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    I'm not sure if this is how or where I'm supposed to be posting. I'm new to this but here goes nothing! (I apologize in advance for this being so long, but I'm terrified and I truly appreciate anyone who takes the time to read and respond to this.)

    I am a 24 year old college student from New York. I did an excessive amount of partying throughout April, and May with my boyfriend and some friends of ours. On April 28th I went to a rave where I took some exstacy, and a week after that I did cocaine. Aside from those two instances of heavy drugs my partying has mostly consisted of large quantities of vodka and beer, and a little pot here and there. Here's the issue, I found out at the end of May that I am pregnant. I conceived on the 14th of April. Right before the hard partying commenced. I did not think I was pregnant because my period has always been irregular at best, so it being late did not surprise me at all.

    I have read alot of threads on this site from other women that were worried about how their drinking would affect their babies. Although the repsonses were all very inspiring I could not find much solace in them. Most women are talking about drinking a bottle of wine here or there. I was drinking at least a quarter of a bottle of vodka at a time, at least 3 times a week. There was a week in early May that I drank everyday of the week. Vodka, beer, and basically anything that anyone would put in front of me.

    I am terrified that I have done irreversible damage to my child. I have not read any threads of women drinking to the extent that I know I have. I am mortified. I spoke with an OBGYN and had an early ultrasound done as soon as possible because I was spotting. We saw the sac, a small nut sized fetus, and a heart rate of 139! But the doctor was going over the WIDE range of abnormalities that my actions can potentially cause. He said the first eight weeks are the most important and that ANYTHING I did during those weeks was sure to affect the baby. He said it might not have physical deformities, but psychological and developmental problems most likely. I am seriously considering an abortion. Should I get a second opinion first, or should I avoid the risks and just abort?

    Again, I apologize for the length and the rambling. I needed to get this off of my shoulders, and hopefully get some unbiased opinions and advice. Please help!! :no:


    Hi Yiggie! Number one thing is to take a deep breath right now and just look at the situation. Talk about everything here with us. I know there is alot of other people on here who can help you more than I can. Stay along with us and realize you have a whole bunch of people who will love the heck of you! Welcome aboard!
    Started living again 2/7/2015



      Check your pm's dear.
      Enlightened by MWO



        FD, yay you on your 2 months. Your posts have always been so positive, at least the ones I've seen. You are so young and resilient and it's a huge attaboy to realize your problem so young and get on with life AF.
        Enlightened by MWO



          Yiggie, I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I'm sorry I don't know how to advise you - it's such a personal and life-changing decision. Maybe some of the women here with kids will check in (SK sent you a PM). Just wanted to reach out to you.

          UN :lilheart:

