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Been reading not posting

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    Been reading not posting

    Just wanted to say hello to everyone and tell u all that I have been here everyday I have just not been posting.I guess i felt like I didnt have much to say.
    I have been reading alot of the posts and have been getting alot of inspration from u all.
    I have not had many AF days but I have been moderating.Hubby has been complementing me on the good job I have been doing. He says its alot calmer around here latley and has noticed that I have seriously count down on my drinking. I have not woke up with a hangover in weeks.
    I know its not perfect because after all I am still drinking but its a start.
    Thank u all for the insprational posts.

    Been reading not posting

    Hi daisy. If you are getting inspiration from here, that is great. If you haven't been writing, look at it in a positive way. If you have nothing to say, that is probably a good thing. I would like to get to the point where I'm just reading for support, and not having to write, because I feel so weak, or upset, or angry. I know I'll be reading and writing for a bit, cause I'm just starting. Only 4 days. Daisy, if you can drink like you have been, and you don't get out of control, then congratulations!! There are millions of people that drink that don't make the mistakes the other millions of us do. Sadly, I'm in the latter, and envy you. I would so love to be able to drink. Fact is, I can't. If you can, and you can enjoy it, my hat is off to.
    where does this go?


      Been reading not posting

      I'm still pretty new here, and mostly read,not's just so helpful to see that we're most of us in similar situations and that there's lots of hope. Also, being new one doesn't feel like a font of wisdom, especially since I'm not even trying to go AF til the Topa kicks in. Maybe too I get a little wistful reading of others spousal support.... oh well, at least I do have my sibs and their families, who of course don't even suspect my problem with the alkydemon! I am so grateful for MWO & RJ!
      "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
      Leonard Cohen


        Been reading not posting


        That is great that you have been able to cut back! Good job...You to are an inspiration to many here

        Thanks for posting today...
        Control the Mind


          Been reading not posting

          Hey Daisy! Good to see you moderating so well. Congratulations on that!

          Morrison, day 4 is GREAT! You can do this and you will feel wonderful for accomplishing your goals and working towards your health.

          Jenn, you don't have to have a "font of wisdom" to post. Let us know how you are doing, we care!

          Rocky I have seen your posts around awhile and don't remember having the opp to say - great job to you and you are quite the deep thinking guy!

          Hugs to all and the best wishes for success! Mary


            Been reading not posting

            Good morning Daisy,
            It's terrific that you are cutting down. Isn't it great when your partner acknowledges that and gives you suppot. Sounds like you're really starting the desire to keep on cutting back, and now you're starting to experience the ease and peace of mind of fearless living, your former lifestyle will start to look stale and unappealing. That you're cutting back is terrific. Gaining control is the name of the game, and it sure looks like you're gaining back your power and control.
            I haven't written much this week either, as what I would say has already been posted, and there's no obligation" to post. But sometimes I almost feel compelled I have to... odd feeling.

            Hey Morrison, What do you mean ONLY 4 days? Be super positive. Wow, 4 days! Look what I've achieved!Give yourself a pat on the back. Don't allow yourself to open up any little cracks where the lure of alcohol can take hold.

            Jenn, keep your spirits up, my husband also is just sitting on the fence, no encouragement from him, so I get my encouragement from chat and reading the boards. What a wonderful journey you're embarking on!


              Been reading not posting

              Everybody, just great, great post. I love this place. I feel like I'm making friends. Maybe one day I'll be fortunate enough to meet some of the great people on here. I guess I should be proud of 4 days, but I have a reason I'm not. I've always been a binge drinker. I could go a week, but then drink 2-3. The 2-3 I would drink, would be aweful. I'm talking Long Island Ice Teas for breakfast, and being smashed by noon. I drank during lunch at my job a lot. I don't know how I can not feel like drinking some times, but other times, can't live without it. It's very interesting to find out how we are so different with our habit, but at the core of it, share the same problem. This site is so inspirational, because there are success stories from all walks of life, and all types of behaviours. Jenn, congrats on just being here. We've got your back babe.
              where does this go?

