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Army Thread 4th June

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    Army Thread 4th June

    Hello Troopers!!

    Just back from a very long walk around parts of our town that I've never seen before. I quite enjoyed myself.

    Warning!! This is a long multi-post. Sorry, but I wanted to share a couple of things with Molly that might help her deal with grumpy Joe.

    Recluse;1328905 wrote: I'm fine thanks molly, but still failing. Bought whisky on Sat night and woke up this morning. I have no recollection of yesterday whatsoever. Mind you, with all this royal stuff maybe that's not a bad thing. Trying to psych myself up for a major effort to tackle the booze as anything less is doomed to failure.

    Hope your hubby's mood improves soon. It must be very demoralising for you to share a house with someone in a grumpy mood like that. Try and do the best you can to ignore it.Reccie, losing a day is not good. I've lost lots of nights, but never a whole day. You gotta stop poisoning yerself PandaMan. I've posted myself and have seen others post about the process of having a drink. There are about 10 steps you go through when you decide to go out and buy AL before you actually take that first drink. And you can stop yourself at any point. And for those of us who always have AL in the house due to other family members, the same thing applies. From the minute you pick up the bottle til you take the first sip, there are five movements you make that you could stop at any time. Put the beer back in the fridge, put the glass back in the cupboard and even if you've already poured the first drink, you can pour it down the sink. At each step, ask yourself if what you're doing is what you truly want to do. If it is, carry on. If it isn't, then reverse it and go do something else. Make yourself some comfort food, go for a walk, crack open a good book, watch a movie. Anything to get over the urges. Or come and post here and tell us how you're feeling. We're always here for you. :huggy
    mollyka;1328914 wrote:

    Yes Joe's moods are hard to take, and demoralising it is - just have to try and realize it's his problem - not mine ---- like with lots of things however, easier said than done Many wise words from peeps here tho and I'm feeling a lot better!
    Molly, I know what you mean, Mr. Stirly can be a very moody person as well. In fact we had a "disagreement" on Saturday just as we got to Athens, started by him speaking to me in a manner I will not tolerate, all because I wasn't placing the sun-reflector on the inside of the front windshield of the car in the way he wanted it done.. So I got out of the car and walked across the street, not waiting for him. His reaction - Are you all by yourself then? Go on, go off by yourself like you always do. (Which I don't, he knew he'd pissed me off and did what he always does, turn the blame to me and act the victim. So I went off by myself, treated myself to my favourite burger at McDonald's and continued to thoroughly enjoy my day having mentally told him to fuck off the second we parted. And I decided to take public transport back home even tho' it's a pain in the arse rather than ride home with Mr. Grumpy. Finally at 3pm, he called me on my cell phone to ask where I was. Obviously, he was waiting for me to go back to the car to return home together. I calmly told him I was on the subway on my way home and hung up on him. I got our lunch ready and ate it then retired to the spare bedroom and started a book I'd been wanting to read for ages. Enjoyed that too. Then went for a walk, which I enjoyed as well. Sunday morning I got up at the usual time that we do and got ready to take the dog for a walk as we do every Sat. and Sun. morning. He suddenly got up, got dressed and left to go for a walk by himself then later went for a coffee by himself. I didn't say a word to him all day Sunday, just did things around the house that I like to do, like reading and a bit of television and posting at MWO. Skyped with my Mom and we had a good old laugh, (I'm sure that annoyed him, he was still being sulky) and then went for another long, lovely walk. Today he returned from work, and greeted the dog and then started talking about a programme he'd seen on TV about this guy that helps people with problem dogs. I thought he was talking to Freddie and was kind of ignoring him until I turned and realized he was talking to me.:H Morale of the story: turn the tables on him and don't let him get under your skin. Don't let his grumpiness upset you and tell him to fuck off mentally as many times as you need to til you get it right. Then do things that you enjoy and forget all about him. Misery loves company so don't give him any. And a :huggy to you, too.
    startingover;1328943 wrote: Nope, I have really been feeling a bit shitey lately, not that anything is bad, but I feel kind of unbalanced and like something is missing.Starty, I hope you can figure out what it is that's got you feeling that way and deal with it.
    Zenstyle;1328947 wrote: Hewwo! Orf to read back...I was wondering if you'd show up. How is ya?
    mollyka;1328949 wrote: I sometimes feel like that - dunno if it's 'normal' to just feel it and let it pass? Don't let it build tho - could warrant an oul chat with the doc. maybe? Anyway -- I do think (for me anyway) the chit-chat on here can lift my mood sometimes even when it's husband bashing or recipes Wish I could give ya a real life hug Starty - don't know what else to say really

