Hi Sunshine** I love Winnie too xxx I haven't read him since I was young and have forgotton lots but I still love him I have a Pooh pencil case, pencil and a Pooh note book which I write my to do list in every day (since Aug 2010 ) I'm way past half way so will have to start looking for a new Pooh Pad. We love New Tricks too!!!!!! its so funny! sad sometimes too x the re-runs are on one our channels all the time x we used to like the series 'Life on Mars' and its sequal 'Ashes to Ashes' too, have you heard of them? I can highly recommend them
Stirly, I will check in on Army & say hello x
Zen & Sun x Laundry! it's never ending isnt it, I just got to the bottom of my ironing pile and its already building up, there is only two of us, where does it all come from?