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hello strangers!
hello strangers!
hi everyone! have you missed me? i have been lurking some but decided to post tonight. today is my daughter's 8th birthday, 20 years since i have graduated from high school, and 4 MONTHS since my DWI and MY LAST DRINK. yep..still at it. 4 months sober my friends. time really just runs together doesn't it? i have done really well as far as the drinking goes. my husband doesn't think it is fun without me so it is not even in the house anymore. he says he never even thinks about it, which makes it so much easier for me.... here is a good story for i met this lady at the pool the other day and after we left i told my husband that i had a feeling she was an ex-drinker. i can't pinpoint the reason for this feeling it was just there..the next time we ran into each other we got to talking again and she mentioned she had been sober for 7 years! (i must have inherited some sort of alcoholic radar) she knew nothing of my situation. i tried to tell her i was sober 4 months but i choked up and cried right in front of the lady. just broke down. i was so embarrassed. i guess since not many people know and i don't really have many people to talk to about it, i realized what an emotional wreck i really am trying to deal with this reality. i do so well most of the time but this is proof that the poison aftermath still bubbles down deep in my being. but overall things could be way way worse....i am sober and that is the best part of all.I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
sober since 2/4/12Tags: None
hello strangers!
Well done starfairy.:goodjob: Four months is awesome. I know how you feel about becoming emotional. I can't really talk about it either without getting teary (or worse, sobbing). Not in RL anyway. Like you, I don't have that many ppl to talk to about it, or that I want to talk to about it. Maybe you and she will bond now, and perhaps become friends.
Good to see you!:l
P.S. Happy Birthday to your DD!!
"I like people too much or not at all." Sylvia Plath
hello strangers!
Hi Star!!!
It is great to see you here. I think about you often. I'm really glad you are doing so well. Yep, this can be a lonely journey but SO worth it.
Keep up the good fight!!!!
Hugs, Nicey.It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
Mother Theresa
hello strangers!
Hi Star,
Everything is so much more positive even with the emotional moments here and there. Glad to have the update, how's your art?2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.
hello strangers!
Well done Star! I am doing well it has been a year since I had my last drink and I am so grateful for it.
Thanks for checking in and WTG on the four months!I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.
Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.
Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.
hello strangers!
Hi StarFairy! I am so glad you checked in - just yesterday, I realized I had not seen your name in a while, and I began to wonder where you were. Congratulations on your four months! F. "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery
hello strangers!
Great job Star! As far as the emotional outbreak don't feel too bad, at about 4 months I found myself getting choked up over anything. I couldn't watch a disney movie without tears....pretty bad for 42 year old ex military football coach who still thinks he is macho.that being said the emotional feeling ended up disappearing after a couple months.
hello strangers!
Hi Star!
Yes!!! I have missed you!!! I wondered where you'd gotten off too...I can't tell you how PROUD I am of you for your 4 are doing awesome! I think you met that lady for a reason...I'm happy for you
Now don't disappear again! :l:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
hello strangers!
Star, so glad to hear from you. I too have had the emotional reactions at the drop of a pin. They are almost gone. I think it's the clearing out of all our old issues (subconsciously). I don't really think it's a self pity thing over not drinking. We were so used to stuffing everything by numbing out, we never got to experience our true emotions.
Hang in there because it gets better!
Best to you!
UN :lilheart:
hello strangers!
it is so nice to hear from all you! you all have no idea how much you have helped me. it is great to have this kind of support system!
Three Dog- i see you had a glitch. are you doing ok?I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
sober since 2/4/12