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The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

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    The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

    I'm so tired. The felines broke and entered into the upstairs sleeping compound last night, where they undoubtedly believed Mrs. Fen and I would be putty in their paws. I had to escort their furry butts back downstairs, and it took me ages to fall back asleep!


      The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

      Thinking of you, Biz. :h


        The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

        one2many;1330171 wrote: Hi Folks,

        It has been brought to my attention that, in light of recent events ( I think), there are some peeps on the Get your Arses in Gear thread who feel uncomfortable with Army people posting over there and have made it clear that our posts are not welcome.
        I am putting this here on the thread so that everyone knows and cannot say they were not included in the pm...
        Yes, I do think it is childish and silly and we should all just get on but I am just the messenger.

        So just to recap, please refrain from posting on the Arses in Gear thread as it is not welcome..

        Thanks Guys.
        Morning everyone. Feeling really down today. I am not comfortable with this. I am the person that wants to coexist with people.
        Without a doubt, I did feel uncomfortable knowing that a few weeks ago somebody from the Army thread was posting on the Journey thread with a fake persona. There were also some mean spirited posts a few weeks ago. I was angry & defended my friends. However, I thought that we had all got passed that. I thought that the fueding had stopped.
        I was very sorry to see Oney's post today. Now nobody will feel welcome here. I do not want to make the Journey thread a place where people feel like they can't post. The Journey thread has always been welcoming. It doesn't feel welcoming anymore. I am here to get & give support for my alcohol addiction. That is why I am here.
        I am done with the games. I wish everyone the best. I am going to coexist.
        Take care...........
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

          I agree 100% Nora...
          besides...this IS a public forum, is it not??
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

            MB-- any tips on getting rid of that bumpy rash that comes from the sun? It is hot as heck here-- I have had on heavy sunscreen and have been in the pool, no burn but have those annoying bumps-- all I know to do is not go in the sun but that is no fun-- right now I am on our deck with the AC guys getting the new unit listening to the waves, the boys are at the battleship, we told Mark we will let him watch hockey and Luke will get to ride the ferris wheel. The last night here we are going to the fantastic place we went last night where I blew the diet but it was very yummy and fun.

            Fen-- how is everything?
            Nora-- when does your niece come?
            Can someone please email me about the trial-- I do want to keep up with Biz-- Biz-- we are praying for you.
            Sun-- hope the roof is okay-- enjoyed the jubilee parts that I saw to bits!!! Had I had access to Guinness I would probably have had one. I admire the Queens staying power and devotion to duty. And I hope old Phillip is okay. Poor Kate though- she will be looked at like a brood mare till she gets a bun in the oven-- I hope her thin frame does not hold her up in getting knocked up!! She seems not to have made a misstep -- shame if something she can't really control is something that bedevils her.

            Everyone-- keep moving forward!


              The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

              I so agree with you Nora. Mama B, just read your story of your childhood, I can so empathise with you, I was brought up my my abusive natural parents, its a good job I had my sister she helped me a lot. Due to things that happened in my childhood I could not have children myself, but like you I have a wonderful husband, I also have two adopted children. My daughter was 8 weeks when she came to us, and my son was 3 weeks and in spite of my alcohol problems I am told that I and my husband have been good parents, I believe that is true as my daughter and her family have gone away for a couple of days leaving my littlest grandson with us, saying they would not leave him with anyone else. I have the type of relationship with my children that I could only dream of as a child, so yes my abusive childhood coupled with the love of my sister taught me to be a good parent to my kids. I am eternally grateful to the natural mothers of my children for unselfishly giving up their babies, because we have given them a loving home, and they have returned that love to us in so many ways.


                The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                Biz you are in my thoughts and prayers, what a dreadful thing to be hanging over you.


                  The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

         touched me....I was lucky to have eventually ended up in a good home
                  ATL - that sounds lilke sun rash and it goes away eventaully...I get it too. A cool shower and some aloe may help. I love a good tan, so I lay out bumps and all.
                  I have not checked on Biz's trial but it is a very sad story. His infant son was murdered by his sitter years ago and it is just now coming to trial.
                  and yes...Catherine is lovely and seems to be holding up. She also seems stong enough to know what she wants and will not bow down like poor Diana did.
                  Paula - are you craving AL now??? I have been worrying about your sweet self
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                    oh and Nora...I am sorry about your losses. Gosh it's hard to keep up
                    a burial at sea sounds lovey to me
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                      Paula - we adopted our son when he was 5 months old. Our miracle. We had waited for so long - then when he came home to us, I realized that is why it had taken so long. He hadn't been born yet. God knew what He was doing.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

               much adoption...that is AWESOME
                        I knew I loved you peeps for a reason!!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                          At the moment and for the past few days I have not had any cravings, MB, I'm reading Jason Vales book and I think that is helping.


                            The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                            Thats great Nora, we are so lucky.


                              The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                              NoraC;1330296 wrote: Morning everyone. Feeling really down today. I am not comfortable with this. I am the person that wants to coexist with people.
                              Without a doubt, I did feel uncomfortable knowing that a few weeks ago somebody from the Army thread was posting on the Journey thread with a fake persona. There were also some mean spirited posts a few weeks ago. I was angry & defended my friends. However, I thought that we had all got passed that. I thought that the fueding had stopped.
                              I was very sorry to see Oney's post today. Now nobody will feel welcome here. I do not want to make the Journey thread a place where people feel like they can't post. The Journey thread has always been welcoming. It doesn't feel welcoming anymore. I am here to get & give support for my alcohol addiction. That is why I am here.
                              I am done with the games. I wish everyone the best. I am going to coexist.
                              Take care...........
                              I just want to address this and the people on the thread.

                              I have only ever come over here to help, to offer support or give some friendly advice because there are some lovely people here...I GENUINELY wanted to help or was interested in what was being said.

                              I am not going to skirt around the issue either, I did come over here and address Ruby to her face about her lies and her deceit and the way she took over the thread with her complete and utter nonsense. I saw through her a long time ago and I was sick of watching others getting duped by her untruths.

                              She does not answer pm's so I had no choice but to post here especially after another one of her "I am leaving" posts of which there have been many.

                              I did not include anyone else in my post, I told Ruby what I thought of her after months of sitting on my hands and listening as others lamented her behaviour also.

                              I thought we had moved on from this and that we were all adults, Ok, tell me to piss off if you feel I have no right to post here but the rest of the Army? What did they do wrong?

                              I am here 4 years and have never seen people being told that they were not welcome on a thread......nobody owns threads around here, it is a forum for problem drinkers, not an exclusive club.

                              I know I will be reported for this post but so be it......

                              I won't be posting here again, so I trust this is to the liking of the people who had a problem with it, I guess I can speak on behalf of the rest of the army too which is a real shame because they have a lot to offer.

                              Let's just leave it at that and get on with things.
                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010


                                The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                                Oh dear, thought this was a place to be able to visit to find some understanding and non judgemental acceptance, maybe its not after all.

