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Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

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    Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

    I was curious what everyone's thought on NA wine or beer were. I have heard from people in the past that drinking this time is "setting yourself up for failure" but to be honest I once went almost 3 weeks and I would have some NA wine every night - but never chugged it or anything and stopped at a couple (not that it matters because it does nothing).
    I have also heard how some people are sober for 4 years and they have NA beer.

    Was wondering what your thoughts on this were?

    Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

    Well if you drink NA wine you wish you just had juice. It's terrible.
    NA beer isn't so bad but it's not like the real thing. I don't think you are setting yourself up but if that was going to push you over then it would be something else, too.


      Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

      I agree. I don't think the NA stuff is setting yourself up for failure but that is only my opinion. I do enjoy the NA fruit wine coolers.

      I know people say that you're only playing head games with yourself but is that so bad sometimes if it means avoiding the hard stuff?


        Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer


        Personally, for me, NA wine is downright awful!! I prefer the sparkling juices at holiday over that.

        I never liked beer, so NA beer would be just silly.

        My thoughts, though, are that if NA wine or beer is a help for you, it is a good thing. If they are a trigger, they are a bad thing.

        It is likely different for everyone.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

          Agreed, if it's a trigger that's a problem. If you enjoy it, why not. Life's short.
          I am lucky, I went the baclofen route so I can indulge in a great glass of wine now and then without starting on that downward spiral.
          I tried the NA stuff when I was doing counseling and I was kidding myself the whole way.


            Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

            I love my N/A beer and I am a wine drinker. The N/A wine really is grosssss but a combination of red juice (cranberry, grape, pomegranate, etc.) plus soda water is really nice.

            I found the best N/A beer and now have one or two on hot summer afternoons at the lake. I even put my glass in the freezer and it is delicious.

            Here in Canada we have a grocery chain called Loblaws and they have a brand name President's Choice; also known as PC. The PC Blonde dealcolized beer is the stuff I mention above.

            It really helped me keep it to a bare minimum this weekend.

            Tips xox

            I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

            "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
            ? Lao-Tzu


              Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

              Yea, I am not into the NA wine - but I do like the NA wine coolers. They come in berry and peach flavours which I enjoy a lot and are fizzy.

              I am having a hard time staying away from the booze and for whatever reason when I think that I can have my NA wine coolers I feel fine.

              Another question though - do you actually count it as "sober" time if you have this NA stuff? Because a lot of them have .05% - then again I have heard that even orange juice has traces of alcohol in it as well.


                Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

                You would have to drink at least 24 of those to get any kind of buzz. A weak one at that and you'd have to chug. If you are that dedicated I say lock yourself in a room, get a bottle of booze, and be done with it.


                  Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

                  Oh, I definitely agree with you there Cos. I was just curious because my boyfriend doesn't think I should drink any...because he thinks it is "cheating". But you get no buzz from it whatsoever and I don't even want to chug 24 of em...or even 1 of them.


                    Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

                    Nah, I don't see it as cheating but I do know some that do. My old counselor was over the top like that.
                    I am not a practicing chef anymore but the heck if I am not going to cook with wine. That was when I parted ways with her.
                    Again, as mentioned, if it's a trigger then it's a problem. If not, I don't think people should take life that seriously.


                      Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

                      24 wouldn't do it. In fact, at .05% the Unit of Alcohol calculator won't figure it. If you use .5% (.05x10) then 24 NA beers would be 2.4 units, so a tenth of that would only be .24 units.

                      The real problem, according to an addiction doctor I went to many years ago, is that our brains don't respond to the actual alcohol at first, but rather the anticipation of known reward. We hear the sound of the can being opened, we smell the hops and malt, we taste what tastes a lot like beer, and the endorhin rush begins. That's why we get that rush of relief as soon as we take that first swallow. The alcohol hasn't had a chance to do anything, but our brain knows it's coming. When the brain doesn't get the expected follow-up effect, it gets pissed and wants the real thing, and craving kicks in.

                      Or something like that. It was a long time ago.

                      I had several years of sobriety once, and at different times I drank NA beer, and never noticed increased cravings for the real thing. But I lost my sobriety bcause of a beer. I wanted a real beer with pizza or something and thought "I've drank a lot of NA beer with no problems. One beer with a meal won't hurt." Yeah, right. I was okay for a while, but I had crossed that line in the sand and ended up worse than before.

                      Did the NA beer cause cravings for the real thing? Did they give me a false sense of security? I really don't know.

                      If you go that route, always be alert for any signs of "stinkin' thinkin'."
                      "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


                        Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

                        I have drank about a case of NA beer about 8 years ago at a tailgate party when I was trying to moderate/quit. No buzz, crappy taste, no benefit.

                        I have heard the saying that Non-alcoholic drinks are for non-alcoholics....and I don't drink them because they don't taste good to me. Drink what you like as long is it aint alcohol and you will be fine.


                          Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

                          NA beer/ wine isn't for everyone. Some can have them and some can't. I myself don't like the AF wine but I do like some NA beer and I am one of those that can drink NA beer and be fine. I say if you want to try it out then go for it once you get strong with your quit. If you drink it and it makes you crave the real stuff, then dump it. But for me it helps. Just becareful. There is traces of AL in it. As long as you don't chug them down (1 na beer for me can last around an hour) and have a ton of them, you should be fine.

                          And I don't consider it cheating since it has so little AL in it.
                          I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                          Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                          Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                            Thoughts on NA Wine/Beer

                            Thanks guys. This is what I think. I have had 1.5 so far tonight and it's been 4 hours...I am not craving the real thing at all. The bf doesn't like the fact that I drink it - but it is keeping me away from his beers in the fridge and it's not bothering me at all.

                            I will keep you all posted and I will definitely be aware of the "stinkin thinkin" as well.

