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underoo's jumping june jamboree.

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    underoo's jumping june jamboree.

    Morning all, just a quick fly by as i now have two boys off sick but hubbie is on his way home so at least i can get to work
    Have a great day xxxx
    :dancin: enguin:
    starting over


      underoo's jumping june jamboree.

      Hi Ronnie.

      Cooking lesson will be sushi rolls... I figure they can get down and get their hands dirty! And hokkein noodles with mushrooms, chicken, almonds and a few other bits and pieces.

      They loved the nachos and tortillas last week.


        underoo's jumping june jamboree.

        myhappyplace;1330090 wrote: How funny....I typed before that Debra is a bitch and then thought I'd be nice...agreed on the other two girls and I dont mind Audra either...Cupcake Queen is the pits....
        I missed all the good talk last night.
        Can't stand (Julia?) the cupcake queen. Like Amina and the younger guys in the competition. I can't remember everyones name so I know I am leaving my favorite lady out. The older baldish guy with glasses is not my favorite either. I wonder how he has made it this far.

        Loved Offspring. She did drunk justice. I cringed wondering how many hundreds of times I looked like that only worse, in my youth. Sheesh.

        The new avatar is from this morning, specially ordered by the frog.

        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


          underoo's jumping june jamboree.

          Reggie;1330105 wrote: :H:H:H sperm are defo underacted in the chain of being

          shit underated!!

          nighters this i paddy thing doin my head in it persists in knowing what I want to type
          My computer does a fantastic job of deleting entire newly typed paragraphs, just when ready to send them out.

          Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


            underoo's jumping june jamboree.

            sunshinetoday;1330590 wrote: My computer does a fantastic job of deleting entire newly typed paragraphs, just when ready to send them out.
            My "Smartphone" still calls my child Anus....

            Lovely photo Sunny...

            Reggie - at least you can go boating...

            Coconut and Lime Marmalade Slice still rocks btw...


              underoo's jumping june jamboree.

              Hiya Gster, what are you plans for the long weekend?
              Mornig Reg, Aspman, Ronnie, HP and Bridge.
              Techie, I love the photos. It makes me miss all the national parks back home. Have you hiked Yosemite much?
              Rags, drive safe and hope the weekend treats you well with all you have going on.
              Lily, thinking of you!

              This baby business is serious time/sleep consuming stuff. Then when you worry you stay awake for hours of your sleep time. And the little man is growing as fast as cut flowers wilt. It's amazing really.
              Love having my parents here, but they drink most nights, which I don't mind, until they get snippity with each other, or say something rude to me. One night I asked hubs if I had been that bad, he said I was 100 times worse when I was drunk. I apologized. Watching it makes me realize how I don't want to go back there ever.
              Anyways, glad for the 3 day weekend. Hubs was going to return to work Monday because he didn't realize it was a holiday.

              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                underoo's jumping june jamboree.

                Haps, yum, looking up baking recipes now.

                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                  underoo's jumping june jamboree.

                  Its like having your eyes opened isnt it Sunny? and you dont want to be the killjoy or the disapproving one but....

                  Got a girls night out coming up to say goodbye to a friend leaving the country. Is it prissy of me to say I'm worried about the car seats as I've volunteered as DD?


                    underoo's jumping june jamboree.

                    sunshinetoday;1330606 wrote: Haps, yum, looking up baking recipes now.
                    In a book or the side of a box? :H


                      underoo's jumping june jamboree.

                      And you know I'm stirring...


                        underoo's jumping june jamboree.

                        You know all the recipes I need are out there on the internet.

                        My parents are having a night alone tomorrow in Surfers Paradise so it will be good for them and us. Then we are sending them whale watching for my dads fathers day gift which they celebrate in America next Sunday. With my mom staying until September, she said she will return to not drinking once he leaves. Although I am wondering if I drive her to drink?!

                        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                          underoo's jumping june jamboree.

                          sunshinetoday;1330618 wrote: You know all the recipes I need are out there on the internet.

                          My parents are having a night alone tomorrow in Surfers Paradise so it will be good for them and us. Then we are sending them whale watching for my dads fathers day gift which they celebrate in America next Sunday. With my mom staying until September, she said she will return to not drinking once he leaves. Although I am wondering if I drive her to drink?!
                          I think Missy said that the other day and I tend to agree - I just google the ingredients I want to cook with and there you go. Still love my cookbooks though.

                          On the kids driving you to drink stuff...dont believe it. Its a catch phrase you take up along with a lot of other stuff thats not necessary. I know I used it enough to make me feel my drinking was justifiable. Just musing now.

                          And bloody hell....on closer inspection of those photos you just sent from Monday I see my May Moonface is back and must be got rid of more slice....seriously...:H


                            underoo's jumping june jamboree.

                            good afternoon all

                            Sunny, love the photo of Leon, he is beautifull, feel although I just want to just give him a cuddle:l

                            Mr G always good to see you, have a good weekend..

                            Rags safe travels, for you and Mr Rags..

                            HP have you got your fire yet, does it not come with the chimney ?

                            Bridge hope you enjoy being frightfully important today..

                            Tawn, what are you up to today, its pretty cool here, shhhh got my fire going

                            Hi Reg Missy Nicey Kaza Techi Ronnie hope you all have a good weekend whatever your doing



                              underoo's jumping june jamboree.

                              Sorry, just ducked out to say goodbye to the slice...

                              Lilly I've been thinking about you...and your the bloody thing didnt have a flue - ebay bargain - and now Mr Happs has the poops with the fire man and wants me to go out and buy the flue and I am just WAY TOO BUSY AND IMPORTANT TODAY....not really...


                                underoo's jumping june jamboree.

                                Here is a photo of our fire, not sure if you will see it okay, it was taken on my mobile, and a bit blurry

