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My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

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    My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

    First of all, let me say hello to everyone here! I've been reading the boards for a few months now, but this is my first post.

    That said, I've been taking Baclofen since sometime, late last year (November, December, don't really remember, exactly), starting at 20 mg/day (that was what my doctor prescribed initially). Then, based on information I had read, regarding "clinical trials", asked my doctor to increase it to 30 mg/day. Finally, after reading many of the posts on here, I realized that 30 mg/day was nowhere near enough to actually be effective.

    I then went online, in search of Baclofen, through online pharmacies, since I knew getting my doctor, or anyone else in the area (I'm in Las Vegas), would be an uphill battle. I found the cheapest source out there, by far, and began ordering online.

    I began titrating up, fluctuating up and back down, due to ill effects, and after a few months, had reached about the 150 mg/day mark. This is where things started getting really bad.

    I have been pretty much stuck around the 150 mark for weeks now. Everytime I try to go higher, the side effects become too unbearable to progress, and I have to back off. Let me list the side effects I've experienced, so far...

    Nausea / Loss of appetite
    Severe headaches
    Daytime somnolence / Nighttime insomnia
    Sleep paralysis / Hallucinations
    Stage 2 High Blood Pressure (I always had perfect BP, before)
    Complete inability to focus/think, I constantly feel like my brain is being poisoned
    Bizarre brain zaps/pops, some of which are actually somewhat painful, but most often are pretty jarring

    I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting, but you get the point. I can safely say, without a doubt, that I have never experienced such severe side effects from any medication I've taken in the past (and I've been on many). I generally tolerate all medications very well. I can't think of any that I've had any immediate ill effects from. In fact, a lot of medications (especially, for anxiety) I seem to be refractory to. This is the only medicatioon I've ever taken, that I seriously start to dread, when it's almost time to take my next dose, because I'm still feeling so awful from the previous doses, that I literally don't want to take it.

    To elaborate on some of them, the daytime somnolence and brain zaps I've experienced are quite unlike anything I've ever experienced before. It has definitely made me drowsy during the day. I've had to drink two or three cups of coffee during the day, in order to stay awake at work. I never used to drink any coffee, because even in small amounts, it made me incredibly jittery, and exacerbated my anxiety, tenfold. I will say, that at least, Baclofen seems to have eliminated my anxiety. Even after drinking coffee, it still doesn't seem to make me anxious or jittery, anymore.

    However, the somnolence seems to be accompanied with what I can only compare to the brain zaps one experiences when abruptly stopping anti-depressant medications. I have experienced that first hand, as well, and, while they are somewhat similar, they are quite distinct. Basically, what happens is that I will suddenly experience a momentary "brain shut-down", where I feel like I almost lose consciousness for a split second and then snap back into reality. Only problem is, when I snap back into consciousness, there is a jarring, unsettling, snap/pop sensation in my brain, that reverberates through my head, and leaves me stunned, for a few seconds. It is truly awful. It also seems to be triggered by sudden louse noises or enexpected physical stimuli. I was holding my phone at work, the other day, and it suddenly vibrated, sending a weird brain shiver through my head.

    As far as the insomnia, aside from feeling exhausted during the day, I have felt a severe sense of being wired, most other times. It is now 12:15 AM and I feel like I've drank ten pots of coffee, even though I had none today (It is Sunday). I have been having complete inability to go to sleep before about 3 AM, even though I have to be at work by 8 or 9 AM. I have been sleeping around three to five hours a night, during the week. I have a prescription for Seroquel, which allows me to get to sleep on the weekends, but I can't take it during the week, because it makes it virtually impossible to wake up in the morning, during the week.

    I've literally been at the point of giving up, every single night, but somehow, I manage to pull myself back together, and keep telling myself that it will be worth it if I just keep with it for another few weeks. I'm just wondering if anyone else out there has experience the same things. I know the somnolence is a common one, but the brain zaps, headaches and constant mind funk is killing me. I've just started a new job, and my constant inability to think or function is going to render me jobless.

    BTW, I have just started working with Dr. Levin (in Chicago), thanks to all the information on these boards! I don't want to say anything negative about him, as he seems to be an incredibly knowledgable and compasssionate doctor. He didn't even want to charge me for the initial consultation and prescription fill. I told him he was crazy and please bill me! I know, what person in his right mind would say that? ;-) Anyway, my only thought was... He said he had treated over a hundred people with Baclofen, and he didn't have a single case where it didn't work. So, my thought is, out of a hundred or so patients, am I the only one who is experiencing these awful side effects? Like I said, I am ready to throw in the towel, but am really trying to hold out, because if it really works, it will be worth it (right?). I just don't know how much longer I can deal with the side effects.

    My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

    my experience was exactlly the same musicman, but many many others here say Bac saved their life. I canno take it
    Good Luck to you...
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

      Those side effects sound horrible!! I recommend quitting cold turkey if at all possible. Of course, with your doctor's permission, if you think you need it. I was drinking about 63 oz of AL every day, approximately half of a 1.75 liter bottle, and sometimes more. I realize others drank more and may need meds or rehab...

