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The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

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    The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

    FlyAway;1327200 wrote: This was probably the funniest thing I've read all day. :H:H:H
    Fly - yep, I agree. :H:H:H
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

      Whats up Ruby?

      rubywillow;1326945 wrote: "To him who watches, all is revealed"
      I truly hate to taint this new thread with negativity, but I've literally had a life-changing experience, and re-evaluation all the primary relationships in my life, how the affect me. Originally, I had a much more firey post in mind, but the caution of time and good friends has tempered it. To bad, in a way. It was GOOD!
      I came to MWO in August '08. Dumb, inexperienced, playing with sobriety, just thrilled to have people who'd talk to me. Friendships came and went, people I really liked left, some died, and I began to temper my posts as I got serious about me sobriety. I like people. In the South, where my family has lived for generations, I'm a 'StoryTeller'. Didn't set out to be, but my love of people, place, family, history, tradition, just colors everything. I can stand before God one day and say, I NEVER hated, or wanted to hurt, anyone. Some things going on were obvious. With so many, even today, you can see what's happening, but it's not my place to tell them since I don't live their lives. No, I've never suffered some of the things others have, and I thank God every day for that. But I've had my own suffering, and it continues today. No one's life is perfect. And I might envy those who seem to have it all, but I don't know them, really.
      I'm in a huge battle, right now, for my health, my life. There's no room in it for people who want to play on the schoolyard, make an issue with everything I say. It's so obvious to me I don't even pay it attention. But THEY do, making my time here difficult, at the least. This is not the place for children's games. I don't like some people, so I avoid them. Never read their posts. Never join in the wickedness. To do so hurts those who have come here, tentatively putting out the feelers for an accepting place; to finally be heard without fear of their words used against them. When they see me hounded, and yes, I'll name names, but have decided not to, they wonder how they can ever fit in.
      The wonderful, loving thread Roger started has been gutted by these people. There are others all over the site who let me know these people terrify them, so they try to stay on their good side. Sad, isn't it? I just don't CARE what they think of me. Why should I, when I'm working so hard to build my life with my husband, my children, my family, friends, the people who really matter in my life? They've read all the awful things said to me, have been begging me to drop this place for so long, but I hung on, thinking someone would just get it, stop it, let the message of MWO be all that is important. But I see my presence is disruptive, so I'll take the target away. To all those of you out there worried about being in the crosshairs next, I'm sorry. I'm not strong enough to do it anymore.
      What hurt me, since the haters can't POSSIBLY have that power over me, was the lack of support from some of my 'friends'. No, I don't want a 'jump up street fight', but to ignore what was happening to me? Join in conversation with them? Really? I couldn't do that. I'm all about peace, but I have a loyalty, allegiance, to my friends, that comes from my soul, and I may be wrong, but I'm too old to change.
      I'm having seizures now, and believe it or not, the people who have tormented me are in them. GAWD!! If I could choose my boogie man, it would be Freddy Krueger over One and Zen! Medical tests out the wazoo (and YES, my doc and family have pulled every string and I'm having them right away, right on top of each other). So there. The rich-bitch wins again. Sorry, I AM a bit tired and testy. That happens when you think you've been to Mars.
      This is a wonderful place, all and all. There is hope here you just don't find, and for some, for me, it's a lifeline. Don't anyone let me and my experience deter you from finding your place here, and your help. As anywhere in life, there are bullies, big fish in a small pool. Find someone wise and helpful to help you learn to live with this addiction. You CAN do it!
      For my friends who want to reach me, most of you know how. If there are others out there who would like to, contact my friends here, and they'll give you the info. I love everyone, really, who comes here and tries. I'm sorry if I've offended here, but it's on my heart, and had been said, I just have to give my opinion! :H This thread, the Journey, has the intent of loving accepting people, so read and join, OK.
      For those who have pushed me to this point, you may think of me again. But I'll never think of you.
      Less words babes, who pissed you off? we are here for you xxxx


        The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

        Hi Angie - nice to see you here.......

        Sun XX
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

          HIYA Angie!

 day went as follows
          my friends know I had to put a kitty down a few weeks ago. he was old and it was time and I ok with it.
          On Monday, my HEART...Lucky Cat...wandered in with a bite on the side of his face. I have nursing it with hydrogen peroxide,etc.
          It swelled up to twice the size of his head. He was eating and seemed fine. My twenty-year-old son that has NO emotions that I can see, was distraught this morning and begged to go to the vet. Money is tight as some of you know.
          I said ok.
          $420 later, my poor kitty heart has had his head shaved. The bite had become infected and required surgery. The (sorry) puss had filled up his jowl and was entering the walls of his mouth. He is now lying next to me, as stoned as alll get up, and has a straw protruding from the side of his head. He is bloody and messy and I am upset. Not tragically, no tears or anything, but this is my baby.
          WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:upset::upset::sh ocked:

          btw...I had him neutered at the same time
 was your day?
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

            pussycats, I love them!!!!!! I have a dog but had cats previously x they are so good at helping with rehab xxxx


              The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

              I was being nasty earlier and said I wish my pecker was not out of batteries.....(vibrator????)
              don't tell anyone
              thanks for your well wishes
              Animals can be our babies can;t they?
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                mama bear;1327283 wrote: HIYA Angie!

       day went as follows
                my friends know I had to put a kitty down a few weeks ago. he was old and it was time and I ok with it.
                On Monday, my HEART...Lucky Cat...wandered in with a bite on the side of his face. I have nursing it with hydrogen peroxide,etc.
                It swelled up to twice the size of his head. He was eating and seemed fine. My twenty-year-old son that has NO emotions that I can see, was distraught this morning and begged to go to the vet. Money is tight as some of you know.
                I said ok.
                $420 later, my poor kitty heart has had his head shaved. The bite had become infected and required surgery. The (sorry) puss had filled up his jowl and was entering the walls of his mouth. He is now lying next to me, as stoned as alll get up, and has a straw protruding from the side of his head. He is bloody and messy and I am upset. Not tragically, no tears or anything, but this is my baby.
                WAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:upset::upset::sh ocked:

                btw...I had him neutered at the same time
       was your day?
                I'm so sorry about your kitty Mama. I'm a cat lover myself. :l


                  The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                  it is gross...
                  gore has never bothered me much, but this is revolting
                  poor baby
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                    Ang -
                    I have read about animals and rehab...
                    are you in the medical field??? may have mentioned it
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                      sorry not just rehab!! they are our soulmates, they cuddle up to us no matter what, they are characters and keep us company x they are loving beautiful creatures xxx


                        The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                        you are so right
                        that is why I am so bothered...Lucky must be hurting
                        and he needs I have to be sober....good thought process going on here..........
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                          hey there just a qiuk in then off to bed ... but just wishing one and all a happy june keep shifting and thinking positive .. keep this thread true to heart and big hugs one and all .. and keep up the great work everyone
                          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                            The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                            Mama Bear

                            no not in the medical field xxxxxx just had pets that I love and just loving them not like your kids or your hubby, just a simple love of a dog or a cat x helps, is that wrong? x I love my kids hubby more than words, life or anything but having a simple love for your pet helps, just stroking their coat/looking at their funny face xxx


                              The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                              absolutely not wrong!
                              Hi Roger love!
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                The journey begins here, so GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! For June!

                                So sorry about your Kitty, Mama.

                                Hi Angie.

                                Fly - did you tell mama we were talking about her toe and pecker yesterday?

                                Ok on my kindle. Moving to the computer.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

