More than any other of the other choices in my life, the people I have surrounded myself with, associated with were the most critical, the most valuable or the most destructive. And of course so many of them were made or lost because of alcohol- or more to the point, the mindset it created or cemented. I understand that when you seriously start drinking is when you seriously stop maturing so I am somewhere around 25... (not physically, though :upset
So now here I am trying to methodically, despertately re-train my brain, create a new mindset or unlock the one buried for so long and I am ever so slowily seeing people in my life, people that I thought I would be going to the grave with that I am not really wanting to be around that much. Or I am not thinking about as much... or caring about as much...without much difficulty either Some are drinkers. SOme are none drinkers. Some are Family even...
What has promted this (aside form 15 days AF and lots of contemplation) is My dearest friend who is 2 years sober has been drifting further and further away due to her divorce and her insane work schedule and the demands of her situation which are..well frankly indescibably hellish. (That's a whole nother thread!
But last night I spoke with her and said, "You know Janet I don't think we can really be called friends any more. I think we are are now 'Phrones' People who only talk and have a relationship on the phone. We can't even go for a walk. We can't even see a movie. ' She asked me to be patient. To be supportive. But there is no end in sight to this, believe me. She has to get up, work all day then drive an hour to where the ex has the boys, Spend a few hours watching their sports games- the father is so crazy driven he forces all the boys to be on several teams all year round and it is Court Orderd...no escape, then drive home to tend the old man she has to live with because she can not afford an apartment...This has gone on for 3 years...No end in sight.
I texted and said I do not want to be a distration anymore. The middle child was commited to a psych ward last month the father has the boys so crazy and she has to be there for them. There is no time for me. Or my Children. My drama. My life right now. She needs to focus for the boys sake. Before they grow up and kill someone... She called and left a voice message on her 15 minute break: 'I dont want that. I love you. Please call me... ' But the truth is. I want that. I am tired. And I am sober.
So am I now a sucky Friend? Am I just as screwed up in my perceptions going out as I was going in? I simply don't know. I know it sounds Sophmoric but I keep hearing that damn Peter Gabriel Song in my head, Salsbury Hill where he sings:
So I went from day to day
Though my life was in a rut
Till I thought of what I'd say
And which connection I should cut
So I have some once again come to MWO. To my people
Maybe growing up at last!
Thanks so much all of you who stuck with this long rambling narrative!