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

        Hi Musicman, I have never taken Bac but there is a wonderful meds thread here with tons of knowledgeable people. From what I have read DO NOT QUIT COLD TURKEY if you decide it is not for you. You need to tritrate down or you will end up in the ER.

        I would definitely post in the meds thread to get a better understanding from the people who do take it.
        AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

        Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


          My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far



          Whatever you decide, please do NOT quit cold turkey! You need to titrate down slowly to come off of bac. There have been several reports of people having serious problems when stopping/reducing too rapidly. If you decide to come off of it, do it slowly.
          "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


            My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

            Thank you all for your responses. Mama, it's good to know I'm not the only one. I was beginning to wonder if I was just some sort of freak, since it seemed to work for everyone else, with great results. The somnolence, itself, I could have dealt with, but combined with everything else, it just became unbearable. I decided, after barely sleeping last night, and waking up this morning, still feeling wired out of my skull, massive headache and unable to think, that I need to discontinue the med.

            Don't worry, everyone, I am well aware of the risks of stopping suddenly. I know I need to titrate back down, slowly. I wish I could just stop, but I know that is not possible. So, I'll just have to suffer through it, a little while longer.

            I think LibraryGirl was actually recommending quitting alcohol, cold turkey, if I decide to proceed with bac. Presumably, to hit the switch, sooner.

            Mama, just curious, have you found a solution that actually works for you? I have also been using Naltrexone/TSM for several months now, with marginal results, but from everything I've seen, anyone drinking as long as I have (20+ years), didn't really start to see results until about nine or ten months.


              My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

              Let me be clear: I meant QUITTING AL cold turkey. Unfortunately musicman had already started the Baclofen. I see now as I look up (to his last post) that he understood what I meant.


              P.S. I have been drinking since 18 and I am 48 now. I was drinking daily for 10+ years, and at least 3-4 times a week before that. I had not gone more than a week in over 20 years if not more, and probably never 30 days since my first drink.

              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

                Hi, I've never taken bac, but it is brain changing substance, so be careful and :welcome:

                I'm sure you are checking the meds thread, there is great advice there. Just wondered if you're drinking on the bac, or is it helping at all. We have one poster who reached the switch at a very low dosage, but high doses seem to be the norm. However, 9 months of reaching that dosage may jeopardize your job. Good luck.
                Enlightened by MWO


                  My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

                  I used Dr L. No way has he been successful with all his patients. I only use him now to get refills and that's a mess and he charges me quite a bit.
                  I think he must think I am wealthy or some mess.
                  Titration is important.
                  Everyone is very different. I don't know where you are at now but for me I realized 10mg up every 5 days was good. Not 20mg every week. Make sure you have xanax or diazepam for SE's.
                  Yes you will have SE's. They will get better. It takes time. It really does take time and I almost gave up.

                  I got real sick when I went to 260 mgs. I went down to 230 and boom, it just happened. I am at 220 now and doing fine. I can have a drink every blue moon but I don't want a drink. I can go a week zero problems. I don't ever have an urge to have a drink and if I am out and have a drink I can have A drink. Not drink after drink.

                  It's odd, I am just apathetic to drinking now. The SE's are way down for me now and I may go lower on my dose too.

                  Also, you may want to look at breaking your doses into 4x day. It's a pain but it might help. I think it's a little better for me. Take your time with it. I drank heavy for 20 years and it took about 6 months for me. I wanted it quicker but when I look back what is 6 months?
                  It was not fun. Life without hangovers, not worrying about going to a liquor store, and all that other mess is grand.

                  Do not stop taking your meds whatever you do. Make sure you have lots of extras, lots. If you do want to stop, do it slow or your can get sick.

                  There's a whole area for Baclofen on this forum and I would suggest you check it out.

                  Everyone is different with baclofen. It's not for all, but it absolutely does work for a lot of us. Taking pills is not fun but breaking loose of that addiction is just an amazing feeling.

                  Let me know if you need more info.


                    My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

                    Oh btw, I see you are at 150. That was when I was getting all those terrible SE's myself.
                    Are you taking any xanax? You should take it twice a day. Tough it through and may go up 10mg for a week, then 10 later.
                    I realize how hard it is. I had to go to the ER once as Dr L ignores all these SE's are real. I had exactly what you went through at 160 mg. I toughed it out and went up. It got better.
                    I had those zaps like going off an SSRI. I had what seemed like movie screens flipping visually. You might have to go back down a bit for a while then try again.

                    It's a really odd med. I thought I was going to lose it but made it to the "other side". I am fine now.