    Evenin Zenners!Yes, coming here and talking helps. Even coming here and not talking helps me sometimes if I see that someone else has a problem that makes my blahs seem small in comparison. Or I might see something that makes me laugh and then I forget about the shite.
    startingover;1328952 wrote: No, dont need a doc, its all in the mind set and using the tools we all have to get back on track rather than letting stuff drift.
    The chit chat is what I need too, I had forgotten what a help it is. Well I hadnt forgotten, but I have just not had or made the time for it.
    Virtual hugs are good too
    Well, lots of hugs to you, then and come by the barracks more often. Maybe that's what's been missing. The support and the banter here.
    Zenstyle;1328957 wrote:
    Joe sounds like he's being a right fecker Mollers. Would it do you any good to blast him? Sometimes shouting your head off at them for their moodiness shocks them out of it...

    Edit: I don't mean "men"... I mean moody feckers in general...
    Ah, yes. Zen's got a good idea Molly, especially if you're not the type who usually does that. Might just make him take a step back and look at things.
    mollyka;1328959 wrote:
    OH FFS ----- I achully had to read back to find out why you were telling me it was morning ---- oh latherin heart --- I really did
    Now that really made me laugh.:H
    Zenstyle;1328962 wrote:
    I'm fine Starty. Pulling myself out of the quagmire again! ) With a different mindset this time. I've truly accepted the fact that I'm an addict and I'll never be able to drink socially like the rest of my friends and acquaintances so I've let go of the dream. Had a good hard look at myself, wasn't pleased with what I saw, and realized just how much AL alters my personality for the worse and how it sucks the very essence of myself out of me and leaves me a shell of myself. That's where I'm at right now in a nutshell!
    You do change with AL and not for the better. I'm glad you now see what we've been seeing for some time now. Said with :h. Lots of it.
    Zenstyle;1328966 wrote: Well, if it was me, I'd wait till Joey was out and I'd give him a good dressing down. It will make him very uncomfortable and it's like the Pavlov's Dawg thing... he'll associate his moods with it... Yep, that's what I'd do to. Tell him that his bad moods set you off and that you know he knows it and that you won't tolerate it anymore. I did something like that with Mr. Stirly quite a number of years ago and it worked. He had a very bad habit of talking to me in a derogatory way. Mind you my drinking was part of the problem but I realized it much later. I finally got really pissed off and told him that at my age I wouldn't tolerate that kind of treatment from anyone whether it was from my husband or someone else and if it continued, then I would not work with him any longer. Oh, and I banged my fist on the counter when I said it. And I was yelling as well. He was a bit shocked and shut up. The next time he started in I quietly reminded him of what I had said a few days earlier. I told him that I meant what I had said and that the next time he did it would be my last day in the store. His manner changed overnight and that was the end of it. Maybe you need to try something like that with Joe. Be assertive and stand up for yourself. You are not trying to cause a disruption, you are defending your sobriety since his moods affect you so much.
    Zenstyle;1328970 wrote: I was so sick at the mess of everything that there was no room for sadness Mollers. I've calmed down now... and it's well... just acceptance.

    I was there yesterday drinking my diet coke (I came up with a stellar reason! Told them I had a hangover! hahaha!!!) chatting away, playing pool, and you know what... it was no better or worse than doing the same thing with a drink in my hand. So, really, what am I missing out on? A hangover? Feeling disconnected and discombobulated the next morning? I think it's going to be a win-win situation as my body will be very thankful if it doesn't have to process the poison.Good to hear you saying that Zenners. You really have taken some giant steps in the right direction over the past few days.
    mollyka;1328980 wrote:
    OK - finally decided to do SUMMAT today --- gonna iron and make dinner - yuck - back laters x
    I did that too, both of them. And yuck was my reaction to the ironing. Hate it with a passion. Mr. Stirly now has 23 polo tops and summer tops to choose from.
    startingover;1328981 wrote:
    I shall go dogging then
    Hope you enjoyed your walk.

    Hiya ExPatty!! Almost missed you there. )
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Army Thread 4th June


      expat3;1329030 wrote: Reccie--are you out there lurking?
      Trying to read back and catch up.:l
      Yep, I was lurking patty. Hope you're feeling much better now after your trip to hospital.....we don't want to be losing you! :l

      Sorry you're feeling shite starty....hopefully a meetup with oney will cheer you up?

      And sorry about your lappie, zenners :upset:. I know that was the last thing you needed to happen at the moment but you have to have one don't you? It's an absolute lifeline for folks like us.


        Army Thread 4th June

        Wow, you showed Mr Stirly who's boss, stirly. Good for you.

        Sorry, can't reply to you in full cos I've got to rush out now.



          Army Thread 4th June

          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread 4th June

            Recluse;1329037 wrote: Evening!

            Yep, I was lurking patty. Hope you're feeling much better now after your trip to hospital.....we don't want to be losing you! :l

            Sorry you're feeling shite starty....hopefully a meetup with oney will cheer you up?

            And sorry about your lappie, zenners I know that was the last thing you needed to happen at the moment but you have to have one don't you? It's an absolute lifeline for folks like us.
            Hey, lurker!
            Stirly-thank you for your multi-quote! I really admire those of you who are in long term relationships. Hope all your better halfs start cheering up!
            Has anyone seen Foxy??? I know I haven't been around much either so not totally keeping up but I don't think I've seen any posts by her.


              Army Thread 4th June

              Evening All !!!!!!!!!
              Week One, Two, Three, Four - :yay:
              Week Five, Six , Seven - :yay:

              Week Eight - On Day 5

              Starting to enjoy life now


                Army Thread 4th June

                Well done Topper on going into week three!


                  Army Thread 4th June

                  expat3;1329046 wrote: Well done Topper on going into week three!
                  Thanks a mill!!! so far so good!! starting to enjoy it now!!
                  Week One, Two, Three, Four - :yay:
                  Week Five, Six , Seven - :yay:

                  Week Eight - On Day 5

                  Starting to enjoy life now


                    Army Thread 4th June

                    Are you getting out to run and stuff? What are you doing to keep yourself occupied?


                      Army Thread 4th June

                      Yo Topper,

                      Blooming heck week 3. Keep it going bonny lad.:goodjob:

                      Doing the in and out thing here. Trying to get some photo's uploaded.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread 4th June

                        Recluse;1329041 wrote: Wow, you showed Mr Stirly who's boss, stirly. Good for you.

                        Sorry, can't reply to you in full cos I've got to rush out now.

                        Bye...Not the boss, Reccie. In a relationship, there should be no boss, just equals. I was just standing up for myself and refusing to let someone else, even my husband, damper my mood. That is all.

                        See you tomorrow.
                        JackieClaire;1329042 wrote: :hiya:So where have you been until now? Do you realize it's almost 8 pm in the UK?
                        expat3;1329043 wrote:
                        Hey, lurker!
                        Stirly-thank you for your multi-quote! I really admire those of you who are in long term relationships. Hope all your better halfs start cheering up!
                        Has anyone seen Foxy??? I know I haven't been around much either so not totally keeping up but I don't think I've seen any posts by her.
                        I think Foxy is resting.

                        Unfortunately, ExPatty, not all long-term relationships are necessarily good ones. Especially when one partner wants the other to change to meet his/her expectations. Often a long-term relationship carries on for other reasons. Anyway, 'nough of that. I'm so happy for you that you're in a new relationship and that things are going well. Now if only you would win a lottery.
                        Topper12;1329044 wrote:
                        Evening All !!!!!!!!!
                        Hello Topper!! :goodjob: on starting week 3. Well done!!
                        For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                        AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                          Army Thread 4th June

                          expat3;1329051 wrote: Are you getting out to run and stuff? What are you doing to keep yourself occupied?
                          Running every second day and playing golf the weekend and just doing stuff like clean my room etc, pretty much stuff i didnt do when i was on the beer!!

                          Hey JC!!!!!

                          Thanks Stirly!! x

                          Hows everyone? any goss?
                          Week One, Two, Three, Four - :yay:
                          Week Five, Six , Seven - :yay:

                          Week Eight - On Day 5

                          Starting to enjoy life now


                            Army Thread 4th June

                            Yes Stirly! If I could win the lottery...:H That would be quite nice.
                            Going to get the kids settled for the night. I'll check back in a bit.:l


                              Army Thread 4th June

                              Do you know Stirls, I don't know where today's gone.

                              Had a sunbed this morning. I really needed to get warmed through. Gawd I sound like a meat pie.

                              Oh just wanted to say. Lovely to hear you so positive,Zens.:l
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread 4th June


                                Mollers, did you have a nice Molly day?
                                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                                AF 10th May 2010
                                NF 12th May 2010

