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The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

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    The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

    Fish was on the dinner menu tom, not. Change of plans.

    Still like mayo ~ ketchup mix on burgers. Oh yes, please tell all. Love "Mad Humor"


      The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

      mama bear;1329174 wrote: yuk, yuk, yuk
      when I was about six I was MADE to finish my dinner.
      It was fish sticks and I threw up. Maybe that's why I hate them so much!!

      My parents made us clean our plates too. But they were the ones who put the food on my plate. I didn't have a choice in the matter. I had to sit at the table until my plate was clean or until my bedtime. If I hadn't cleaned my plate by bedtime they'd wrap the plate up and I'd have to eat it for breakfast! And of course my father loved calf's liver and beets so we'd eat that tripe all the time.

      It wasn't until I was about 30 years old and had been living on my own for years that I realized I no longer had
      to clean my plate!


        The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

        mama bear;1329178 wrote: yes mam
        I will tell you the story about paper Halloween witches one day......
        Why can't you tell us now?


          The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

          Thank you oney xxxxx for the pictures xxxxx brill guess what we are having for dinner tomorrow xxxx


            The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

            & what about crisp sandwiches, they are great x you get your wholemeal slices of bread and put a whole packet of salt and vinegar walkers crisps (potato chips) on the bottom slice of bread and then you put the top slice on and squash and crunch aaaaahhhhh!


              The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

              going to bed now xxxxxx will check in tomorrow x got lots of gardening to do tomorrow xxx will let you know what kind of sandwich we end up with x tuna mayo maybe xxx


                The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                Hi fly, I had a strict upbringning too, I wasnt allowed my pud till I ate what was on the plate xxxx I was fussy then I didnt even like chicken x now i will eat anything x i love beets cooked right xxxx I love liver cooked right xxxxx


                  The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                  nite angie..I am so gald you have joined our family
                  ok...the paper witch story
                  I was a foster chid from the age of 3 till 13. I had a new "mommy and daddy" every was thought that living with anyone longer than a year made bonds that were too traumatic to break.
                  well- the fish stick family had a very mean, controlling father.
                  One Halloween..I was prolly about 7...I walked into my dark bedroom to find one of those paper witches that have hinged know what I mean.
                  It was hanging on the light over my bed. It scared the living piss out of me. Honestly, I was terrifed. That mean bastard thought it was funny and forced me to sleep in that bed with that witch hanging there...I cried and cried, but he would not take it down. Witches still freak me out a little to this day.
                  As an adult I look back and wonder what the f was wrong with him...
                  Hubs is calling me for din din
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                    just ironed for two hours
                    back hurts
                    nitey nite
                    love you all
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                      HI honies - I am home !!!!!! I don't eat fish sticks or fish fingers being veggie, but Angie - when i was visiting my mum this March I found some veggie fish fingers!! they were SO yummy!! we had mashed spuds, veggie fish fingers and peas!! And like the rest of you, when I was little, I had to eat what was put in front of me except we were not well off, and were hungry - so I usually ate it! If we wanted anything else, mum always said there was bread and dripping. I was usually hungry even after our meals!

                      Nice to have you with us Angie - why don't you share a little of why you are on the site with us..... me - I do have a problem although jan thinks I don't. I have been AF a few times but can't seem to make it stick. I like my Guinness and although can usually keep it to a few, now and then it starts to creep up again, so I am constantly battling it. I will let the others tell you about themselves if they would like to....... we are really good here with support for each other which is great when we slip or need to be encouraged. There is never any judgement either, which is so nice....... we are all just here for each other.

                      Okay - the chaps did come out today to do the gutters after I had left for work and would you believe - it RAINED. I was at work and S said the reason they stopped working was cos they were worried about my flowers - all underneath the roofline - I was so pleased - they are being subcontracted by the company and Hubs said they are really nice. I hadn't thought about the flowers but if they had taken the gutters off, with the rain even though it was brief, it was hard, and would have really messed up the flowers - so I was pleased with that - they also had some ideas for me with my water butts! They are coming back tomorrow morning and are going to be doing the siding too. I am off so will be here when they are here. They have saved the rear ends of the company - trust me - I was going to write a scathing review of them on the BBB website - I shall probably still write a review but it will be neutral now probably. the work of the folk that they have doing it is good, but it is the actual people that are running the company that are the pits. it was only when Hubs mentioned that I had been talking about doing the BBB review that all of a sudden they were getting someone out here. The whole thing has been so stressful!

                      Gosh - I am in a waffly mood tonight aren't I? I need to get to bed I suppose.

                      See you all tomorrow, Love, and hugs, Sun XX
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                        The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                        Morning lovies
                        thta is great news about the gutters Sunni really is
                        Angie- I am prolly what you would call a binge drinker. I had gotten up to 12 beers a night. I realized and I had a problem and I came here. I have found so much unconditional love and support. But also ass kickings when needed.
                        Anyway, now I go several weeks without touching a drop, but then I may drink enough to make me sick. I have created all sorts of problems for my family and have almost lost my hubs. Sun is very concerned about her drinking, but when she is unhappy and down on herself I try to remind her that her drinking is not so bad. But I respect her concern for herself.
                        up sippimg coffee and getting myself mentally prepared for work
                        see you soon Birdy Boo
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                          ps...Lucky had his tubes removed and seems much more content. He is still bald on one side of his face though
                          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                          Live in the Solution....not the problem


                            The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                            Ola mamma bear, hows tricks
                            I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                            Audrey Hepburn


                              The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                              morning pink one
                              all is well
                              jsut sleepy
                              hows you?
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                                Thank you everyone for the welcome xxxx I am currently drinking on average 1.5 litres of white wine everyday (which is a bit less than what I was doing) I did a spell years ago AF (6 weeks) I was taking topomax and all the sups but I was miserable and like a zombie and my husband told me he prefered me when I drank :-) (he wasnt my husband then we lived together) he has been trying to convince me that I can taper (as he thinks I will do more damage trying to go AF, I wont go to the doctors), I'm going to give it my best shot.

                                We have, this week, chucked all our old wine glasses and bought 125ml marked glasses so we can monitor better, the idea is to drop to 8 125ml glasses which will be 1 ltr and I get to put the money saved away everyday for something nice like spending money for our holiday.

                                I might try to drop a glass a week hubby is a bit shady about time limits, I think he thinks I am going to turn into the horror I was when I went AF. I have a different attitude this time and I'm not going to take anything (maybe some sups & some vit C). My start date is today. I eventually want to be AF.

                                This is going to be really really hard!!

                                If I run out of my allowance I have to go for the sparkling Elderflower stuff in the fridge, it looks like wine :-) and tastes lovely.

                                Thank you Mama bear for your story xxxxxxxxxxx and thank you for the welcome, it helps to know you are not alone in all of this x