                      My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

                      Great info here...
                      MM - the best thing for me has just been......NO MEDs....nothing.
                      I tried Topa and Bac. I found success with antabuse, but I got bad headaches and sleepiness.
                      I think I am just sensitive to meds, and honestly, after poisoning my bod for years, I am somewhat anti pill. I am weaning off anti-depressants, but still take sleeping meds.
                      Good luck on your journey!!
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

                        SKendall, I have actually never checked the meds thread. I didn't even realize there was one. Most of the posts I've read here, I stumbled across via Google searches. You'd be surprised (or maybe not) how many searches for Baclofen, in general, result in links to this site. I actually thought this site was mainly a Bac-centric resource. Shows how much I pay attention. ;-)

                        Anyway, to answer your question, yes, I am still drinking, but I have noticed a significant reduction, thus far. I went from drinking a 1.75 every three days to about every five days. However, like I said, I have also been using Naltrexone/TSM for a while, too, so it's hard to say how much is attributed to each med.

                        BTW, when I mentioned nine or ten months, I was referring to the length of time for potential effectiveness of Naltrexone, not Baclofen. The key factor to bear in mind is that Naltrexone is, effectively, a cure, in that it reverses the brain's years of training, and once reversed, no further medication is required. This differs from Baclofen, where it is essentially a "band-aid", and requires the continuous maintenance, for the rest of a person's life. DISCLAIMER: Before anyone lashes out defensively in rebuttal, I am NOT supporting or denouncing either. I am simply stating the scientific facts. Whatever does the job, it's all good by me.

                        COSGringo, I am actually at 170 mg/day at the moment, but 150 seems to be where the SE's start to get really bad, and I can't get much past that. I backed off today to 140, and I'll see how that does over the next few days. I absolutely couldn't keep going at the dose I was at, or keep going up, right now. Unless I wanted to lose my job. ;-) I have a feeling I'll have to back off a bit more, until the SE's abate. I was totally ready to bail completely, this morning, but after reading yours and others responses, I am willing to give it another try, with a different approach. THANK YOU!

                        I actually split my doses into seven, today, taking 20mg every two hours. That actually seemed to help quite a bit, although, it's now 2:00 AM and I'm still feeling pretty awake. However, I didn't feel quite as crappy throughout the day.

                        Regarding Xanax, I do take Ativan (lorazepam), but I don't take it at night, as I am still drinking, and that would be a disastrous combination. I haven't taken it during the day, either, in over a week, as it makes me way too drowsy, in conjunction with the Baclofen, and I haven't needed it, since the Bac has essentially eliminated my anxiety. What about benzo's do you think helps the Bac SE's? And which particular SE's?

                        What did you end up going to the ER for? And what does he charge you for refills? He sent me a bill for $130, for the initial consult/fill, which I thought was reasonable.



                          My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

                          Hey musicman-
                          Go ahead and back down then take it slow. I went to the ER as it look like I was have like mini seizures and I think maybe it was a severe panic attack. I was "losing my lunch", the whole deal and Dr L said that's no way from the bac.
                          Well guess what, ER said it was.

                          He hits me up at $130 for the refills but my refills are rarely right and I have to beg them to call him because they don't like dealing with him. Then I end up getting another bill. No biggie plus I can them elsewhere which I might do at some point. I have a big stash from a reputable pharmacy just in case.

                          If you could reach for that xanax instead of a drink at night or at least cut back you will be doing better. If he gave you .25 that is nothing believe me. I don't want to encourage you but you could have a couple drinks and take one of those. I've had to take more than one at that dose level to get through my issues.

                          The thing about the bac is that it's a big time gaba b agonist and it overrides those benzos pretty much. You won't get addicted. I can easily not take them but when I need them I take them. I don't need them much anymore except for sleep.

                          Breaking them up into lots of doses may be your key. You might have been getting too much at a time. Give it a try, take it slow. You have time. Try to moderate a bit. I know Doc will say it will just happen but it will help you to try and limit it.
                          When you drink on baclofen it is worse. Much worse. Those side effects are worse. I felt like reaching for a drink at the end of the day too because I felt crappy. Grab a xanax instead and give it an hour.

                          I don't find ativan to work for me. Xanax kicks in quicker. Diazepam is better for sleep. Did he mention that if you wake up in the middle of the night to take one to fall back to sleep? It can work. It's a tool.
                          Don't think you are going to get wrapped up in them. I know I didn't.
                          PM me if you have some specific questions. There are others that have made the journey.

                          Also, get on that other page in the forum. There's a lot of folks that have been on bac a lot longer than me.


                            My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

                            MB - Really, antabuse? I didn't realize anybody still even used that or had any success with it. I've never used, but the general consensus I've heard is that it has been a general flop, because people will just not take it if they plan on drinking. I realize that defeats the purpose, but it's amazing what our brains will convince us to do, when they want what they want. Don't get me wrong, if it has worked for you, GOD BLESS! I'm just wondering how you deal with the cravings, with no other medications. Do you have another support system? AA or other therapy?


                              My AWFUL Experience with Baclofen, So Far

                              the memory of my last horrid weekend and ther watchful eye of my hubs are all I have now...
                              AB helped a t first, but you are right...if you don't take it then what's the point
                              so many here have quit without meds and I just want to train my brain and be unmedicated, if that makes sense....
                              I am dashing out the door to work, so I will elaborate later
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem

