneaky/deceitful

                        I wonder how many mounds of bottles I have contributed to the dump in lieu of the recyclbles. Hang in there!:new:


                          so sneaky/deceitful

                          Great thread - I recall a similar one to do with hiding places many months ago which had similar accounts (I read a lot but do not post that much). The getting tired of hiding and being deceitfull rings with me too. I have -
                          Kept my 'stash' outside in bunker and if found was keeping cool - winter story- freeing room -summer story(and enables me to have secret visits and then replace)

                          Used a gap between toaster and wall as a handy spot for stashing can(sssss) during evening for return visits

                          Spent an age preparing dinner when actually using the time to have a good session.

                          Hidden in drawers, wardrobes, coat pockets, gym bags!, boot of car.

                          Actualy wanted to do gardening in order to have 'legit reason' to visit the stash

                          Denied touching a drop to my wife when I have consumed the thick and of a case of beer (24 cans)

                          The above is but a sample and the overall effect is to greatly reduce my self respect and be seen poorly in the eyes of my wife and kids as inevitably I get busted on occaissions - how pathetic!


                            so sneaky/deceitful

                            this has got to be my favourite thread today... have laughed out loud at our insane behaviour and recognise it all in me. After a full bottle wine last night I started on the vodka (husband asleep on sofa). Got totally smashed but was suffiently devious to fill up half empty botte of vodka with water.... Kpuk I''m new here too and have been really struggling with this, but I have been working my way up to today: the first day of Lent and it's my first day of being AF. :new: Good luck.


                              so sneaky/deceitful

                              Just remembering the woman that hid her wine in the clothes hamper...
                              When she was doing "whites & colors"... she really was doing whites & reds!
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                                so sneaky/deceitful

                                tee hee!!!
                                Free since 26th February 2012

