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Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

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    Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

    I finally turned the corner from being a daily drinker to becoming a problem drinker. Thank you my dear friend alcohol. I have to stop the madness. Alcohol caused some major fighting between me and my new husband. He was drunk and so was I. It was inevitable. He said some very hurtful things and I stayed awake all night feeling sweaty, like I couldn't breath, heart pounding, jumping at every little sound; basically having a panic attack on and off all night.

    We just bought a lake house and are doing our usual entertaining but now the wine bottle or beers start flowing earlier in the day. We leave for the lake on Thursday and return home Monday so that's 4 to five days of even more booze than usual.

    I have had it. I am getting exhausted so early in the day, so dehydrated overnight and headachy and ill the next morning. EVERY DAY.

    I know I have attempted so often before but this time it's a matter of saving my future, my relationships, my health, my energy, and really, my life.

    I am asking for the usual support but this time, I am feeling desperate. Still shaky from last night, both physically and emotionally.

    I will be taking the L-Glut (never could get the antabuse
    I will be exercising daily
    I will be eating lots of wholesome food
    I will re-read Jason Vale's book
    I will come here often
    I will drink lots of liquids
    I have the hypno tapes and plan on using them too

    God help me. If this is what my future looks like with booze in it, I HAVE to rid myself of this terrible habit and it all starts today.

    Thanks, I appreciate your reading this.:upset:

    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu

    Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

    Welcome back Tipple. I know you've been here for a long time, so I won't pretend to know any more than you already do. I just wanted to say welcome, and I know your pain. We're all here to help and listen.:l

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

      HEy Tips
      Welcome back! Stay strong!


        Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

        Thanks for the welcome Ann and Library Girl. You two both joined much later than me and have made so much more progress.

        Got through tonight easily as I'm still shaky from the weekend. There are so many reasons for me to become a permanent non-drinker. As I am using this as a diary of sorts, I'll list the reasons as they pop into my head, not in any specific order of importance except the first item on the list.

        I am a grandmother of little one(s) and my home is on a raging river. Danger
        I am a grandmother of little one(s) and my lake house is on a deep lake. Danger
        Imagine if the baby drowned while I was on watch or even at all? Devastation
        To be a good example for my adult children one of which has alcohol issues
        To not end up like my 82 year old mother who is very wretched and miserable in her old age all because of beer
        To maintain good relationships
        To maintain good health
        To avoid hangovers, exhaustion, dehydration
        To enthusiastically attack my Rosetta Stone French lessons since I live and vacation in a totally French environment and I am a hair's breath away from being bilingual
        To read and absorb my spiritual books
        To keep the weight monster at bay and even lose a few
        To face life with it's ups and downs and not hide behind the bottle
        To enjoy my children, grandchildren and partner in an alert, conscious, loving manner
        To FINALLY achieve what has been nagging at me for at least five years

        So, I have to RIDE the waves of Craving. This is not a 30 day plan although I will definitely be celebrating that milestone. This is a life change.

        Been here with so much enthusiasm before. Please let it be different this time.

        I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

        "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
        ? Lao-Tzu


          Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

          Welcome back Tip. Reread that list above whenever you feel shaky. The thought of something happening to your grandchild on your watch while you were drinking would be devastating. :l


            Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

            Wow! There you are

            Hi Tipp:

            I am so Happy to Finally get to meet you in person ! So tp speak

            A few months ago when I stopped lurking (I joined MWO 2007) My computer lost the MWO link and the only thing I had was a post from you that I had printed out becasue what you said completely spoke to me and my situation. I had no idea my link to MWO was about to be lost and YOU were all I had left!
            I have since lost the original I am afraid but I remember your post was about starting and stoping drinking, mainily wine and having a very great looking social life with friends and such but your feeling wasted and struggling alone. There was much more but that was the gist and I thought..OMG, C'est Moi!
            My Favorite line was at the end of the post (which I speak about in a thread I started called Where did everybody go?) in which you said something along the lines of ' I don't so anything consistantly. It's amazing I brush my teeth every morning! '

            I read that EVERY day and laughed and laughed (my kids thought I was insane because they don't know I struggle) I hid your post behind my Elton John Bobble Doll that I bought when I was in Vegas (he sucked by the way- so disappointed and I love EJ)
            Anyway, that post got me thru not being able to stay connected to MWO- sane and somewhat sober until it came back on line.

            So now that you are back I have NO DOUBT in my mind that Not only will you be brushing your teeth daily but brushing your grand-babies as well and maybe even river rafting before too long and screaming at people in French to get the hell out of the way!!
            I am so glad you are Back and I am very happy that I can thank you personally for getting me through a really crappy, scary section of life!:h
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

              Tipplerette;1329269 wrote: Thanks for the welcome Ann and Library Girl. You two both joined much later than me and have made so much more progress.

              Got through tonight easily as I'm still shaky from the weekend. There are so many reasons for me to become a permanent non-drinker. As I am using this as a diary of sorts, I'll list the reasons as they pop into my head, not in any specific order of importance except the first item on the list.

              I am a grandmother of little one(s) and my home is on a raging river. Danger
              I am a grandmother of little one(s) and my lake house is on a deep lake. Danger
              Imagine if the baby drowned while I was on watch or even at all? Devastation
              To be a good example for my adult children one of which has alcohol issues
              To not end up like my 82 year old mother who is very wretched and miserable in her old age all because of beer
              To maintain good relationships
              To maintain good health
              To avoid hangovers, exhaustion, dehydration
              To enthusiastically attack my Rosetta Stone French lessons since I live and vacation in a totally French environment and I am a hair's breath away from being bilingual
              To read and absorb my spiritual books
              To keep the weight monster at bay and even lose a few
              To face life with it's ups and downs and not hide behind the bottle
              To enjoy my children, grandchildren and partner in an alert, conscious, loving manner
              To FINALLY achieve what has been nagging at me for at least five years

              So, I have to RIDE the waves of Craving. This is not a 30 day plan although I will definitely be celebrating that milestone. This is a life change.

              Been here with so much enthusiasm before. Please let it be different this time.
              Tipplerette, you can and will do it. You have every good reason.
              I so resonated with your post about having 4 or 5 days of excessive drinking. That used to terrify me too about holidays. I used to dread them for exactly that reason. The shakes, sweats and panic came right back to me while I was reading your post. There IS so much life after drinking, I promise you. Dump this horrible habit. And start your real life. Your mother is a true example of where you dont want to be. :l
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

                Kradle123;1329290 wrote: Hi Tipp:

                I am so Happy to Finally get to meet you in person ! So tp speak

                A few months ago when I stopped lurking (I joined MWO 2007) My computer lost the MWO link and the only thing I had was a post from you that I had printed out becasue what you said completely spoke to me and my situation. I had no idea my link to MWO was about to be lost and YOU were all I had left!
                I have since lost the original I am afraid but I remember your post was about starting and stoping drinking, mainily wine and having a very great looking social life with friends and such but your feeling wasted and struggling alone. There was much more but that was the gist and I thought..OMG, C'est Moi!
                My Favorite line was at the end of the post (which I speak about in a thread I started called Where did everybody go?) in which you said something along the lines of ' I don't so anything consistantly. It's amazing I brush my teeth every morning! '

                I read that EVERY day and laughed and laughed (my kids thought I was insane because they don't know I struggle) I hid your post behind my Elton John Bobble Doll that I bought when I was in Vegas (he sucked by the way- so disappointed and I love EJ)
                Anyway, that post got me thru not being able to stay connected to MWO- sane and somewhat sober until it came back on line.

                So now that you are back I have NO DOUBT in my mind that Not only will you be brushing your teeth daily but brushing your grand-babies as well and maybe even river rafting before too long and screaming at people in French to get the hell out of the way!!
                I am so glad you are Back and I am very happy that I can thank you personally for getting me through a really crappy, scary section of life!:h
                What a great post Kradle !
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE


                  You have to commit and say to yourself absolutely no alcohol. It might mean drastically changing your social life, dumping toxic friends, and using willpower at the beginning until you get to the other side. I'm using tough love here, but sometimes that's what it takes. Otherwise, you could just end up being a chronic relapser. I don't think there's a post you've written that I haven't read. I follow you because I feel I know you well, and I've never seen the true commitment in your posts. I remember I was always resolute after a bad hangover but it didn't last. There are people who drink until they die - who never get sober even though they want to. Please don't be one of those.

                  To avoid hangovers, exhaustion, dehydration
                  When I read "to avoid hangovers" that sounds like equivocation to me -- you can't get a hangover if you don't drink. You are to the point where drinking is not an option, and you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

                  Sending you lots of love and strength. Say NO MORE to the poison and be steadfast in your commitment to sobriety. You will not regret it and you will save your own life.

                  If I've misread you, forgive me. We are here for you.

                  UN :lilheart:


                    Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

                    Oh Tipps.....I so feel your pain
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

                      I'm back as well Tipperlette,

                      Had a bingeing weekend and just starting to feel ok 3 days later. I have my quit date in mind, reading Jason Vale's book right now and continuing as he says until my date. I drink on the weekends and not sure if I will this weekend but June 17th is my date. I am excited to gat back to sober living. It really does ROCK.

                      Let's keep coming here and beat this beast.

                      new beginnings July 16, 2012


                        Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

                        Unwasted;1329517 wrote: Tipps,

                        When I read "to avoid hangovers"
                        that sounds like equivocation to me -- you can't get a hangover if you don't drink. You are to the point where drinking is not an option, and you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

                        UN :lilheart:
                        Unwasted, I believe Tipple prefaced that statement with (paraphrased): Reasons to become a non-drinker.


                        "I like people too much or not at all."
                        Sylvia Plath


                          Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

                          Kradle123;1329290 wrote: Hi Tipp:

                          I am so Happy to Finally get to meet you in person ! So tp speak

                          A few months ago when I stopped lurking (I joined MWO 2007) My computer lost the MWO link and the only thing I had was a post from you that I had printed out becasue what you said completely spoke to me and my situation. I had no idea my link to MWO was about to be lost and YOU were all I had left!
                          I have since lost the original I am afraid but I remember your post was about starting and stoping drinking, mainily wine and having a very great looking social life with friends and such but your feeling wasted and struggling alone. There was much more but that was the gist and I thought..OMG, C'est Moi!
                          My Favorite line was at the end of the post (which I speak about in a thread I started called Where did everybody go?) in which you said something along the lines of ' I don't so anything consistantly. It's amazing I brush my teeth every morning! '

                          I read that EVERY day and laughed and laughed (my kids thought I was insane because they don't know I struggle) I hid your post behind my Elton John Bobble Doll that I bought when I was in Vegas (he sucked by the way- so disappointed and I love EJ)
                          Anyway, that post got me thru not being able to stay connected to MWO- sane and somewhat sober until it came back on line.

                          So now that you are back I have NO DOUBT in my mind that Not only will you be brushing your teeth daily but brushing your grand-babies as well and maybe even river rafting before too long and screaming at people in French to get the hell out of the way!!
                          I am so glad you are Back and I am very happy that I can thank you personally for getting me through a really crappy, scary section of life!:h
                          Kradle 123, was so pleased to get your post and to know I made you laugh and you related to my struggle. I hope you are well ahead of me in your goals. I remember a few months ago being as sure as I am now that this is it and I am done drinking. A lot of good that did me. The thought of drinking repulses me at this point. I stayed away from MWO for a while after the last fiasco.

                          I help run a family business and even that is suffering because of my laissez faire attitude.

                          Well, maybe now I'll get some inspiration from YOU, Kradle.. You certainly have a wicked sense of humour.. Too bad about bobble head EJ... no one would ever think to look behind his beebopping head to find your stash of MWO papers...

                          Keep in touch and I promise to be a success this time... PS - BRUSHED MY TEETH THIS MORNING..

                          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                          ? Lao-Tzu


                            Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

                            startingover;1329334 wrote: Tipplerette, you can and will do it. You have every good reason.
                            I so resonated with your post about having 4 or 5 days of excessive drinking. That used to terrify me too about holidays. I used to dread them for exactly that reason. The shakes, sweats and panic came right back to me while I was reading your post. There IS so much life after drinking, I promise you. Dump this horrible habit. And start your real life. Your mother is a true example of where you dont want to be. :l
                            You know what kills me? We are terrified of long weekends because we feel we HAVE to drink at those times. What a stupid idea. I am still feeling strong today on day two. Stay strong, Starting Over and I will too.

                            I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                            ? Lao-Tzu


                              Hit Stage Two, Starting Day ONE

                              Unwasted;1329517 wrote: Tipps,

                              You have to commit and say to yourself absolutely no alcohol. It might mean drastically changing your social life, dumping toxic friends, and using willpower at the beginning until you get to the other side. I'm using tough love here, but sometimes that's what it takes. Otherwise, you could just end up being a chronic relapser. I don't think there's a post you've written that I haven't read. I follow you because I feel I know you well, and I've never seen the true commitment in your posts. I remember I was always resolute after a bad hangover but it didn't last. There are people who drink until they die - who never get sober even though they want to. Please don't be one of those.

                              When I read "to avoid hangovers" that sounds like equivocation to me -- you can't get a hangover if you don't drink. You are to the point where drinking is not an option, and you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

                              Sending you lots of love and strength. Say NO MORE to the poison and be steadfast in your commitment to sobriety. You will not regret it and you will save your own life.

                              If I've misread you, forgive me. We are here for you.

                              UN :lilheart:
                              Hey Unwasted, you have me pegged. Half Assed Deb, that's my real name; don't let anyone on here know; want to remain anonymous..

                              You have seven months and I know this because I stalk you daily on here... All kidding aside, I follow you too as I feel we started one of my many journeys together and you were very inspirational and intelligent and into spirituality, health food and all my passions (when I am sober).

                              The best thing that could happen to me in the next month is to get a big cyber high five from you when I reach my first milestone of 30 days. It would mean a lot to me.

                              Unwasted, we drank so much this weekend and I had so much to do... I don't know how I got through it. On Monday all i could do was shake, cry and I had to drive an unfamiliar car home (1.5 hours)... If I want to manage two homes, have a safe place for children, feel good about myself and have the perfect life, then I have to wake up and smell the coffee... and right about now, its smelling pretty enticing.

                              So Half-Assed Deb is going to surf those cravings, ride those waves of temptation and become the person I have always wanted to be; don't have a name for that girl, but I like her already.

                              I am fully commited to dropping alcohol entirely from my life. I will always be surrounded by it but that is one of the crosses I have to bear.

                              I pray to the universe to send me strength and perserverance. Thanks for your positive, straight talking.

                              I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                              "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                              ? Lao-Tzu

