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Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

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    Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

    Just wanted to thank the Army Thread Peeps for makin me LMAO. You All Rock!....

    Now get well Zenners. :getwell: We have Kitty Kat business to discuss. Plus I think I need to send u a French Press with some Morning Joe Coffee, oops make it Mornin Josepine, along with some Chinese chopsticks 4 stirring. Yup they can b used 4 more then noodles. Ya leave it sittin 4 about 8-10 & I promise ya, u will be a Zippin Zenners! ( ^ - ^ ).

    A Special Thanks to Oney. I'm a findin my voice. I'm a bit over due on the dental front. My Dentist retired. Been with the Hygienist long time. I hand picked her, she does all the kiddies. Me smart sometimes. Now last two times I saw the new Dentist I get a lecture worse then my family Dr about me ciggies, on & on & on...... Yeah, I know all the risks & how bad they r. But, Geez lay off lady. My Hygienist last time saw the look on my face. She knew & said something b4 I blew a gasket. So this time when I made an appt. I said something about it & asked 4 a new dentist. I even asked if it was their policy to inform patients, tho this was a lecture I believe. Nope. That's me findin my voice! Thank u!

    Now with time I just got to get rid of my "Shite Diet". Had two cups of coffee, no breakfast. Same here, grew up this way. I'd make my girls breakfast when they were growin up & they ask me why I didn't eat & I say I wasn't hungry. I'd nibble on a 1/2 a piece of toast, just to make em happy. I will get there slowly, but surely. I hope.

    Thanks again for not only makin me laugh, smile, but I think of my grandparents. Which if it weren't for them being in my life, I'd probably really be nuts. Plus you folks make me think of family heritage & stuff. Still not sure about chips, chipper stuff hmm. Maybe I don't want to know the whole truth, me thinks. I did look up what bollix meant. I like it. Wish I could visit the Emerald Island & Scotland. Of course any Holiday would be grand! Now if only my magical fairies would grant me my wishes!

    MB, Glad I'm not the only "Heathen in disguise". Top secret. LMAO I loved that dog with the paper towel roll. I almost peed myself. Good thing I'm sober or I just might have.

    Wildflowers :h

    Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

    What a lovely post! I am so glad you are finding your voice! NEVER EVER forget how special and wonderful you are!!!

    Please feel free to join us in the Army thread or on the shite thread, we would be delighted to see you xx

    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

      Wildflower I lurked on them for many a month before joining, they made me laugh every day, one day I bravely took the plunge and I can honestly say I have never looked back :l
      Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


        Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

        Thanks 4 the invite Army & I just may take that plunge soon! I will keep reminding me self I'm special, ha real special hahaha... one of these days. I be taking a peek later 4 some laughs.

        I'm gonna need em!.... Toity cleaning, calls to be hadding~ some not so wonderful ones. Oh sumping to be eatin? Anything with cheese yes, I like that.... No Fecking milk, only drink it in a pill, maybe cereal.

        Me not 4get that I've been real pissed at me daughters boss using me potty mouth texting. Darn good thing she can't c it. Me liked to go on down with a giant bowl of green jello that has giant marshmellows ,stuffed with rotten green peas in it & throw it u know where. There me feels better now.

        Not sure I'm a wonderful wildflower today, but the day ain't over so after all this lovely crap is over my fairy friends can wave their magic wands & maybe me attitude will change 4 the better.


          Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

          I have to ditto that Wildflowers - I'm an Army thread 'stalker'! Always a bit of craic over there!
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

            jscarrlay;1327676 wrote: I just wanted to send out a thank you to you two for your help and respones to my questions. My son is BCT at Fort Jackson as of yesterday, he was a Future Soldier for 6 months and you guy's really helped me along the way.There were many others on the site that have helped, but you two were always quick with a response that was to the point and accurate.


              Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

              I dont get the whole SPam thing. What is the point??
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

                I don't either, MamaBear.

                Good morning all, I'm just an interloper. Don't mind me.:sofa:

                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

                  Someone must be listening. Post went POOF!


                    Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

                    I wish my laundry would go poof!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Just wanted to thank the Army Thread

                      I didn't see any adverts in the post though. Still confused. Not saying I'm not confused a lot.

                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath

