Here Comes the Weekend .. Yikes!
I will handle my first sober weekend with these thoughts:
I don't drink alcohol. Period. It tastes like crap, tires me out, dulls my senses, gives me insomnia, makes me suffer the next day, puts on weight and pulls me down emotionally.
This weekend I will be the life of the party but dead sober. I love to laugh and have fun and do so during the day often without the 'help' of alcohol.
I will not look at not drinking as deprivation. It is the complete opposite. It's liberation.
As a group, I like to speak for all of us when I say " we are free from the addiction of alcohol... the cravings will try to convince us otherwise but we will bully them right back where they came from; our self-destructive ego. We will hush those voices and replace them with self-affirming voices reassuring us that we have made a once in a lifetime pivotal change that will actually alter the course of our lives and send it in the direction we have always dreamed of going; the land of serenity, conscious living, pride, alertness and physical health."
This weekend is the first of all my sober ones. That's something to celebrate!!